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TUL mechs

AA Tulsa Mechanic said:
LOL we don't need funding now. We're making billions 🙂
That funding from the city of Tulsa is what has saved TUL, nothing the TWU did despite their claims.

Let's pretend the TWU really did save TUL that means they had the power to save AFW MCI DTW msp CLE bna RDU, etc etc

But chose not to?
These stations are protected until when the end of time? lol?
When the merger takes place and a JCBA is then negotiated these stations along with some of AA's will not be what they are today. From a business standpoint it will not be economical to keep all these base stations open doing the same type of work when it can be done some where else. Outsourced or sent to another station...
But I am Glad to see some one who is no longer affiliated with the IAM or USAirways or even an airline employee make such a bold statements. And before you say I have a crystal ball the reduction of Tulsa and the closing of AFW, are just the beginning of what AA has in store for the MAINTENANCE Work group. AA did away with system protection and station protection with AA so Little Ole US is going to change the way AA does business. Doubt it....
So instead of one Union representing the common interest of mechanics, we have two Unions trying to protect their base. Just like congress, our representatives are getting rich while the people fall behind.
With all the arrivals of the new aircraft, and the phasing out of the old, what have you guys heard from the Company and or TWU with regards to future checks being done in Tulsa or has that work been scheduled to be outsourced.
Just what does the transfer list look like to get out before the cut backs if any are scheduled?
Of all the now Maintenance Facilities we (AA) have with US which of these stations do you think AA is going to keep open?
There is CLT- PHX -TUL- PHL to name the bigger ones. What work can be done at any or all of these and has the TWU told you the Tulsa Mechanics which they feel is going to cost effective to maintain, and keep as a Future Maint. Base.
737, Airbus, 321-320-319, 777, and soon the 787, Gone will be the older 757, the 767-300, and the MD-80's.
What is the mood in Tulsa with the TWU's and AA future Plan?
After the managers from CLT and PHX engine shops came to Tulsa and basically explained their operations there as removal of QEC kits from the engines before they are sent out on R.O. and then the installation of the QEC kits when they come back, it would make sense to move that stuff somewhere else.  I would like to remind the "Experts" that even if U.S. Air had agreements not to close bases, U.S. Air will soon cease to exist.  American Airlines does not have any bases protected so I imagine CLT, PHX, PIT and whatever else you want to add will not be protected anymore.  It also makes no sense to have a maintenance base in a place like Pittsburgh that has lousy weather a lot of the year.  But AA has not made a sensible decision in a long time.  I do know AA plans on doing light Cs at the line stations.  Not only do I think this is a stupid decision, I don't think it will work.  Not knocking the line mechanics, but I doubt they are up to speed on things like landing gear changes and major repairs, not to mention there is no way AA will have all the equipment available for them to perform these tasks.  I think they will learn that this is not doable and hopefully send it all back to Tulsa where it belongs.  I would think that most in Tulsa would transfer to DFW if they had their choice since it is a five hour drive away, but I think we all know that in the event of a RIF, there won't be many allowed to go to DFW.  One OldGuy's opinion and nothing else.  But it would make the most sense to do maintenance at a base that is used to doing it and not sending stuff out R.O.  In-house maint. saves money and Parker and Co. are finding that out more and more each day.  The story we got was that Timco didn't want AA anymore because AA wanted Tulsa quality maintenance from Timco for cheap and that is why the 757s are back.  Don't know how true that is, but it's believable.  But I'm sure the end plan will not be shared with us peons.
 The above statements are the opinion of OldGuy and not necessarily the opinion of anyone else in Tulsa. 
OldGuy@AA said:
After the managers from CLT and PHX engine shops came to Tulsa and basically explained their operations there as removal of QEC kits from the engines before they are sent out on R.O. and then the installation of the QEC kits when they come back, it would make sense to move that stuff somewhere else.  I would like to remind the "Experts" that even if U.S. Air had agreements not to close bases, U.S. Air will soon cease to exist.  American Airlines does not have any bases protected so I imagine CLT, PHX, PIT and whatever else you want to add will not be protected anymore.  It also makes no sense to have a maintenance base in a place like Pittsburgh that has lousy weather a lot of the year.  But AA has not made a sensible decision in a long time.  I do know AA plans on doing light Cs at the line stations.  Not only do I think this is a stupid decision, I don't think it will work.  Not knocking the line mechanics, but I doubt they are up to speed on things like landing gear changes and major repairs, not to mention there is no way AA will have all the equipment available for them to perform these tasks.  I think they will learn that this is not doable and hopefully send it all back to Tulsa where it belongs.  I would think that most in Tulsa would transfer to DFW if they had their choice since it is a five hour drive away, but I think we all know that in the event of a RIF, there won't be many allowed to go to DFW.  One OldGuy's opinion and nothing else.  But it would make the most sense to do maintenance at a base that is used to doing it and not sending stuff out R.O.  In-house maint. saves money and Parker and Co. are finding that out more and more each day.  The story we got was that Timco didn't want AA anymore because AA wanted Tulsa quality maintenance from Timco for cheap and that is why the 757s are back.  Don't know how true that is, but it's believable.  But I'm sure the end plan will not be shared with us peons.
Couple of things, first tulsa oh is second to none, but pit is pretty good too I'm sure, what does bad weather have anything to do with anything, don't you'll work in a hanger?

AA flies 777s to HK for interior mods, they'll fly a plane anywhere for the best deal.

The big question is will Pittsburgh offer a better deal to AA or will Tulsa?
OldGuy@AA said:
After the managers from CLT and PHX engine shops came to Tulsa and basically explained their operations there as removal of QEC kits from the engines before they are sent out on R.O. and then the installation of the QEC kits when they come back, it would make sense to move that stuff somewhere else.  I would like to remind the "Experts" that even if U.S. Air had agreements not to close bases, U.S. Air will soon cease to exist.  American Airlines does not have any bases protected so I imagine CLT, PHX, PIT and whatever else you want to add will not be protected anymore.  It also makes no sense to have a maintenance base in a place like Pittsburgh that has lousy weather a lot of the year.  But AA has not made a sensible decision in a long time.  I do know AA plans on doing light Cs at the line stations.  Not only do I think this is a stupid decision, I don't think it will work.  Not knocking the line mechanics, but I doubt they are up to speed on things like landing gear changes and major repairs, not to mention there is no way AA will have all the equipment available for them to perform these tasks.  I think they will learn that this is not doable and hopefully send it all back to Tulsa where it belongs.  I would think that most in Tulsa would transfer to DFW if they had their choice since it is a five hour drive away, but I think we all know that in the event of a RIF, there won't be many allowed to go to DFW.  One OldGuy's opinion and nothing else.  But it would make the most sense to do maintenance at a base that is used to doing it and not sending stuff out R.O.  In-house maint. saves money and Parker and Co. are finding that out more and more each day.  The story we got was that Timco didn't want AA anymore because AA wanted Tulsa quality maintenance from Timco for cheap and that is why the 757s are back.  Don't know how true that is, but it's believable.  But I'm sure the end plan will not be shared with us peons.   
I agree with most of your comment, but the section I highlighted.
The Line stations with Landing gear Pits like LAX are well equipped to chage landing gear and have done it a few times. We had a contract with Hawaiian airlines to do the work.
Tulsa maybe one of the stations AA keeps, CLT is maybe the other that will stay.
The others AA/US will have to work those out as we get into our JCBA talks. That will happen after we get our SOC. So the way I see it and its just an guess that won't be until 2018.
The TWU & IAM are not playing nice as of late so we all will see. 
bigjets said:
Couple of things, first tulsa oh is second to none, but pit is pretty good too I'm sure, what does bad weather have anything to do with anything, don't you'll work in a hanger?

AA flies 777s to HK for interior mods, they'll fly a plane anywhere for the best deal.

The big question is will Pittsburgh offer a better deal to AA or will Tulsa?
USAirways will have to determine which city PITT or PHL will be the one to stay. 
TUL & CLT in my opinion will stay open if AA does not outsource its O/H.
PHX I think will go away as did AFW, MCI,
I just hope that what ever Union is on the property at that time, it  insures the mechanics don't lose their jobs and at least get a chance to follow the work. 
As far as Tulsa work being second to none that is your opinion and I assume you work in Tulsa? Each station feels that their station does the best job but as we all know it will be AA and the bean counters to determine if the economics of it are worth the cost of the stations/bases. lets hope there is a early out package that is comparable to the $$$ offered at UAL. That way NO Mechanics lose jobs.
USAirways will have to determine which city PITT or PHL will be the one to stay. 
TUL & CLT in my opinion will stay open if AA does not outsource its O/H.
PHX I think will go away as did AFW, MCI,
I just hope that what ever Union is on the property at that time, it  insures the mechanics don't lose their jobs and at least get a chance to follow the work. 
As far as Tulsa work being second to none that is your opinion and I assume you work in Tulsa? Each station feels that their station does the best job but as we all know it will be AA and the bean counters to determine if the economics of it are worth the cost of the stations/bases. lets hope there is a early out package that is comparable to the $$$ offered at UAL. That way NO Mechanics lose jobs.
Don't insult me, I have never worked in TUL. I just know they do good work, from what I see on the line. I should rephrase my statement, TUL is no better or worse then USair mechs.

Let the division start between the IAM and the TWU about which maint base closes. I would think they would all stay open sense they all made it through bankruptcy's.
OldGuy@AA said:
After the managers from CLT and PHX engine shops came to Tulsa and basically explained their operations there as removal of QEC kits from the engines before they are sent out on R.O. and then the installation of the QEC kits when they come back, it would make sense to move that stuff somewhere else.  I would like to remind the "Experts" that even if U.S. Air had agreements not to close bases, U.S. Air will soon cease to exist.  American Airlines does not have any bases protected so I imagine CLT, PHX, PIT and whatever else you want to add will not be protected anymore.  It also makes no sense to have a maintenance base in a place like Pittsburgh that has lousy weather a lot of the year.  But AA has not made a sensible decision in a long time.  I do know AA plans on doing light Cs at the line stations.  Not only do I think this is a stupid decision, I don't think it will work.  Not knocking the line mechanics, but I doubt they are up to speed on things like landing gear changes and major repairs, not to mention there is no way AA will have all the equipment available for them to perform these tasks.  I think they will learn that this is not doable and hopefully send it all back to Tulsa where it belongs.  I would think that most in Tulsa would transfer to DFW if they had their choice since it is a five hour drive away, but I think we all know that in the event of a RIF, there won't be many allowed to go to DFW.  One OldGuy's opinion and nothing else.  But it would make the most sense to do maintenance at a base that is used to doing it and not sending stuff out R.O.  In-house maint. saves money and Parker and Co. are finding that out more and more each day.  The story we got was that Timco didn't want AA anymore because AA wanted Tulsa quality maintenance from Timco for cheap and that is why the 757s are back.  Don't know how true that is, but it's believable.  But I'm sure the end plan will not be shared with us peons.
 The above statements are the opinion of OldGuy and not necessarily the opinion of anyone else in Tulsa.
I'm sure line mechs can handle lite Cs on the line, I would bet they would schedule it like SWA does a few cards done every night. I wouldn't count on TUL mechs just going to dfw as dfw is the only station not understaffed.
By 'protected', it just means that they'll have at least one person there. The base MTC protection headcount is 675. They could keep just a few in pit and put the rest in CLT. There are no headcount protections for any of the line stations (that's what phx is).
Duke787 said:
I'm sure line mechs can handle lite Cs on the line, I would bet they would schedule it like SWA does a few cards done every night. I wouldn't count on TUL mechs just going to dfw as dfw is the only station not understaffed.
I wouldn't count on dfw either as I hear aa is moving work out of dfw as their production is pretty low, as seen by the 777 going to Mia and 777 a checks being done elsewhere. Dfw has more 777 flights then any other station, common sense would say that dfw should be 777 central.
USAirways will have to determine which city PITT or PHL will be the one to stay. 
TUL & CLT in my opinion will stay open if AA does not outsource its O/H.
PHX I think will go away as did AFW, MCI,
I just hope that what ever Union is on the property at that time, it  insures the mechanics don't lose their jobs and at least get a chance to follow the work. 
As far as Tulsa work being second to none that is your opinion and I assume you work in Tulsa? Each station feels that their station does the best job but as we all know it will be AA and the bean counters to determine if the economics of it are worth the cost of the stations/bases. lets hope there is a early out package that is comparable to the $$$ offered at UAL. That way NO Mechanics lose jobs.
Dude educate yourself.
PHL doesnt do Heavy Maintenance, its a line hangar specifically for the A330 and B767 ETOPS program.
PIT and PHL maintenance are apples to oranges, PIT is a Heavy Maintenance Base, PHL is Line Maintenance only with a Line Hangar.
You are totally clueless.
And you have no idea of what Heavy Maintenance Bases will be left after a JCBA.
And since you pretend to be Ms Cleo, whats the powerball numbers this week?
700UW said:
Dude educate yourself.
PHL doesnt do Heavy Maintenance, its a line hangar specifically for the A330 and B767 ETOPS program.
PIT and PHL maintenance are apples to oranges, PIT is a Heavy Maintenance Base, PHL is Line Maintenance only with a Line Hangar.
You are totally clueless.
And you have no idea of what Heavy Maintenance Bases will be left after a JCBA.
And since you pretend to be Ms Cleo, whats the powerball numbers this week?
From what I hear PHL does have a bigger operation, but you are correct I don't work at US and neither do you. 
And that is true I have No clue what stations will be around after the JCBA is negotiated,
US has moved its ops center to AA's from Pitt. So why would they keep a large operation there when the Tech service people have vacated. The conversation was about which Bases were going to survive. Pitt at one time had lots of flight approx 300, now down to what 40?
Pitt is a dead station in the eyes of US or other wise, WHY would they of pulled so much out of there. Isn't PHL a overseas departure station as well, with the Airbus?
Since You are NOT an airline employee and at times are just a cheerleader for the IAM, with a good computer and GOOGLE.
You don't know either, you are just so ate up with  US & IAM even though you are not affiliated from what you say unless you have lied to everyone here. You are nothing more than a guy who wishes he was part of the industry and feels the need to be on every airline thread on this site. Some one who thinks he is an authority on every thing when you are NOT Much more than a stock clerk and an ex utility worker.  Who made copies for the District Lodge Leaders at One contract Negotiations. 
I am educated about what goes on, you on the other hand just google it.
Get a real Life You're not an airline employee any longer. Nor are you an IAM stooge, so why are you standing on the pulpit preaching their BS.
Oh and if you want the Power ball numbers GOOGLE them, and don't let the facts get in your way. Must be lonely to sit home all day wishing you could go to the airport.
Well I didn't mean to offend anyone.  I do think the maint. in Tulsa is second to none.  Been there almost 30 years and am proud of the work done there.  I would expect anyone at any base at any airline to be proud of their work.  LAX might have a gear pit, but who else does?  What about equipment needed to do stuff like that?  Special tools, gear jacks and dollies?  Also I have noticed if there are major repairs to be done at line stations they usually call a field trip most everywhere, even DFW and LAX.  I by no means said line guys could not do this stuff.  I merely said they don't do it often and some have never done it.  As far as bad weather in PIT it is what it is.  Can they land acft in 4 feet of snow?  As far as the engine shops in CLT and PHX, the way their managers explained the operation, you could do it in your garage.  Also just a handful of mechanics at each engine shop.  A total of about 60 adding the two bases I think.  I have never worked the line and a lot of line guys have never worked overhaul.  I was on a light C line for a while.  If the inspections are done correctly there will be things found that will not be able to be deferred until the next overnight.  They will find cracks in wing structures and corrosion.  You can't fix that stuff overnight.  That is why I think it is a stupid decision.  We have OH mechanics that are used to doing this work.  But this is my own opinion.  I was not trying to knock anybody.  Just trying to make some predictions based on the limited knowledge I have of all of this.  I did get the sarcasm from bigjets and I realize he must have been offended.  As far as 700, I have had him on ignore for a while so I don't read his posts.  All I do know is there is lots of capacity in TULE and lots of mechanics who have done heavy and light C work for many years.  It just makes sense to me to let the guys who have done it their whole career do it.  The kicker is that I think we all know some of the stations will close.  I also know DFW does not have openings but I did say if a RIF happens most in TULE would prefer to go there.  There is lots of seniority here and there would be some from DFW bumped.  That's about it.  No offense intended.  Just one dude's take on stuff.  I'm sure there are lots of different ideas.  I was actually wondering what other guys thought about this stuff too. Just remember that I do not try to offend anyone. 
I worked at the PHL hangar, PHL is all line maintenance, no overhaul, no shops etc...
It has a line hangar with the stores attached to it and its primaraly staffed mostly on third shift to do the RON maintenance on the A330 and B767s for the ETOPS program.
PIT has line maintenance and heavy maintenance, they overhaul A320 family aircraft.
Dont let the facts get in your way.
As far as Tulsa work being second to none that is your opinion and I assume you work in Tulsa? Each station feels that their station does the best job but as we all know it will be AA and the bean counters to determine if the economics of it are worth the cost of the stations/bases. lets hope there is a early out package that is comparable to the $$$ offered at UAL. That way NO Mechanics lose jobs.
I know size does not mean quality but TULE is the largest commercial maintenance base in the world.

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