Most all know this already. What the unions are doing is trying to find any way possible to get around this up coming vote. The other thing they are trying to do is keep AMFA off the ballot. Pretty sure most out here knows there will be a way to get it done, but most are also sick and tired at how the TWU has been able to pull it off with the NMB before. I too was told there will be a "write-in" option IF the NMB runs the election, which I have been told they won't but we will see, maybe something has changed where they will run it, but when I inquired in writing, they wrote back that they had no jurisdiction of the merger, combination or alliance between the 2 unions.
I think there will be a vote the question at hand is who will conduct and run said election? NMB or the unions? Dependent on who runs it will be the difference of what options you guys will have. You guys better pray the NMB does control the election. 700 told us way back when that there will be an option of "other" after 2 months of prying and he to this day has never explained the "other" option, but I will assume that it very well could be the write in option. Now just to make sure all T's are crossed and all I's are dotted get those cards in anyway, as there sounds like a chance AMFA could get on the ballot if not a write in option, it would be better to have AMFA as an option and listed...