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Too many US1's?

good point. I wouldn't want comping to CP without stellar travel history and some element of a challenge to keep the status for the full year.
America West had a Million MIler program - in the past, it meant lifetime Gold status and an invitation to the corporate box for a "US Airways Center" event.

It's an open question, I guess, as to whether they'll continue that.
Looks like it isnt just a US problem. I wonder if the ones that are the most upset are those on the cusp. Seems like those who are way up there would be thrilled with a cutback. Too Many Elite Flyers?
Looks like it isnt just a US problem. I wonder if the ones that are the most upset are those on the cusp. Seems like those who are way up there would be thrilled with a cutback. Too Many Elite Flyers?

well, i am not near the cusp and I am concerned. Where will the cutoff be? If you want less top tier flyers, what is your ultimate goal? Who are you catering to?

They stopped the rollover benefit this year but didn't announce until November which caused me to give US another 50,000 miles worth of tickets (high fare tickets) when I could have hedged my bets and gotten good status on another airline that offers its elites more than the NEW US. Sometimes I make CP on segments, sometimes on miles--the past 2 years were on miles, but the year before was on segments--so, the increase in segment requirements is not great news either because I never know what kind of travel I will have the following year.

With the changes they have made, it is actually the one's "way up there" that get screwed because they fly more in FC and the FC product is crappy, the CP desk service has declined dramatically, there is no more rollover which gives you no incentive to stick with US the whole year but rather find another carrier who will treat you better, they made HP Plats CP until March even though they didn't qualify for CP which cuts into the upgrading and with more and more RJ flying out PHL, why should I fly US even as a CP? I've asked them to give something small for flying on an RJ because of no FC--a lousy drink coupon would thrill me on a Friday--sure I could pay the $5 or whatever it is, but it's a nice gesture--instead, i'll connect (which is more costly for US) just so I can fly mainline.
instead, i'll connect (which is more costly for US) just so I can fly mainline.
And that's what I'm having a problem with. Out of orf there are 3 flights a day on mainline - 2 to clt and 1 to phl (and the one to phl is not until 5:15pm). It seems there is less and less incentive for me to stay with U. Sure, the bonus miles are nice and I'm still having good experiences with the CP desk, but I put all my flights with U for the opportunity to sit in first. And I'm not even that concerned about the downgrading of service in first (although on TC flights it can matter); it's the comfort of the larger seat with more room. U is taking the 2 cabin jets out of orf (and I imagine out of many other airports) and in effect it takes away the major benefit of being CP.