topDawg said:
for the most part I agree Bob.
but your talking about something that will never happen.
maybe if we can get all the AMTs in the US in the AMFA.............
So are you.
If you read AMFAs Constitution they are almost "Anti -organizing". They rely solely on grassroots organizing and its structured to prevent effective leadership by requiring that pretty much every single movement be approved by the membership first. The theory is that the entire membership maintains a huge amount of interest in every thing the Union does and wishes to engage in micromanaging the Union. The reality is that you end up with factions where the losing side has the ability to stifle the winning side from actually leading by showing up at meetings because the majority still sit it all out.
I feel that the membership should choose the leaders, demand accountability and transparency with the ability to strategize, but allow the leaders to run the business of running the Union (so that may delay full transparency at times and allow the elected leaders to appoint people in the lower positions to get things done but recall keeps accountability in place at all times).
Lets face it, more often than not self interest plays a part in how Union leaders lead. People are human and humans are flawed, thats why structure is more important than personality over the long haul. We discussed how within the TWU we have a broken structure that everyone admits is broken but nobody wants to make changes if it effects the structure that provides them a position in that Union. AMFA is not immune from that. How much cash has AMFA infused into the organizing drive at AA? The TWU, IIRC spent well over $1 million trying to organize the Delta Flight Attendants.
The Mechanics at AA contribute roughly $7 million a year in dues to the TWU, it would be the same with AMFA, with such a huge amount of cash at stake one would think that AMFA would be dumping millions into a drive if they really wanted the mechanics at AA. If they had AA they would have the money to fund aggressive organizing of the rest of the industry but their Constitution pretty much discourages that type of organizing.
Who's is running AMFA? Mechanics at SWA. If AA were to go into AMFA who would be the majority? AA. So right now the mechanics at SWA run AMFA as they see fit. If AA came in all that would change, and do the mechanics at SWA want to see change? Right now they are at the Top, even if the Top is no longer in real terms what it was 20 years ago people tend to ignore Macro effects and focus only on the Micro.
If AMFA truly wanted to organize the entire industry then they would be telling their mechanics at SWA, who are paid the highest of any passenger airline, by a wide margin that they need to change their Constitution and attach a $75/month surcharge on the dues to fund organizing, or set aside at least $1million in cash per year for organizing, 30% after they get one of the major carriers and after total revenue increases above $10 million , then start reducing it after they get 50% of the profession. They would explain that the reason why they need to organize has a direct impact on why they can't negotiate higher wages with SWA, its because everyone else in the Industry is so far behind that SWA management would rather go into a PEB than give them more raises. In a PEB all workers at SWA would lose. Thats why nobody will really push their delayed contracts all that hard or ask for a release at SWA.
By agreeing to what they agreed to the IAM screwed everybody in the industry, UAL, and SWA were both in negotiations and if either end up in a PEB what the IAM agreed to will impact what the PEB recommends however if the IAM had gone into a PEB then what UAL(IBT), DAL(nonunion) and SWA(AMFA) were demanding and had would have influenced what the PEB recommended for US/IAM. The IAM undercut what UAL and SWA already had and it damaged both of those Unions in negotiations. So it damaged all of us, an injury to one is an injury to all.