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TWU and IAM representation alliance vote

Will you vote in a TWU and IAM representation alliance? (A/C maint. only)

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NYer said:
Then the Association is immaterial to those that prefer AMFA. After the Association is approved by the NMB which is BS there will be a 30 day window to allow anyone else to show interest....there is AMFA's window. It's been 10 years, there should be enough cards by now...Right?
So AMFA has to submit cards to show interest? But the IAM gets on the ballot how?
NYer said:
Again......Spell out the alternative from beginning to end. What is the advatange of having a full vote as opposed to the current path.
Again....the alternative is 'one group one union' with all choices put on the ballot the same way AMFA is required to!
The advantage to a full vote? Here's a concept....Let the members decide!!
Rogallo said:
So AMFA has to submit cards to show interest? But the IAM gets on the ballot how?
--The IAM isn't on the "ballot," it is the Association, you will continue to be represented by the TWU on a day to day basis.
Again....the alternative is 'one group one union' with all choices put on the ballot the same way AMFA is required to!
The advantage to a full vote? Here's a concept....Let the members decide!!
--So your solution is to have a vote because that is how AMFA does it. I don't know if the irony has reached you yet, but you are asking us to follow a set of rules from a union that has not been chosen by the Membership either.
--You can get what you want, which is to have AMFA submit enough cards in order to get themselves on the ballot. There is your solution. It also doesn't escape me that you haven't answered the question oringally posed. What happens if there is a vote, as you'd like. What are the consequences for each possible outcome, whether the TWU wins or whether the IAM wins...as opposed to the Association......Or can we just assume that you don't really care about the consequences as long as you can continue to try and persuade folks about AMFA (a failure for the last decade)
WeAAsles said:
The funds were cut because of the 2006 Pension law change that forced it to make those cuts because the market had tanked for everyone from 01 to 05. Maybe it would have made its way back to being fully funded as the market improved, maybe not? The law is what made that chance something that was not going to allowed.
You can make things up, but that doesn't mean they're factual. The bolded portion is false. The "market" did not "tank for everyone from 01 to 05." Perhaps the IAM pension fund values tanked, but that would point toward mismanagement, not general equity market decline.
NYer said:
The Leadership decided on the Association in 2013. There isn't a change to your day to day representation. The Association is strictly for collective barganing and issues that affect the entire membership on a national level.
That's just it though- the day to day won't be the same. If you are in one of the cities that gets 'transferred' to the other union. The US members in NYC and ORD go to the TWU, AA in PHL and (I think) BOS go to the IAM.
As far as the benefit of having a vote among the members? The benefit (and I thought it was obvious), is that the members' voices are heard and the union(s) do what the members want- not what their leadership wants (to protect their 'business').
NYer said:
--The IAM isn't on the "ballot," it is the Association, you will continue to be represented by the TWU on a day to day basis.
So if I vote for the association, or it is forced upon us, and move to PHX who will represent me?
The IAM? who "isn't on the ballot"!
Rogallo said:
So if I vote for the association, or it is forced upon us, and move to PHX who will represent me?
The IAM? who "isn't on the ballot"!
That's right. The same way you voted for the TWU when you first started with AA.

You keep saying you want a vote, but you don't talk about the consequences so that must mean you either don't know them or you're OK risking being under the IAM CBA.
blue collar said:
That's just it though- the day to day won't be the same. If you are in one of the cities that gets 'transferred' to the other union. The US members in NYC and ORD go to the TWU, AA in PHL and (I think) BOS go to the IAM.
As far as the benefit of having a vote among the members? The benefit (and I thought it was obvious), is that the members' voices are heard and the union(s) do what the members want- not what their leadership wants (to protect their 'business').
And that happens only after we get a JCBA so we're all under the same umbrella.
FWAAA said:
You can make things up, but that doesn't mean they're factual. The bolded portion is false. The "market" did not "tank for everyone from 01 to 05." Perhaps the IAM pension fund values tanked, but that would point toward mismanagement, not general equity market decline.
What I am saying is that the IAMNPF was nowhere near the only investments that took a hit during those times. There are funds who did better and others who did far worse. We could point the finger at the real villains but most of them already got away scott free. Tell me how many people you know who took it in the shorts on there 401's and how many didn't? That's one lopsided see saw.

And don't misconstrue that I'm trying to sell the fund but at least let's be a little more honest about it.
blue collar said:
That's just it though- the day to day won't be the same. If you are in one of the cities that gets 'transferred' to the other union. The US members in NYC and ORD go to the TWU, AA in PHL and (I think) BOS go to the IAM.
As far as the benefit of having a vote among the members? The benefit (and I thought it was obvious), is that the members' voices are heard and the union(s) do what the members want- not what their leadership wants (to protect their 'business').
Unfortunately BOS will be an IAM station.

Unlike you NYer I don't like it when "leadership" makes such drastic decisions that effect my life. Just like the profit sharing. You may be perfectly fine with the "leadership" but I have no faith in them and don't want them making these choices for me. Since I'm forced to be in this union I don't like the least I should get is a voice in matters of such magnitude is that really to much to ask. We still live in America correct not communist China.
iluvaa said:
Unlike you NYer I don't like it when "leadership" makes such drastic decisions that effect my life. Just like the profit sharing. You may be perfectly fine with the "leadership" but I have no faith in them and don't want them making these choices for me. Since I'm forced to be in this union I don't like the least I should get is a voice in matters of such magnitude is that really to much to ask. We still live in America correct not communist China.
Safe to say that no matter what is done by the TWU or IAM, you'd be against it. Too bad not enough share your sentiment and you can't get the union which has 2000 Members (which is less than 10% of what they had at their peak, correct), to change the fortunes of the disgruntled.
NYer said:
That's right. The same way you voted for the TWU when you first started with AA.

You keep saying you want a vote, but you don't talk about the consequences so that must mean you either don't know them or you're OK risking being under the IAM CBA.
I've never voted for the TWU as my representative union and never will.
Hopefully I'll have a chance to use the 'other' box on the ballot!
You really think the members shouldn't have a vote in their union representation, don't you?
I know the consequences of being in a union like the TWU. I do not know the consequences of being under an IAM CBA.
Please elaborate on the consequences of an IAM CBA.
NYer said:
And that happens only after we get a JCBA so we're all under the same umbrella.
And as far as the benefit of a vote and having the members' voices heard? No comment about that?
Your right that's safe to say. So why wouldn't we be aloud to vote on important issues. That's not an AMFA issue that's an issue I have in the current situation.
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