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TWU and IAM representation alliance vote

Will you vote in a TWU and IAM representation alliance? (A/C maint. only)

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700UW said:
Explain the CWA/IBT Association.
I think the glaring difference here is that the membership voted on the CWA/ibt Association prior to it going to the NMB - The IAM/TWU Alliance has not been put before the membership.
700UW said:
Explain the CWA/IBT Association.
I believe we explained it. The two unions had an internal vote and presented the results to the NMB. The NMB accepted the positive results in favor of the Association. That is public record. We on the other hand did not have an internal vote to date. But you knew that already. 
ThirdSeatHero said:
I think the glaring difference here is that the membership voted on the CWA/ibt Association prior to it going to the NMB - The IAM/TWU Alliance has not been put before the membership.
You are correct sir. The TWU and IAM do not want to chance a internal vote for obvious reasons. They also do not want to chance losing certification.
This guy said it all on another  thread.
IAM Member Here, on 25 Aug 2014 - 12:27 AM, said:
IAM Member Here said:
I think this is one reason why workers should stay away from the IAM since it is of ill repute that the IAM effs over working people by effing their pension if they vote in another union.  The problem is that the IAM is so self centered and all about itself instead of those who it represents.  I think AMFA ought to copy all of your post about this and if it doesn't scare the hell out of all TWU members then something is wrong.  The Association has already said it will focus on the IAMPF.  Personally, as a member of the IAMPF I know it blows balls.  It's a scandal of the member, the trustees slash future rates, and the only reason why it is green is because the IAM trustees were the first union pension people who whacked future contributions, twice, to keep it green.  God only knows how many times in the future it will whack it, and I pray that all TWU members are spared from this terrible Nazi like pension fund that threatens workers, just like you did, by saying "F*ck" all of you if you don't keep the IAM.  What union worth its salt would tell workers and write letters to workers telling them they are going to Eff over the pension of the workers if they vote to get out of the IAM????    The reality is that what you have said is actually true as I see the IAM effing over the mechanics if they vote for amfa but I also see litigation from attorneys to recover any damages that the IAM may cause upon the working people.  Shame on you 700 and shame on the IAM for trying to take the retirement hostage.   That's the problem with these shitty unions today.  It's all about them and not the worker. If AMFA gets voted in then it is because of you and the shitty job that the TWU and IAM have done.
Sure would like to see the interest from the membership if there was a vote between the IAM, TWU, or the alliance. I doubt any of them could get 50% interest. Probably be a famous "if you don't vote it's a yes vote for whatever TWU wants"

Local 591 goes against TWU ATD IAM alliance wishes, about incumbent union status with NMB.

How long before local 591 gets devolved because the local "can't support itself financially?"
I recommend we also turn in copies of the appeal to the NMB with modifications for fear that the local may be forced to pull out its appeal. With this threat of the TWU been the only union representing M&R in the new AA, the USAir guy's will look more favorably on AMFA.
Interesting that it seems like Lombardo decided to get in bed with people who never really supported him or his plans for the Int'l. Between 567 and now 591 they have always been AMFA supporters over the years. One side of me says let the cards fall where they may but the other side of me says many of the local officers are playing with fire and quite possibly will end up burning the members they claim they represent. What will the NMB do? The membership? Will the Association come to be? Or will we end up with no union ultimately?
You say that as if we have a Union. All I see is a no backbone organization that collects our dues uses our equity to pay lawyers to fight for our shares and puts up a weak fight for our retiree medical monies we are due. And don't get me started on everything else they have given away in my 29 years at AA.
Steve Goeyvaerts
SFO Aircraft Maintenance
Overspeed said:
Interesting that it seems like Lombardo decided to get in bed with people who never really supported him or his plans for the Int'l. Between 567 and now 591 they have always been AMFA supporters over the years. One side of me says let the cards fall where they may but the other side of me says many of the local officers are playing with fire and quite possibly will end up burning the members they claim they represent. What will the NMB do? The membership? Will the Association come to be? Or will we end up with no union ultimately?
The self seeking political rangling in the TWU isn't new.
Maybe you just got far away from the kool-aid that the light bulb is coming on because you now fear for your own selfish arse. Which is the only reason you advocated harming other members to save yourself in the past.
Whats the difference if it is him doing it or you? It's all the same symptom.
I feel pretty confident with the current CBA scope that I will continue to be employed. The fact remains that for all the negative talk about TUL being closed and huge amounts of jobs to be lost it hasn't happened and doubt it ever will. On the job front I feel confident unless we do end up with no union as a result of stupid political infighting.
You know full well that going in to BK we were getting screwed. How did I save myself by voting yes? We all know work was getting outsourced, pension was done, and retiree medical was going to get hacked. The 1113c CBA was to mitigate, not stop job and benefit losses. I'm still fine with my vote and the yes one I cast back in 2010.
The Association is the best option out of all others that have been proposed.
[quote name="Overspeed" post="1Will the Association come to be? Or will we end up with no union ultimately?[/quote]
The only way we end up with no union is if the majority of votes cast are for no union. That means that more people would have to select no union than Association, TWU, IAM, or other write in votes combined.
Overspeed said:
I feel pretty confident with the current CBA scope that I will continue to be employed. The fact remains that for all the negative talk about TUL being closed and huge amounts of jobs to be lost it hasn't happened and doubt it ever will. On the job front I feel confident unless we do end up with no union as a result of stupid political infighting.
You know full well that going in to BK we were getting screwed. How did I save myself by voting yes? We all know work was getting outsourced, pension was done, and retiree medical was going to get hacked. The 1113c CBA was to mitigate, not stop job and benefit losses. I'm still fine with my vote and the yes one I cast back in 2010.
The Association is the best option out of all others that have been proposed.
Yep and you are so confident of yourself that you still hide behind an alias when you state how confident you are about the choices you made.

Yes to union, one union,No to the Association.
Bob that's true but if I understand correctly the 591 E Board is paying Seham's firm to either block or at least have a vote now. In another email I received the newsletter clearly states that no one from 591 is advocating for anything but telling people to write in any union. No union would only have to have more votes from whichever choice was the number two highest voted choice, not all those combined.
I guess my only hope is from the union that is taking a clear position on the Association, AMFA, and the IBT...the IAM. Their members at US clearly do not want anything to do with AMFA or the IBT and their leadership seems to do a better job of communicating the possible consequences of how each member votes. The Int'l has yet to show where it stands on this issue because most of the communication we get is from 591 which is saying it's bad. Is Lombardo for this or not? By not saying anything it seems more and more like he doesn't want it either.
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