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TWU and IAM representation alliance vote

Will you vote in a TWU and IAM representation alliance? (A/C maint. only)

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It has to be three separate votes as each group has its own certification from the NMB.
TWU informer said:
What part of the NMB will approve the alliance without a vote does everyone not understand?
Again, can you please tell us how can you be co CERTAIN this will happen?
MetalMover said:
Again, can you please tell us how can you be co CERTAIN this will happen?
He is not certain. None of us are. The filing was placed in the hands of the NMB to make a decision on what needs to be done to certify the Association as the bargaining agent. An association formed within the context of a merger seems to be a new and unique situation and because of that there is no former ruling that can be even drawn on to absolutely guess what the outcome might be when the NMB renders it's decision.
If the association is a new representational body then interest must be shown or presented. If the association presents results in favor of the association through an internal vote that has a good chance of convincing the nmb to certify without a member vote. On the other hand a interest through a internal vote might also trigger an election. For any union to petition the nmb for representational rights they must show interest from the members they want to represent. Under the nmb rules cards must be signed and filed. Although this is a airline merger the rules should apply the same. Merger or not a new representation is applying for certification. If you look at it in a different way the association is requesting for decertification of the twu and IAM in its current form which represents two airlines pre merger. The association will represent all members post merger overseeing both unions under one agreement. Sounds confusing? Not really if you sift through the non relevant factures.
1AA said:
If the association is a new representational body then interest must be shown or presented. If the association presents results in favor of the association through an internal vote that has a good chance of convincing the nmb to certify without a member vote. On the other hand a interest through a internal vote might also trigger an election. For any union to petition the nmb for representational rights they must show interest from the members they want to represent. Under the nmb rules cards must be signed and filed. Although this is a airline merger the rules should apply the same. Merger or not a new representation is applying for certification. If you look at it in a different way the association is requesting for decertification of the twu and IAM in its current form which represents two airlines pre merger. The association will represent all members post merger overseeing both unions under one agreement. Sounds confusing? Not really if you sift through the non relevant factures.
But you also have to take into account that the association already holds 100% of the members through the two unions. The association is only joined for negotiating purposes and not set up as an entirely new structure. They won't even have an address and outside of the negotiations are only scheduled to meet 4 times per year to discuss issues pertaining to representation. This would be where I would guess that they have filed with the NMB possibly requesting that a vote does not need to take place? Maybe?
The association has a constitution and paid officers to run it. Sounds like a full time representational organization to me. Our dues will pay for those salaries and administrative costs. Sounds like a new representational organization to me. Maybe They want to hide under a shell type corporation but fact is they have the same basic structure of any other union out there. A constitution, paying members, paid officers who oversee the business at hand on a daily basis. You can not hide these basic facts. That is a union. Now comes the wait and see part from the nmb.
No it doesn have a constitution, reps will be from the IAM and TWU will be both running it and the IAM is in charge for the first two years.
Havent you read the alliance agreement?
There is a constitution because I read it when it was presented to us. The alliance has to function with rules and guidelines to exist.
700UW said:
No it doesn have a constitution, reps will be from the IAM and TWU will be both running it and the IAM is in charge for the first two years.
Havent you read the alliance agreement?
So if we end up in the Association we get the Union that "won" bankruptcy wage scales, wages approximately $10k a year below industry average, from a company that earned over $1.5 billion in one quarter, running things for the first two years.  That makes me that much more determined to ensure the Association never happens. 
Bob Owens said:
So if we end up in the Association we get the Union that "won" bankruptcy wage scales, wages approximately $10k a year below industry average, from a company that earned over $1.5 billion in one quarter, running things for the first two years.  That makes me that much more determined to ensure the Association never happens. 
NO to the alliance! 
Two loser unions means twice the screwing!
1AA said:
There is a constitution because I read it when it was presented to us. The alliance has to function with rules and guidelines to exist.
Since when does TWU follow the rules of it's contract?
They can do that brother....
TWU and AA violate contract at will.
You actually think they will adhere to a constitution? 
Are you serious? 
Bob Owens said:
So if we end up in the Association we get the Union that "won" bankruptcy wage scales, wages approximately $10k a year below industry average, from a company that earned over $1.5 billion in one quarter, running things for the first two years.  That makes me that much more determined to ensure the Association never happens. 
Just think what TWICE an alliance will do to us.
OK lets look at the worst case serrano, the twu/iam get voted in, US Airways has only one date which I believe is company time does that mean the TWA guys use their company time if they have been a AMT all these years. I have herd some TWA guys saying the IAM is pushing that. Just rumors.
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