Looks like it isnt just a US problem. I wonder if the ones that are the most upset are those on the cusp. Seems like those who are way up there would be thrilled with a cutback. Too Many Elite Flyers?
And that's what I'm having a problem with. Out of orf there are 3 flights a day on mainline - 2 to clt and 1 to phl (and the one to phl is not until 5:15pm). It seems there is less and less incentive for me to stay with U. Sure, the bonus miles are nice and I'm still having good experiences with the CP desk, but I put all my flights with U for the opportunity to sit in first. And I'm not even that concerned about the downgrading of service in first (although on TC flights it can matter); it's the comfort of the larger seat with more room. U is taking the 2 cabin jets out of orf (and I imagine out of many other airports) and in effect it takes away the major benefit of being CP.instead, i'll connect (which is more costly for US) just so I can fly mainline.