700UW said:
Dude educate yourself.
PHL doesnt do Heavy Maintenance, its a line hangar specifically for the A330 and B767 ETOPS program.
PIT and PHL maintenance are apples to oranges, PIT is a Heavy Maintenance Base, PHL is Line Maintenance only with a Line Hangar.
You are totally clueless.
And you have no idea of what Heavy Maintenance Bases will be left after a JCBA.
And since you pretend to be Ms Cleo, whats the powerball numbers this week?
From what I hear PHL does have a bigger operation, but you are correct I don't work at US and neither do you.
And that is true I have No clue what stations will be around after the JCBA is negotiated,
US has moved its ops center to AA's from Pitt. So why would they keep a large operation there when the Tech service people have vacated. The conversation was about which Bases were going to survive. Pitt at one time had lots of flight approx 300, now down to what 40?
Pitt is a dead station in the eyes of US or other wise, WHY would they of pulled so much out of there. Isn't PHL a overseas departure station as well, with the Airbus?
Since You are NOT an airline employee and at times are just a cheerleader for the IAM, with a good computer and GOOGLE.
You don't know either, you are just so ate up with US & IAM even though you are not affiliated from what you say unless you have lied to everyone here. You are nothing more than a guy who wishes he was part of the industry and feels the need to be on every airline thread on this site. Some one who thinks he is an authority on every thing when you are NOT Much more than a stock clerk and an ex utility worker. Who made copies for the District Lodge Leaders at One contract Negotiations.
I am educated about what goes on, you on the other hand just google it.
Get a real Life You're not an airline employee any longer. Nor are you an IAM stooge, so why are you standing on the pulpit preaching their BS.
Oh and if you want the Power ball numbers GOOGLE them, and don't let the facts get in your way. Must be lonely to sit home all day wishing you could go to the airport.