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TWU and IAM representation alliance vote

Will you vote in a TWU and IAM representation alliance? (A/C maint. only)

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1AA said:
Show us where it does.
If its not in there the NMB has their discretion.
Once again, show me where an alliance situation is covered in the NMB representational manual.
Typical, you cant refute or debate.
700UW said:
Show me where in the representational manual that covers this situation.
You show me where - in the NMB representational manual - section 19: mergers -  allows for a change in certification without a vote.
WeAAsles said:
I don't work for the NMB. Have at it.

BUT you may want to wait and read there ruling before you put your cart before the horse there?
FYI the representational manual is clearly posted on their website - its there for a reason.
You dont get it.
This isnt a vote between two unions as it states in the NMB Manual, now is it?
Gee AMFA gave up their certification after the merger without the members voting, isnt that a change in certification?
ThirdSeatHero said:
FYI the representational manual is clearly posted on their website - its there for a reason.
Then explain the response that swamt got from the NMB?
From the NMB representational manual - section 19 mergers:
19.6 Procedure After Finding Single Transportation System
If the NMB determines that a single transportation system exists, the investigation will proceed to address the representation of the proper craft or class. The bar rules in NMB Rule §1206.4 (29 CFR § 1206.4) do not apply to applications filed under this section.
19.601 Showing of Interest on the Single Transportation System
All applicants must submit evidence of representation or showing of interest from at least fifty (50) percent of the employees in the craft or class.
Evidence of representation or showing of interest from incumbent organizations or individuals on the affected carrier(s) includes, but is not limited to, a seniority list, dues check-off list, a current collective bargaining agreement or a certification, or other indicia of current representation.
If the organization or individual filing the application does not represent any of the employees covered by the application,showing of interest is proved by valid authorization cards. (See Section 3.0)
19.602 If not already filed with the initial application, organizations (Incumbents and Intervenors) have thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the NMB’s single transportation system determination to submit evidence of a showing of interest or to supplement the showing of interest on the single transportation system.
Applications that do not meet the showing of interest requirements will be dismissed.
19.7 Status of Representation Certifications
Existing certifications remain in effect until the NMB issues a new certification or dismissal.
700UW said:
You dont get it.
This isnt a vote between two unions as it states in the NMB Manual, now is it?
Gee AMFA gave up their certification after the merger without the members voting, isnt that a change in certification?
No - it was a termination of certification.
Nice try
WeAAsles said:
Then explain the response that swamt got from the NMB?
I don't need to.
If you bothered to look back among these threads you'll find my exchange with swamt and others where I explained what I was told by the NMB. - Yes, I contacted them directly.
Have you?
700UW said:
Ok here are several changes in certification without a vote.
AFA at all carriers when they merged with the CWA, no vote by members.
TCU merger with IAM no vote by members.
IFEE merger with the IAM, no vote by the members.
All of these changed the respective certifications.
Your turn.
Its quite simple -
An STS investigation for the Mechanics & related at AA-US has been called for. When the NMB declares STS for the Mechanics and Related at the new AA it will move to this provision of Section 19 of the NMB representational manual. (emphasis mine)
19.602 If not already filed with the initial application, organizations (Incumbents and Intervenors) have thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the NMB’s single transportation system determination to submit evidence of a showing of interest or to supplement the showing of interest on the single transportation system.
Applications that do not meet the showing of interest requirements will be dismissed.
If STS is declared, and the NMB tries to certify the Alliance without a vote, while at the same time ignoring this language which clearly gives AMFA (or any other intervenor) 30 days to file it is a clear violation of the NMBs posted procedures. It will be challenged.
700UW said:
Learn to educate yourself.
The NMB has declared SCS for the pilots, the flight attendants and the CWA/IBT Association which is an Alliance.
The SCS has nothing to do with the there being an alliance, it constitutes a single transportation system.
Dont let the facts get in your way, once again.
Flight attendants situation is not the same. Again you distort the details.
The union representing the flight attendants at USAir will concede to the union representing the flight attendants at American. They will have one union when it is all said and done. NO alliance as you stated.
From the APFA President,
As you know, APFA and AFA-CWA reached a series of agreements that will dictate how the Flight Attendants of the new American will be represented and how a joint contract will be negotiated. The innovative solution paved the way for APFA to take on the responsibilities of representing the combined workgroup. However, the tasks of administering the current contracts and negotiating a joint contract are shared by both unions. Once the NMB makes its determination in favor of APFA’s petition, the 8,000 pre-merger US Airways Flight Attendants, along with the 16,000 pre-merger American Airlines Flight Attendants, will be represented by APFA. Until a joint contract is reached, however, under an agreement with APFA, AFA-CWA will continue to administer the current US Airways/AFA contract.
Once a SCS is granted there will be only ONE union representing ALL Flight Attendants at American Airlines. Where is the Alliance you mentioned after the SCS is determined?
One group, one union, one voice and NO ALLIANCE.
The Pilot group will do the same once they get their seniority integration issue resolved. NO ALLIANCE for them as well when all is said and done.
BUT....The TWU and IAM feel the Alliance is the best avenue for the M&E. Does the TWU and IAM know something that the other professional groups with a class and craft democratic union know that we do not?
Funny how you ignore how the CWA/IBT Alliance got SCS from the NMB.
700UW said:
Funny how you ignore how the CWA/IBT Alliance got SCS from the NMB.
[SIZE=19pt]The National Mediation Board Updates Its Representational Manual[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8.5pt]By Drew Lunt on March 16, 2013Posted in RLA[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]The National Mediation Board (NMB) announced changes to its representational manual that are scheduled to take effect March 25, 2013.  These changes incorporate into NMB procedure amendments to the Railway Labor Act passed by Congress on February 14, 2012 and regulations implemented by NMB on December 12, 2012, as well other procedural concerns.  The changes affect the showing of interest needed to file an application for representation, voting procedures, and the process for submitting an eligible voter list for representation elections.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Showing of Interest Changes:[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] The new NMB manual reflects changes to showing of interest requirements mandated by Congress in the Federal Aviation Modernization Reform Act of 2012.  Beginning March 25, 2013, the NMB will require all applications for investigation of a representation dispute to be support by 50 percent of the individuals in the targeted craft or class.  In its rules published in the federal register December 12, 2012, the NMB clarified that, unlike under its prior rules, no application for representation will be considered unless it has the requisite 50 percent support.  This includes applications filed by intervenors and applications filed by incumbent organization or individuals after a merger, each of which had previously only required a 35 percent showing of interest.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Voting Procedure Changes:[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] The new voting procedure changes contained in the manual are intended to simplify the process for voting employees.  Prior to the changes, voters were required to enter both a voter identification number and a personal identification number.  After March 25, voters will be required to enter a single access code.  The access code will be randomly generated and known only to the voter and the NMB agents.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Eligible Voter List Changes:[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] Beginning March 25, 2013, the NMB will require eligible voter list submitted by carriers in response to an application for representation to be attested to by a carrier officer.  The new manual defines an appropriate carrier officer as “a vice president of labor relations or equivalent.”  The purpose of the new attestation requirement is to better ensure the accuracy of eligibility lists that had been criticized by unions as containing too many names of employees carriers know are not eligible to vote.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Conclusion:[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] The NMB’s implementation of its new rules on March 25 will impact interested parties differently.  Unions appear to be the parties that will be most adversely impacted by the NMB’s new rules.  They will no longer be able to rely on  reduced showings of interest to support applications for representation, regardless of the situation.  Carriers have been placed on notice that the accuracy of eligibility lists is an issue that requires greater attention than may have previously been necessary.  Carrier officers must now accept personal responsibility for their accuracy.  Finally, employees benefit from new voting procedures.  The new procedures modernize the voting process while maintaining a sense of confidentiality necessary for taint-free representation elections.[/SIZE]
I'm excited to see another AMFA representation failed attempt at AA!!!
Overspeed said:
I'm excited to see another AMFA representation failed attempt at AA!!!
No doubt you would be!
I'm not excited to watch a weak union continue representation by any means other than majority vote of support via a ballot. Just Great! And so shameful that you excite over it all.
Talk about the Jim Jones guyana tradgedy syndrome...you are just a little bit personal destructive cult driven I'm afraid.
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