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TWU accomplishments.........

I was out there too. It was by no means a show of support for the TWU. There were many AMFA and even Teamsters guys out there.
Don't group us all together. I took Scam Cirri and Debbie Stealer head on. I admit I did it through these forums but they knew exactly who I was. I have fought my battles. I have tried to support my coworkers even after getting laid off. What the hell did you ever do?

A Tulsa, OK FSC.

Apples to Oranges, Dude!

NY'ers vs Oklahomans, Ha!

The TWU ATD ever fighting management, Ha!

Don't group us all together. I took Scam Cirri and Debbie Stealer head on. I admit I did it through these forums but they knew exactly who I was. I have fought my battles. I have tried to support my coworkers even after getting laid off. What the hell did you ever do?

A Tulsa, OK FSC.

Vote No! I assume you did too?
TWU Accomplishments....................................


TWU Retirees are some of the most dedicated and active people in our organization. Retirees’ unwavering dedication has helped to build TWU into the fortuitous and adept union we know today.

TWU works hard to help provide members with stable and secure jobs and happy lives for the present and for the future. Winning a secure contract today means a peaceful and comfortable retirement tomorrow and TWU is proud to have provided thousands of retirees with the benefits that all hard working people should have the opportunity to enjoy in their retirement.

Now that you're at the autumn of your years we encourage you to continue enriching your life by staying very active with your local as well as keeping in touch with the international. TWU retirees have done everything from lobbying at the state legislatures to working on national political campaigns.

TWU Retirees continue to ensure the future for those that come after them by reminding us all, “Just because you retired from you job doesn’t mean you have to retire from your union!”

Inquire with your local to find out how to get involved in retirement programs and activities, including becoming a volunteer member organizer (VMO).

In Solidarity,
(Edit of Post #34)

Yes I voted NO despite Local 514's push for a yes vote.

Scroll down to post number 40. See the female in the red shirt holding the vote yes sign? That is Debbie Tiller. Debbie Tiller is the Fleet Service Chairman of local 514.

Here is Debbie Tiller on the 514 website.

Local 514 in my opinion voted yes because the Local 514 leadership started a fear campaign.

Sam Cirri and Debbie Tiller were the ONLY two people out of Fleet Service at the time in Tulsa that got positions after AA eliminated the Fleet Service shop at TULE and contracted out Fleet Service at TUL. Funny how the only two people in Fleet Service in all of Tulsa that got positions just happened to be UNION officers. This reeks of under the table deal cutting.

Debbie filled out a bump sheet to report to Dallas then never reported. She bumped a Dallas FSC out of a job that she never intended on taking. She was awarded a title two painters position in an under the table deal. Then when I blew the whistle on her little scam and her position was revoked she then used UB as a dodge to keep from reporting to Dallas and keep her transfers internal. Now she has been awarded an aircraft cleaners position. I should note rumor has it they fired about twenty aircraft cleaners for a positive test at around the same time. Convenient right?

Starting to get the picture of how things are ran in Tulsa?

The atmosphere in Tulsa is one of constant fear mongering by American Airlines with an assist by Local TWU 514.
TWU Accomplishments....................................


TWU Retirees are some of the most dedicated and active people in our organization. Retirees’ unwavering dedication has helped to build TWU into the fortuitous and adept union we know today.

TWU works hard to help provide members with stable and secure jobs and happy lives for the present and for the future. Winning a secure contract today means a peaceful and comfortable retirement tomorrow and TWU is proud to have provided thousands of retirees with the benefits that all hard working people should have the opportunity to enjoy in their retirement.

Now that you're at the autumn of your years we encourage you to continue enriching your life by staying very active with your local as well as keeping in touch with the international. TWU retirees have done everything from lobbying at the state legislatures to working on national political campaigns.

TWU Retirees continue to ensure the future for those that come after them by reminding us all, “Just because you retired from you job doesn’t mean you have to retire from your union!”

Inquire with your local to find out how to get involved in retirement programs and activities, including becoming a volunteer member organizer (VMO).

In Solidarity,

come on CIO,

I mean real quantifiable accomplishments not words on paper. Bottom line......at the end of the day my paycheck is getting smaller and smaller every year with the TWu ATD. Taking into consideration concessions and any meager raises we lose year over year and our headcount continues to shrink year over year!
The TWU ATD is the leading industry concessionary union and we are the driving force for managenment of other airlines to use as evidence in driving their negotiations into concessionary talks.

Lets try again with the TWU accomplishments...........
After reading these boards over and over on every topic in reference to the TWU and the concessions we took... I can not wait for the day we get rid of the WORTHLESS, sucka$$, back stabbing, deal making, self serving TWU.
TWU Accomplishments....................................


TWU Retirees are some of the most dedicated and active people in our organization. Retirees’ unwavering dedication has helped to build TWU into the fortuitous and adept union we know today.

TWU works hard to help provide members with stable and secure jobs and happy lives for the present and for the future. Winning a secure contract today means a peaceful and comfortable retirement tomorrow and TWU is proud to have provided thousands of retirees with the benefits that all hard working people should have the opportunity to enjoy in their retirement.

Now that you're at the autumn of your years we encourage you to continue enriching your life by staying very active with your local as well as keeping in touch with the international. TWU retirees have done everything from lobbying at the state legislatures to working on national political campaigns.

TWU Retirees continue to ensure the future for those that come after them by reminding us all, “Just because you retired from you job doesn’t mean you have to retire from your union!”

Inquire with your local to find out how to get involved in retirement programs and activities, including becoming a volunteer member organizer (VMO).

In Solidarity,

CIO, instead of posting BS like you did, let's look at what the TWU is really telling it's members. TWU officials are telling their members that they WILL NOT receive the 4.8% equity, and they will not receive the 4.3% raise if they were to change representational unions. (BTW the company is also telling mechs that this will happen). It is very clear the company and the union are working together to try and keep the company TWU at AA. I have posted before on this issue and said that there would be a huge lawsuit if the mechs did not receive your 4.8% equity and 4.3% raise. Below I have provided a letter from AMFA's attorney Lee Seham. As previously stated, "they cannot deny the mechs anything in the contract" just because they change representation. As well as the union cannot keep from the mechs their share of the equity, as the it is understood that the agreements are made between the mechanics and related and the company, NOT, the TWU union and company. The TWU is simply just a representative of the mechanics. Take note of the last sentence should the company or union try to withhold any contractual rewards. Happy reading:





TEL: (914) 997-1346

FAX: (914) 997-7125


March 25, 2013

Mr. Don Rodgers
AMFA-AA Organizing Committee

Re: Threats of Economic Retaliation

Dear Mr. Rodgers:

You have brought to our attention that the TWU has engaged in intimations of economic retaliation by American Airlines and/or the TWU in response to an effort by the Mechanics and Related Employees to change their representation. These threats reportedly related to both contractual wage increases and the distribution of the 4.8% equity stake.

We consider these threats to be unlawful and that, furthermore, any effort to fulfill such threats would subject American and/or the TWU to enormous potential liability.

Contractual Wage Increases

The Railway Labor Act prohibits any effort by a carrier to "influence or coerce employees in an effort to induce them to join or remain or not to join or remain members of any labor organization." 45 U.S.C. 152, Fourth. Significantly, the federal judiciary has held that a change in union representatives does not alter the employees' existing contractual rights.

Nevertheless, in a Q&A published March 14, 2013, the TWU shamelessly asserts that "the New American will have a strong argument" that negotiated wage increases would not be payable to those employees who decided to change unions.

We say "shamelessly," not just because the TWU is wrong, but because, when the IBT made an analogous argument - i.e., that the IBT would have the automatic right to reopen an existing TWU-negotiated CBA - the TWU effectively blasted the IBT propaganda as a lie. The TWU correctly informed its members that, under federal law, a successor union steps into the contractual shoes of its predecessor.

So who is lying now? Federal courts and the National Mediation Board provide the answer.

The federal courts have consistently held that a change in union representation does not change existing contractual right and obligations. See Association of Flight Attendants v. USAir, Inc., 807 F. Supp. 827 (D.D.C. 1992), aff'd, 146 L.R.R.M. 2534 (D.C. Cir. 1994); Air Transp. Employees v. Western Airlines, 105 L.R.R.M. 3004, 3008 (C.D. Cal 1980); International Ass'n of Machinists v. Northwest Airlines, Inc., 843 F.2d 1119, 1123 n.5 (8th Cir. 1988), vacated as moot, 854 F.2d 1088 (8th Cir. 1988); Order of Ry. Conducts & Brakemen v. Switchmen's Union of North America, 269 F.2d 726, 730 (5th Cir.), cert. denied, 361 U.S. 899 (1959).

The National Mediation Board has also repeatedly recognized the principle of contractual continuity. In 1935, the Board wrote:

When there is an agreement in effect between a carrier and its employees signed by one set of representatives and employees choose new representatives who are certified by the Board, the Board has taken the position that a change in representation does not alter or cancel any existing agreement made in behalf of the employees by their previous representatives. The only effect of a certification by the Board is that the employees have chosen other agents to represent them in dealing with the management under the existing agreement.

First Annual Report of the National Mediation Board at 23-24 (1935) (emphasis supplied). In 1976, the Board further explained:

The purpose of such a policy is to emphasize a principle of the Railway Labor Act that
agreements are between the employees and the carrier....

Forty-Second Annual Report of the National Mediation Board at 39 (1976) (emphasis supplied).

The Board's position was reaffirmed on June 7, 1994 by the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, which cited the "well-established principle that a mere change of representatives does not alter otherwise applicable contractual agreements." Association of Flight Attendants, 24 F.3d at 1438.

Equity Stake

Interestingly enough, the TWU refrains from making a similar economic threat regarding the distribution of the 4.8% equity stake. With respect to these monies, the TWU's March 14 Q&A indicates that, even with a change of union representation: "Mechanics and Related, as a class or craft, will receive an appropriate share of this equity." Nevertheless, we understand that TWU representatives have been making oral threats that the TWU might withhold the Mechanics' share of equity stake in retaliation for their support of alternative union representation.

The TWU's written commitment to provide Mechanics and Related Employees an "appropriate share" of the equity undoubtedly reflects its awareness that the Railway Labor Act prohibits a labor union from stripping employees of contractual benefits based on their preference for alternative union representation. See, Ramey v. International Association of Machinists, 378 F.2d 269 (2nd Cir. 2004) (IAM liable for damages and attorneys fees where it seniority integration decisions regarding USAir Shuttle Mechanics were based on its animus toward these mechanics based on their advocacy for AMFA); Teamsters Local Union No. 42 v. NLRB, 825 F.2d 608, 612 (1st Cir. 1987) ("When a union attempts to prefer [on group of] workers based solely on [their loyalty to their guild]," it has breached its duty of fair representation).

We do not believe that the oral threats that have been made, in conflict with the TWU's written commitment, will be fulfilled. Moreover, we can assure you that any effort to cheat the AA Mechanics and Related Employees of their contractual rights will meet with an aggressive litigation response.


Lee Seham

Looks like a bunch of rhetoric to me, I don't see where this will have any bearing, Amfa has no hope of getting in on AA property! so, it's a mute issue.

In Solidarity,
Looks like a bunch of rhetoric to me, I don't see where this will have any bearing, Amfa has no hope of getting in on AA property! so, it's a mute issue.

In Solidarity,

C'mon CIO, the guys on night shift could use another guy like you on the floor. You could probably hold a Tues Wed slot on night shift.
Another great accomplishment for the TWU ATD....way to go and help the company again!! We are the Leading concessionary union in aviation..........

Analysts expect merged AMR to earn close to $3 billion in 2014

By Terry Maxon

Airline analysts Jamie Baker and Mark Streeter of J.P. Morgan released a revised report on how they see AMR performing in coming years after the American Airlines-US Airways merger. Generally, they see good things.

Their model projects that AMR will have pro forma net income of $2.35 billion in 2013 and $2.90 billion in 2014.

They estimate that earnings before interest, depreciation, taxes, depreciation, amortization and rents (EBITDAR) will reach $6.0 billion in 2013 and $6.8 billion in 2014. EBITDAR margins would be 14.9 percent in 2013 and 16.1 percent in 2014, ahead of their estimates for Delta Air Lines and United Airlines in those years.

[background=rgb(255, 255, 51)]One thing that will help AMR’s bottom line is that the unions negotiated away profit sharing[/background], the elimination of which he estimated added $300 million to $450 million in EBITDAR for AMR. In addition, the new American’s pilot costs will be lower than Delta’s and United’s until 2016.

Looking at AMR’s estimates as a stand-alone company, the analysts found AMR’s revenue estimates “too aggressive,” but relied on AMR’s cost estimates. US Airways’ costs were adjusted higher to reflect their increase after the merger.

American and US Airways have estimated that the merger will add $1 billion in synergies, mostly from higher revenues. The analysts sniffed.

“We’re fans of consolidation. But we don’t really buy into synergies—You won’t find a synergy line item in our merger model,” they wrote.

“Yes, we believe consolidation leads to more prudent deployment of capital, and yes, we believe this transaction in particular may lead to firmer domestic pricing. But try identifying synergies from recent DAL, LUV or UAL results and reconciling them with management guidance given years ago. We don’t believe it can be done.”

(DAL = 2008 merger of Delta and Northwest Airlines.)
(LUV = 2011 merger of Southwest Airlines and AirTran Airways)
(UAL = 2010 merger of United and Continental Airlines.)

Their report also said the merged AMR will benefit from the work done to get labor buy-in before the merger was announced, and the stated policy that the combined carrier will use AMR’s information technology rather than US Airways.

As a result, “Where we have chosen not to penalize New American is on the basis of integration. Time will tell whether that assumption proves optimistic,” they wrote.
Looks like a bunch of rhetoric to me, I don't see where this will have any bearing, Amfa has no hope of getting in on AA property! so, it's a mute issue.

In Solidarity,

First off AMFA is not spelled Amfa. AMFA is an acronym and not a word. Second it is obvious your receiving compensation to troll for TWU. Third if you feel AMFA is not a threat why do you come here day after day after day and try to convince people it is a hopeless cause? If it is a mute issue then do us all a favor and mute.

By the way, you are the worst spin doctor I have ever seen. Ever.
TWU Accomplishments ...................................................................................................

TWU's Matty Guinen (center wearing TWU hat) and other members held a
meeting before the start of the 1965 Selma, AL. march.

TWU started a fight for equality in the northeast but was sure to continue the fight in cities across the country as locals formed in places like Miami, where we opened a school to train black mechanics who were barred from other vocational schools in the city, and Tulsa, where we rid the American Airlines base there of its separate white and black facilities.

In 1962 Texas Local 260 uncovered a pattern of racial discrimination in the Pioneer Bus Company. The employer and independent union had two separate units, one for white drivers and shop workers and the other for blacks, with separate seniority lists for each group. TWU demanded and won by a 3-to-1 margin a new representation election of the entire group. The “Jim Crow” hiring pattern died with the first TWU contract.

One of our most memorable and proudest moments came in 1961 when the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered a moving keynote address to our convention. King praised the TWU for its dedication to the cause of equal rights and liberties for all people and we take great pride in having been a part of Dr. Kings dream. Thousands of TWU members participated in the March on Washington D.C. to hear King's “I have a dream” speech, and we eagerly joined other civil rights demonstrators in the famous 50-mile Selma to Montgomery, Alabama march in 1965. Three years later over 2,500 of our members joined the Poor People's March in Washington D.C.

In Solidarity,

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