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TWU and IAM representation alliance vote

Will you vote in a TWU and IAM representation alliance? (A/C maint. only)

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I doubt AMFA will ever get in. So what does that have to do with this communist dictatorship that thinks they know what best for people. I understand you can't have a vote on day to day things but on issues that affect my life of this magnitude, how could you possibly defend not voting. really all I can do is shake my head in shame that this is what we've become mind less sheep following the master
Rogallo said:
I've never voted for the TWU as my representative union and never will.
Hopefully I'll have a chance to use the 'other' box on the ballot!
You really think the members shouldn't have a vote in their union representation, don't you?
I know the consequences of being in a union like the TWU. I do not know the consequences of being under an IAM CBA.
Please elaborate on the consequences of an IAM CBA.
Well. That's surprising that you advocate for a vote yet you don't totally comprehend the consequences of such a vote, yet you're trying to convince others to do the same. That's very telling.
blue collar said:
And as far as the benefit of a vote and having the members' voices heard? No comment about that?
I don't believe there is a benefit, but I can see negative consequences of a vote going to the IAM side. As a TWU Member I'd rather stay with what I know and keep the current processes, like OT or keeping the 401K rather than be forced into their Pension plan. There are consequences and no one is talking about them.

A vote has no upside and a tremendous amount of risk. I'd rather not go through it just for the sake of it. Especially with a membership that has a poor history of voter turnout.
NYer said:
Well. That's surprising that you advocate for a vote yet you don't totally comprehend the consequences of such a vote, yet you're trying to convince others to do the same. That's very telling.
Ok, I'm ignorant.
Again.....Please elaborate on the consequences you speak about. I'm listening.
We're learning a lot about you too!!
iluvaa said:
I doubt AMFA will ever get in. So what does that have to do with this communist dictatorship that thinks they know what best for people. I understand you can't have a vote on day to day things but on issues that affect my life of this magnitude, how could you possibly defend not voting. really all I can do is shake my head in shame that this is what we've become mind less sheep following the master
In what magnitude does it effect you?
never mind you just posted your scared of a vote. So I'm done taking to you. This is why we are where we're at fear from people like you. There will be constant problems cause you can't have a legitimate organization run things without the people having a voice in it there's no hope for you
NYer said:
I don't believe there is a benefit, but I can see negative consequences of a vote going to the IAM side. As a TWU Member I'd rather stay with what I know and keep the current processes, like OT or keeping the 401K rather than be forced into their Pension plan. There are consequences and no one is talking about them.

A vote has no upside and a tremendous amount of risk. I'd rather not go through it just for the sake of it. Especially with a membership that has a poor history of voter turnout.
So you try to make it sound bad that those who support AMFA are only in it for themselves, and now you admit you don't want the vote for selfish reasons - so you don't have to change your OT procedures and keep your 401k. Got it.
NYer said:
Then the Association is immaterial to those that prefer AMFA. After the Association is approved by the NMB there will be a 30 day window to allow anyone else to show interest....there is AMFA's window. It's been 10 years, there should be enough cards by now...Right?
Slow your roll there Karl Marx.  If you've been with AA long enough, you would know that the last time the NMB counted authorization cards from an AMFA drive at AA, it fell short by 46 cards.  Then when you figure in the kniving, deceitful lengths the TWU, along with AA management went to - to water down the "and related" portion of M&R - with ineligible voters.  That was really telling.  I mean, what does it say when management is afraid of the AMTs getting the AMFA?  Why would management want to help the TWU?  The TWU leadership, has kept AAs AMTs dead last in every catagory of pay and benefits for far too long. 
Rogallo said:
I've never voted for the TWU as my representative union and never will.
Hopefully I'll have a chance to use the 'other' box on the ballot!
You really think the members shouldn't have a vote in their union representation, don't you?
I know the consequences of being in a union like the TWU. I do not know the consequences of being under an IAM CBA.
Please elaborate on the consequences of an IAM CBA.
The union representation will not change for the majority.
Without even mentioning issues like being forced into the IAMPF, there are smaller issues that add up and we would be in jeopardy of being swallowed by the IAM and their CBA. For instance: OT rules, bid rules, transfers ect.
So, if there is a vote and the IAM wins that vote what do you believe happens with your CBA and your current local rules that govern the Company from abusing their position. Do you believe that we vote for a new union and everything stays the same. Do you believe we get to keep the things we're used to? Is that your position? You're supposed to be smarter than that, although I also understand it doesn't play well with the current agenda of the AMFA movement.
iluvaa said:
never mind you just posted your scared of a vote. So I'm done taking to you. This is why we are where we're at fear from people like you. There will be constant problems cause you can't have a legitimate organization run things without the people having a voice in it there's no hope for you
You can't have a conversation and defend your position. You argue about letting Members have a voice, an opinion, but as soon as it isn't the same as yours that call for openess is taken away. The same person that says they relish opinion and a voice wants to take away that very same thing from another. Et tu, luv.
Vortilon said:
Slow your roll there Karl Marx.  If you've been with AA long enough, you would know that the last time the NMB counted authorization cards from an AMFA drive at AA, it fell short by 46 cards.  Then when you figure in the kniving, deceitful lengths the TWU, along with AA management went to - to water down the "and related" portion of M&R - with ineligible voters.  That was really telling.  I mean, what does it say when management is afraid of the AMTs getting the AMFA?  Why would management want to help the TWU?  The TWU leadership, has kept AAs AMTs dead last in every catagory of pay and benefits for far too long. 
If AMFA is the solution how could they be continually outplayed by the incompetent TWU and overburdened Company? Something has to give, they can't be the answer to everyone's problem if they can't even break into a basic union function, which is organizing...especially with a 10 year treasure chest of knowledge. C'mon now.
blue collar said:
So you try to make it sound bad that those who support AMFA are only in it for themselves, and now you admit you don't want the vote for selfish reasons - so you don't have to change your OT procedures and keep your 401k. Got it.
Some of those that support AMFA put out information in a manner that doesn't paint a true picture of what could come if there was a vote and if that vote is lost. To make an argument that we should all get a vote for the sake of a vote is an argument anyone can make, if they wish. But if they want to be honest about the situation they would tell all side of the possible outcomes of that vote.
The same holds true for me, I give a perspective for a vote and what could happen if it was lost. The difference is that some may want to take that chance for the sake of a vote but at least the do so knowing all the sides of the issues. Not sure the conveninent side of those that aspire to something else completely, like AMFA.
A vote is has a lot of risk but little reward. On the other hand, either way the topic goes the solution for the AMFA supporters would be to get enough cards to make all these debates moot. Apparently that is not too happen which means AMFA is still the minority. It becomes an even bigger minority with the inclusion of the IAM Members, which by the way is probably the main reason to try and scuttle a vote....right?
There's fear and misinformation spread on both sides. Doesn't make it right, but please don't patronize us and make it seem that your 'side' (pro alliance) doesn't do the same.
blue collar said:
There's fear and misinformation spread on both sides. Doesn't make it right, but please don't patronize us and make it seem that your 'side' (pro alliance) doesn't do the same.
I'm not a spokesman for a "side," so if there is misinformation by my posts please point them out and we'll discuss.
NYer said:
You can't have a conversation and defend your position. You argue about letting Members have a voice, an opinion, but as soon as it isn't the same as yours that call for openess is taken away. The same person that says they relish opinion and a voice wants to take away that very same thing from another. Et tu, luv.
were do you come up with this nonsense when have I said one negative thing about someone that wants the alliance I stated there needs to be a vote and then we will live with the outcome. YOUR the one that has said you don't want a vote because you Fear the outcome
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