If its not in there the NMB has their discretion.1AA said:Show us where it does.
Once again, show me where an alliance situation is covered in the NMB representational manual.
Typical, you cant refute or debate.
If its not in there the NMB has their discretion.1AA said:Show us where it does.
700UW said:Show me where in the representational manual that covers this situation.
WeAAsles said:I don't work for the NMB. Have at it.
BUT you may want to wait and read there ruling before you put your cart before the horse there?
Then explain the response that swamt got from the NMB?ThirdSeatHero said:
FYI the representational manual is clearly posted on their website - its there for a reason.
700UW said:You dont get it.
This isnt a vote between two unions as it states in the NMB Manual, now is it?
Gee AMFA gave up their certification after the merger without the members voting, isnt that a change in certification?
WeAAsles said:Then explain the response that swamt got from the NMB?
700UW said:Ok here are several changes in certification without a vote.
AFA at all carriers when they merged with the CWA, no vote by members.
TCU merger with IAM no vote by members.
IFEE merger with the IAM, no vote by the members.
All of these changed the respective certifications.
Your turn.
19.602 If not already filed with the initial application, organizations (Incumbents and Intervenors) have thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the NMB’s single transportation system determination to submit evidence of a showing of interest or to supplement the showing of interest on the single transportation system.
Applications that do not meet the showing of interest requirements will be dismissed.
Flight attendants situation is not the same. Again you distort the details.700UW said:Learn to educate yourself.
The NMB has declared SCS for the pilots, the flight attendants and the CWA/IBT Association which is an Alliance.
The SCS has nothing to do with the there being an alliance, it constitutes a single transportation system.
Dont let the facts get in your way, once again.
700UW said:Funny how you ignore how the CWA/IBT Alliance got SCS from the NMB.
No doubt you would be!Overspeed said:I'm excited to see another AMFA representation failed attempt at AA!!!