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TWU and IAM representation alliance vote

Will you vote in a TWU and IAM representation alliance? (A/C maint. only)

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iluvaa said:
I'm not politically correct or good at debating so I want to fing cuss out every pos that wants to force this gd alliance down my throat. If this is your idea of unionism go f yourselves.
There I showed my ass but this is making me so mad I needed to vent
I'm pretty sure no one on here will find that offensive. 
Trumka came up the idea, not the IAM nor the TWU.
700UW said:
Trumka came up the idea, not the IAM nor the TWU.
I know...So they cowered at his request. This is the problem with these two industrial unions. They could have said No Thank You to Trumka.
MetalMover said:
I know...So they cowered at his request. This is the problem with these two industrial unions. They could have said No Thank You to Trumka.
the alternative is to spend millions of dollars fighting each other and trying to get a foothold, hold off negotiations for a longer period of time, let other groups cash in on their negotiations.....extend the chaos for another few years. In the meantime, the AMFA folks continue to complain every step of the way.


Let the Association move forward, save the millions for the next AMFA debacle, get to negotiations quicker, take advantage of some of the profits on the table, prevent several more years of chaos in a representational fight....In the meantime, the AMFA folks continue to complain every step of the way.

Let's see......
700UW said:
I am not an IAM employee, nor am I rep, I dont represent anyone.
So please tell me how I am keeping everyone in the dark when I have no official capacity for or with or on behalf of the IAM?
I dont speak for the IAM, I speak for myself.
I thought you "worked" for the IAM last summer during the IBT drive? You yourself said you may be "involved" in the alliance vote.

NYer said:
They have to have a vote, there is no way around it.
Most all know this already.  What the unions are doing is trying to find any way possible to get around this up coming vote.  The other thing they are trying to do is keep AMFA off the ballot.  Pretty sure most out here knows there will be a way to get it done, but most are also sick and tired at how the TWU has been able to pull it off with the NMB before.   I too was told there will be a "write-in" option IF the NMB runs the election, which I have been told they won't but we will see,  maybe something has changed where they will run it, but when I inquired in writing, they wrote back that they had no jurisdiction of the merger, combination or alliance between the 2 unions.
I think there will be a vote the question at hand is who will conduct and run said election?  NMB or the unions?  Dependent on who runs it will be the difference of what options you guys will have.  You guys better pray the NMB does control the election.  700 told us way back when that there will be an option of "other" after 2 months of prying and he to this day has never explained the "other" option, but I will assume that it very well could be the write in option.  Now just to make sure all T's are crossed and all I's are dotted get those cards in anyway, as there sounds like a chance AMFA could get on the ballot if not a write in option, it would be better to have AMFA as an option and listed...
700UW said:
I am not an IAM employee, nor am I rep, I dont represent anyone.
So please tell me how I am keeping everyone in the dark when I have no official capacity for or with or on behalf of the IAM?
I dont speak for the IAM, I speak for myself.
Never said you were any of those.  You don't answer the questions that you know more about.  It took me 2 months to get you to FINALLY admit that there will be other options on the ballot, but, you never have said what the options would be.  I stand behind my post...
700UW said:
I believe in the concept of the Alliance, but I believe in democracy.
I rest my case.  You continually avoid answering the questions asked of you.  You either avoid the question all together or you try to change the subject when confronted.  You still didn't anser the question by TSH...
If you cant comprehend what I post then its on you, its quite clear on what I think.
And you never answered a few questions I have asked of you.
NYer said:
the alternative is to spend millions of dollars fighting each other and trying to get a foothold, hold off negotiations for a longer period of time, let other groups cash in on their negotiations.....extend the chaos for another few years. In the meantime, the AMFA folks continue to complain every step of the way.


Let the Association move forward, save the millions for the next AMFA debacle, get to negotiations quicker, take advantage of some of the profits on the table, prevent several more years of chaos in a representational fight....In the meantime, the AMFA folks continue to complain every step of the way.

Let's see......
Actually you are a little off there.  If there was no alliance vote forced upon the members, then there would be an election held by the NMB after single filing and there would be a democratic vote between the TWU/IAM of who would remain and who would be gone, only problem with this democratic vote is that AMFA would have another chance to get on the ballot and the TWU wanted nothing to do with that so they are trying to ram thru this alliance vote not only to keep the dues flowing but they thought it was yet another success in keeping AMFA out.  What they are finding out is hard for them to swallow.  However, what they did do in fact was involve the US guys and they too are gonna have to count towards the vote.  Listen to you, let the "association move forward"  Most of the membership does not want this association.  And remember once again when the TWU was slamming AMFA because they were an association and not a union, you just gotta love Karma...
swamt said:
Most all know this already.  What the unions are doing is trying to find any way possible to get around this up coming vote.  The other thing they are trying to do is keep AMFA off the ballot.  Pretty sure most out here knows there will be a way to get it done, but most are also sick and tired at how the TWU has been able to pull it off with the NMB before.   I too was told there will be a "write-in" option IF the NMB runs the election, which I have been told they won't but we will see,  maybe something has changed where they will run it, but when I inquired in writing, they wrote back that they had no jurisdiction of the merger, combination or alliance between the 2 unions.
I think there will be a vote the question at hand is who will conduct and run said election?  NMB or the unions?  Dependent on who runs it will be the difference of what options you guys will have.  You guys better pray the NMB does control the election.  700 told us way back when that there will be an option of "other" after 2 months of prying and he to this day has never explained the "other" option, but I will assume that it very well could be the write in option.  Now just to make sure all T's are crossed and all I's are dotted get those cards in anyway, as there sounds like a chance AMFA could get on the ballot if not a write in option, it would be better to have AMFA as an option and listed...
They HAVE to have a vote when the Alliance submits for Single Carrier since it is a new entity. Can't get around it. The NMB will not open themselves to lawsuits from every union organization in the county.
swamt said:
Actually you are a little off there.  If there was no alliance vote forced upon the members, then there would be an election held by the NMB after single filing and there would be a democratic vote between the TWU/IAM of who would remain and who would be gone, only problem with this democratic vote is that AMFA would have another chance to get on the ballot and the TWU wanted nothing to do with that so they are trying to ram thru this alliance vote not only to keep the dues flowing but they thought it was yet another success in keeping AMFA out.  What they are finding out is hard for them to swallow.  However, what they did do in fact was involve the US guys and they too are gonna have to count towards the vote.  Listen to you, let the "association move forward"  Most of the membership does not want this association.  And remember once again when the TWU was slamming AMFA because they were an association and not a union, you just gotta love Karma...
The NMB doesn't pick. The unions that file with the proper requirements are on the ballot. On the case of the Alliance, if they file then they're on the ballot. They're is no fall back option. If AMFA wants in they'll have to submit cards of 50% plus 1, of the combined workforces.
Let's take a quick comprehension class boys and girls:
700UW said:
If you cant comprehend what I post then its on you, its quite clear on what I think.
And you never answered a few questions I have asked of you.
Below is the questions asked of you starting in para 2 with the word if.
ThirdSeatHero said:
I have a question for you then 700. I emphasize "you" as I want your opinion, not what you think the opinion of the alliance, IAM or TWU may be.
If the alliance somehow works a deal with the NMB which allows them to be certified on the new AA without a vote of the affected memberships - do you believe its right? Do you believe the memberships at AA & US have been justly served, and their respective voices heard?
Below is what you claim as answering said question where the only thing you did is tell everyone what you believe in.
700UW said:
I believe in the concept of the Alliance, but I believe in democracy.
It is really simple, I'll even get it down to your level of comprehension for you, here we go question
#1-  If the alliance somehow works a deal with the NMB which allows them to be certified at the new AA without a vote of the affected memberships (now here comes the question, you ready?) "do you believe it's right?  (a simple YES or NO will do to answer this said question). And now we will move onto the follow up question #2-  Do you think the memberships at AA and US have been justly served, and their respective voices heard?  Although there are 2 related questions in the followup, it is still one question due to the puntuation used by original poster in his question.  The follow up question #2 is a simple YES or NO answer from you again, and if would like you could brake it down to 2 answers if you wish.  Now go back reread the questions asked of you and reply with the simple YES or NO answers as they relate to you and only you.  Don't try to say you answered with telling us what you believe in as this only a way avoid answering the questions.  It will also avoid anyone puting words into your mouth as you are always claiming out here.
Boys and girls this concludes our comprehension lesson of the day, now let's see if our little munchkin can get thru it this time.  If not we are available during recess and after class if a little extra tutoring is required.  We await your answers once again 700...
NYer said:
The NMB doesn't pick. The unions that file with the proper requirements are on the ballot. On the case of the Alliance, if they file then they're on the ballot. They're is no fall back option. If AMFA wants in they'll have to submit cards of 50% plus 1, of the combined workforces.
I agree IF the NMB runs and controls the election...
NYer said:
They HAVE to have a vote when the Alliance submits for Single Carrier since it is a new entity. Can't get around it. The NMB will not open themselves to lawsuits from every union organization in the county.
I know this already--who is going to conduct this said alliance vote.  I have been told in writing by the NMB and posted all to see and read that it is out of the NMB jurisdiction, and it's an internal union issue...
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