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TWU and IAM representation alliance vote

Will you vote in a TWU and IAM representation alliance? (A/C maint. only)

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Realityck said:
When American bought Aircal the seniority integration between the carriers was based on date of hire. However, under Aircal rules an employee could have started in a different classification, yet if he later upgraded to an AMT position for example, his occupational seniority didn’t reflect that but remained the same as his original company seniority date. To address that anomaly, the American rules were applied and he was given the seniority appropriate under the AA-TWU Title 1 occupational seniority rules. The individual wasn’t given credit for service in a different title group when placed on AA’s Title 1 Master Seniority List.
Yeah, that's not how I remember - how that Air Cal deal went down.  There was one particular guy I can think of, (now retired) who was given his Air Cal "company time" as his "occupational time" as well.  In other words, he had time as a baggage handler, that he was given credit for as an AMT.  Not that the Air Cal guys needed it, as most of them had occupational sen dates in the 1984 - 1985 range as it was. 
according to twu514.org the shop stewards  had a training on the upcoming vote, on the association. The last paragraph must have been there training. ( I tried to paste a link but would not work).
How can it be if we vote down the association we would be without a cba. The twu has a contract with AA.
paul1 said:
according to twu514.org the shop stewards  had a training on the upcoming vote, on the association. The last paragraph must have been there training. ( I tried to paste a link but would not work).

If you vote NO UNION you no longer are union represented and you no longer have a CBA. A CBA implies a collective. No union means you are no longer a part of a collective and are now an individual at will employee. Singular in definition.

Ask the former NW people at Delta.

Sorry I accidentally wrote this in the middle of your comment. Phones are rough when you have large thumbs.

How can it be if we vote down the association we would be without a cba. The twu has a contract with AA.
See middle comment.
How many democrats are working for AA in Tulsa?  They claim to be worth as much as a line mechanic but are afraid to be without a union?
From what I got from that last paragraph, if it wasn't for the TWU all the TUL mechs would be fired. WOW, the TWU thinks that little of your skills. 
Remember if AA wanted Tulsa gone, Tulsa would be gone!!!!!!!!
The mechs at AFW, and MCI were as good as TUL mechs, but AA wanted to do away with those stations, so they're gone.

Shop Steward Training:TheTWU-IAM Association Agreement Published on August 5th, 2014
Written by: Al Ball

The July Steward Training covered the upcoming Association Agreement that our membership will soon be voting on. We began the training by going over the Trumka letter that aired his concern of a costly labor battle amongst AFLCIO Unions while not adding a single new member to organized labor. Trumka encouraged the TWU and IAM to work out a case of dual representation. This is where the Association Agreement came from.

The Agreement Regarding Seniority Integration states, your seniority will be based on the date of each employees entry into the basic classification, as set forth in the existing Collective Bargaining Agreements and the Current Seniority Lists maintained by American and USAir for each group. Once the Seniority List integration process is completed, The TWU and IAM will form a committee to address and resolve any individual challenges, which must be raised by submitting a letter identifying the alleged problem to the committee within 30 days after the integrated seniority list is published.

The TWU and IAM jointly agreed for the formation of Association Agreements of the three joint labor organizations representing the Craft and Classes of, Maintenance and Related, Material Logistics Specs, and Fleet Service Clerks. The membership will vote on whether to accept these Association Agreements. Once the Associations are accepted a ratio of current TWU and IAM members will determine the ratio of TWU and IAM members that will be maintained going forward. Your station location will determine if you are TWU or IAM. There will be some shuffling of our current stations to maintain the ratio resulting in current members changing unions.

The Association is a small organization that would own the Bargaining Agreement with American. The Association will be located in Washington DC and will hold no assets. The cost will be covered jointly by the TWU and IAM. A Chairman and Vice Chairman will preside over the Association they will be the International Presidents or their appointee. The Officers in the Association will come from the ranks of the TWU and IAM and meet a minimum of 4 times a year. Negotiations will be handled by committee formed from an equal number of representatives from the IAM and TWU. The first order of business for this committee will be to harmonize the two current agreements between the TWU and IAM into a single agreement.

We also have a joint agreement on Pensions. The IAM has a National Pension Fund (IAMNPF). The IAM and TWU will propose to allow current TWU members into the IAMNPF. They further agree to make this a high priority when we harmonize our current agreements.

Some very important steps in our near future will be the vote on the Association and then the Harmonizing of the two CBAs. The Association vote will be the same as any representation vote if the Association isnt voted in we would lose our current CBA. With no CBA we become At Will Employees. That means you can be fired for no reason. You lose all the negotiated rights of pay, seniority, transfers, and riff procedures, just to name a few.
Go ahead twu bring it on for a vote. Is the TWU, IAM and the afl-cio ready to risk decertification? That's one way to get rid of the cancer that looms over us.
Notice there is no use of the word "Elected" but the word "Appointed" is used.  Also interesting is that they admit the association owns the agreement but the TWU International told us after the sell out that the negotiating committee owned the agreement.  Bob Owens spoke of this many times. 
Under the law, the union owns the agreement.
And go ahead and become non-union, you wont be at AA much longer, Doug will outsource as much as he can.
Just look at the former HP.
700UW said:
Under the law, the union owns the agreement.
And go ahead and become non-union, you wont be at AA much longer, Doug will outsource as much as he can.
Just look at the former HP.
If we go non union will you go away?
700UW said:
Under the law, the union owns the agreement.
And go ahead and become non-union, you wont be at AA much longer, Doug will outsource as much as he can.
Just look at the former HP.
Just remember the LAA TWU membership is way bigger than the LUS IAM membership. The TWU has been helping the company bend us over for so long, we have had enough. 
BTW, the outsourcing will continue till the max is reached.
With no union and no cba, you are an employee at will, the company can do anything they want as long as its legal under the law.
700UW said:
With no union and no cba, you are an employee at will, the company can do anything they want as long as its legal under the law.
Yes I know,,,We have the TWU!
The biggest favor the twu and IAM can do for the M&E group is bring a vote to the membership. We have a higher percentage of getting amfa first and no union second. Nobody wants the alliance and they know it. Like I said before, bring the vote on boys.
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