If info is available to me then for the most part its available to you. I don't pretend to be all knowing and would rather have thousands of people decipher the info so that nothing gets missed.AMFAinMIAMI said:Bob Owens
With all the Information available to you at the Local level, wouldn't it be a good idea for You since You post here to put information that the local has about what is/isn't about the Association. What your opinion is Pro/Con of how things will be if this Association gets put in place either by a VOTE or just put here.
You have access to much more than any of us and if you work for the membership as you say you do, then putting out anything that will help them decide which way to Vote
is important don't you think?
The local puts out stuff on the Local's site but how many really go there.
This assoc. is going to effect your career as well, as your union position don't you think?
You travel around the system to meetings, you hear what is being asked of the Local leaders and what concerns are in the forefront of the members on the floor.
putting out information of what is being asked and how this Vote for/against this assoc. will effect each local and its members.
this association is going to set in motion things that will effect our class and craft.
What those will be is a starting point for you.
I cant say what the NMB will determine any more than you can. Until they determine whats going to happen we cant say what we feel the membership should do and why, but I think I've been pretty clear as to why I do not support the idea of splitting up our work-group between two unions. I do not support the Association, I want us to be under one union. Prior to the IAM rolling over and granting a company that just showed a $1.5 billion profit for just one quarter an extension of Bankruptcy won concessions with ZERO profit sharing I was willing to leave it up to the leaders of the TWU and IAM which Union we went with to avoid a representation battle, now I want no part of the IAM either. So for me those two options, Association or IAM, are unacceptable.
The local website is pretty busy, as was our website at 562. More of our members go there than here.
Of course the association will affect my career, and IMO it will not be good.
Under the plan they put forward the TWU's structure as far as Locals would not be impacted by the Alliance, stations would be swapped but headcount would remain the same, so my "union position" as an officer of 591 would not be directly immediately impacted, however if it goes through I will have to seriously reconsider if I still want to do this anymore. 591 as a Local, and its members would surrender all authority over contracts and grievances to the Association. Mass brings leverage, 591 brought us mass that we were never able to coalesce into as individual Line Locals. As a result we were given custody over the grievance process for Line issues, and have much better success than we did when they appointed people to the board who were hostile to the Locals bringing the grievances forward. Instead of looking into further consolidation, and increased Mass under an elected structure this Alliance does the opposite. It splits us up even more than we are now. The alliance leaves us without clear, elected, accountable leaders and now more than ever before that's a situation that is utterly unacceptable. It basically says that you can elect people but they can not represent you as a group, or even as a local, that the un-elected, appointed unaccountable Association will tell you and the world what you think and want.
What the International did to the dispatchers and Sim tech they would never attempt to do to local 100, even though all are under the same Constitution. All three of those groups have clear, elected, accountable leaders. That's important for a Local Union to function effectively and all of those groups have done fairly well in the TWU. There is no confusion over who speaks for Dispatch, or the Mass transit workers of NYC, but who speaks for the mechanics at AA? Gary Peterson, Larry Pike or Dale Danker (plus the four? Title III presidents that still have T-II)? Answer-none of the above, instead its whomever the International appoints, and right now all of the input into that comes from Fleet. The rationale is that the members elect people who go to the Convention that elect the people at the International. Well the Association makes this sketchy interpretation of democracy even worse, for the first two years the Association is run by the IAM, and we don't even elect people who elect the people who appointed them!!! On top of that the Associations rebuttal to the NMB clearly states that your elected representatives at the Local level does not even speak for the members that elected him!!!!
When the members of of Dispatch and Sim tech were told that the leaders they elected had no voice and that the International ran the whole show, they left. It was a bad move on the part of the international, they mis-judged the membership of those locals, maybe they didn't care because they got the FAs at Virgin a few weeks later, but the comments from the Virgin organizer as to why they chose the TWU ran in direct conflict with what had just occurred at AA. The Virgin Flight attendants, much like SWA, and Local 100 will not be split up between multiple voiceless locals like we are at AA, and, even worse, under the Alliance, split up between multiple Unions, with no clear elected leader. If the International did what they did to Dispatch and Sim tech to local 100, Local 100 would likely do the same, or, because they have the Mass, remove those International officials ASAP. That's why we need mass. Mass brings leverage. Local 100 goes about their business unencumbered by the International, they even went on strike despite the International refusing to authorize it! Local 555 and 556 also go about their business with minimal interference from the International, as does pretty much every Local outside of the AA system. Right now the only work group that has a voice in the International is Fleet. Three groups left, and M&R and stores are excluded from the decision making process
The Associations structure makes our locals that much weaker and we already see what the Associations position is as far as Locals, and their elected representatives. The Association (which is under the direction of the IAM for the first two years) claims that Local leaders do not represent the membership, they have no voice but their own and that the appointed Allaince speaks for the members, they tell us what we want, not the other way around.
I dont believe that any of us finds this acceptable, but the Association (along with Gary Yingst) will try and get us to accept this lousy deal using the same methods they have used to get us to accept lousy contracts, misinformation, omission and fear.