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TWU and IAM representation alliance vote

Will you vote in a TWU and IAM representation alliance? (A/C maint. only)

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The second bankruptcy which led to outsourcing drove the layoffs.
In the Transition Agreement in 2008 after the merger, set the outsourcing limit to 50% of billable heavy maintenance hours, and that was due to the West fleet having everything above a C-Check farmed out.

We lost the backshops in Bankruptcy part 2, which led to a 46% reduction in the headcount, but with the TA in 2008, it has steadily increased numbers.
Line cant be farmed out.
WeAAsles said:
You just may want to speak to a few FA's to understand how there pay works and how many hours they are basically working and away from their homes that they are not being paid for.
That should solve your problem of being jealous.
What did they think was going to happen when they became FAs, they WOULDN'T travel. That's like saying I can't believe my hands get dirty working as a mechanic.

I was talking about being jealous of they're union representation. They get what they pay for, while we pay more and are in a bigger union, work more hours and we get less equity. In 2003 we gave up more pay then FAs and in 2012 we get less equity.

Let's follow the FIM, same company different unions, and we get less everything then that other union. What is the problem? Let's refine it a little, their leaders have accountability ours doesn't.
Overspeed said:
I'm sure Parker would love to give you what DL and UA mechanics make. Along with the outsourcing of all (DL) or most (UA) overhaul.
If aa wanted to outsource more they would have. How well was AFW , MCI, DTW, MSP, SJU, etc etc protected? There is more to maintenance then just TULE. How many OH amts from TUL were laidoff, or reduced to OSM? Pretty soon TULE will be out voted 🙂
And I have answered it several times already, yet you SWAMT, havent answered what I asked of you.
blue collar said:
Last time I looked, obamacare was passed through congress and signed into law by the president. Gay marriage is being written into law into several states, through their legislative processes. What's the problem?
Imposing law against the will of the people in a society that is supposed to be Democratic. That is the problem. 
NYer said:
Well, Bigjets, then just start a vote for "no union" campaign. If the majority agree then you get your wish. If you lose then you'll be mired under the protection of a CBA.
If we were at AA with no union, and we were making $4 - $10 less, and only got 5 sick days paid at half pay, got less vacation, less holidays and so on, I would seek union representation, but this is what we have WITH union representation, while the other unions on the property are doing much better then us, and the NON-union Delta is the standard that the TWU hasn't matched.

It's four or five days now and you still haven't answered questions.

Hypocrite much?
Thats because the APFA are in negotiations, the Alliance isnt, now are they?
The AFA/APFA made an agreement to fast track negotiations and any unsettled issue will go to arbitration, having a third party settle their JCBA.
700UW said:
Thats because the APFA are in negotiations, the Alliance isnt, now are they?
The AFA/APFA made an agreement to fast track negotiations and any unsettled issue will go to arbitration, having a third party settle their JCBA.
If they get the APFA agreement with a few minor improvements they will be sitting pretty well compared to their peers at Delta, United and even SWA. They aren't sitting at the bottom of the industry like us, they don't need to get 40% like we do to catch up.
Correct Bob.  I just LUV this ignore feature.  I can sail right thru all the BS now and finish reading early on.  I assume you were answering either  one of the two sister twins I have put on ignore.  I really hope you guys get your day in court...
700 will continue to support the iam no matter what they are really out to get.  Rather it's for, or against the membership.  I have proven this since the onset of the merger announcement as well as what will happen in the up coming vote for this alliance and/or rather AMFA is involved or not.  Really hope all the mechanics of AA AND US get a clue very soon.  I know where your heart is Bob, and I understand it 100%.  Just wish the TWU and IAM was in the same mode.  The future of all the mechanics at AA and US is on full allert, get it done now or be done for the rest of your careers and stuck with what you guys have been getting for the past 3 decades of representation, PERIOD, end of story.  It is time for both groups to get unified and come together and get on the same page.  This will in fact be the last chance to bring in AMFA, I promise you all...  
700UW said:
Thats because the APFA are in negotiations, the Alliance isnt, now are they?
The AFA/APFA made an agreement to fast track negotiations and any unsettled issue will go to arbitration, having a third party settle their JCBA.
The BIG difference is the alliance........AFA/APFA are moving ahead with ONE union, not an ALLIANCE debacle that is going to be a cluster*&^%.....
swamt said:
700 will continue to support the iam no matter what they are really out to get.  Rather it's for, or against the membership.  I have proven this since the onset of the merger announcement as well as what will happen in the up coming vote for this alliance and/or rather AMFA is involved or not.  Really hope all the mechanics of AA AND US get a clue very soon.  I know where your heart is Bob, and I understand it 100%.  Just wish the TWU and IAM was in the same mode.  The future of all the mechanics at AA and US is on full allert, get it done now or be done for the rest of your careers and stuck with what you guys have been getting for the past 3 decades of representation, PERIOD, end of story.  It is time for both groups to get unified and come together and get on the same page.  This will in fact be the last chance to bring in AMFA, I promise you all...
You are correct, 700 is a die-hard IAM supporter and will be for a long time. Just like you and others are die-hard AMFA supporters, and overspeed is a die-hard TWU supporter. Everyone seems to find faults with the group they don't believe in, and nothing wrong with the group they are members of or believe in.

All I can say is for every AMT at AA and USAir needs to keep an open mind, do their own research, and when the time comes for a vote, vote according to the facts you find.
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