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Too many US1's?

You guys are too sweet! See why I loves ya?

L4pi, you are funny! Have you seen Tracy Ullman's character of "Ruby Romaine"? Just a little closer to reality!

I don't think this management needs a "weeds-O-gram". They have been seeming to get it much better than the last "bunch".

Dea Certe, Is that you???? :wub:

Is there some one who can tell me why an airline would want to chase off its best, most revenue-producing customers?

From my experience, I've said it before and I'll say it again, our FF's are the easiest people to take care of! They know "how" to fly! They have their tickets out and ready for collection. They generally don't have any checked bags or require extra assistance. If there's a delay, these guys understand. They don't rush the podium in panic! They just get out their cell phones/laptops and make back-up plans. In fact, they probably already have figured out Plan "B" and are advising the CP desk of what they would like to do.

They know how and where to stow their carry-ons. They don't have unrealistic expectations. They know which flights have food and when to expect the snack basket. Most of them know the flight attendants are now cleaning the cabin and are quick to hand over their refuse!

I find them to be the most polite, generally. And I like seeing these guys!

And, as I have said, they are flying with us all the time! The are not the fickle leisure travelers who wait for the El Cheapo tickets! Or quit flying when the economy takes a down-turn.

To persue the leisure crowd, primarily, doesn't make good business sense!

Other than an obsession with green limes, which I share, they just aren't that demanding!


You are 100% correct. The US1's, with the SMALL exceptions, are the best customers to serve. When I hear a call bell go off in f/c when I am inches away, guess what the status usually is? You got it...US4. Hell, an infant or homeless person can be a US4 if they fill the card out.

I don't know WHAT the yuppies in Tempe are thinking on this one.
Maybe the Tempe people are just slow in getting their arms around the DM issues. Might be more involved than we suspect.

It took about 4 months for the powerport issue to be resolved. This is an issue that actually costs them money and they decided to spend it...a good sign. I'm getting optimistic.
Maybe the Tempe people are just slow in getting their arms around the DM issues. Might be more involved than we suspect.

It took about 4 months for the powerport issue to be resolved. This is an issue that actually costs them money and they decided to spend it...a good sign. I'm getting optimistic.
Bofie, I'm with you on this one. Combined with the RES coming back home, these ARE two positive signs. But let's not forget that the dark clouds are still all around us. Not exactly "clear skies ahead"
Dea Certe, Is that you???? :wub:

WOW! I flew with her from orf to phl last weekend! She slipped me a bottle for the cab ride to the hotel. A real peach and one of the reasons I still fly US Airways.

Too many US1's??? Let's see...

No rollover???
Increased requirements???
Less service (outsourcing)???

Seems like somebody at U is thinking there are too many of us. Hope they reevaluate before we do.

LOL! Thanks for posting! Where ever did you find it? :lol:


Any time, my friend!

Too many US1's??? Let's see...

No rollover???
Increased requirements???
Less service (outsourcing)???

Right, US would rather give away US3 status and alienate the US1's. Many of their decisions have impacted the very best customers (rollover--you need over 100K to have rollover so you have to be flying a lot); segment increase--the shuttle fliers get screwed).

I can see not giving away US1 status, but why would you to reduce their numbers--I would think an airline would be psyched to have all of its customers being US1's--guaranteed revenue week after week after week. UA is begging for biz customers to join their ranks of FF's--just fly them as a US1 and they will pick you out tell you to your face, WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS--it happened to me a few weeks ago.

The FC service is so crappy and once US1's get a taste of FC on other airlines, particularly UA, they will ask the same question my traveling companion asked me--why in the world are you so loyal to US? He asked it so much, I was irritated by the end of the trip--he asked it after they brought out a nice bottle of red wine, he asked it after they brought out our CHOICE of lunch (cobb salad with shrimp, warm bread, and cookie) on a two hour flight, he asked it after they brought out hot towels, he asked it after they brought out warm nuts...on and on and on....i was irritated by the end of the trip......
Right, US would rather give away US3 status and alienate the US1's. Many of their decisions have impacted the very best customers (rollover--you need over 100K to have rollover so you have to be flying a lot); segment increase--the shuttle fliers get screwed).

I can see not giving away US1 status, but why would you to reduce their numbers--I would think an airline would be psyched to have all of its customers being US1's--guaranteed revenue week after week after week. UA is begging for biz customers to join their ranks of FF's--just fly them as a US1 and they will pick you out tell you to your face, WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS--it happened to me a few weeks ago.

The FC service is so crappy and once US1's get a taste of FC on other airlines, particularly UA, they will ask the same question my traveling companion asked me--why in the world are you so loyal to US? He asked it so much, I was irritated by the end of the trip--he asked it after they brought out a nice bottle of red wine, he asked it after they brought out our CHOICE of lunch (cobb salad with shrimp, warm bread, and cookie) on a two hour flight, he asked it after they brought out hot towels, he asked it after they brought out warm nuts...on and on and on....i was irritated by the end of the trip......

It really bothers me to see you so frustrated. I can honestly say to you, I can't blame you. If I were you, I would do the same thing and leave US ASAP as there appears to be NO desire to go after the high end business traveler.

I was wondering how long it would take before you and a few others finally said ENOUGH! I am sorry to see you go. It is so embarassing to be out on the line and see what has happened to our inflight service. We too use to do the same things UA did for many years and now we our what the new CEO says we are...a lcc. That means nothing special to you except a big dirty seat.

I understand that we have to define what we want to be. Unfortunately for you it doesn't mean being a true full service carrier with the really nice amenities. I will just warn you of one thing. UA has been in Ch 11, what 3 years today? They have no sound business plan except to entice the US ff over with their superior inflight service, yet their funding for an airline much bigger than US is lower. Their plan is to grow, which means more capacity and lower fares. Where is the money coming from?

Now I know my friends at UA will blast my ass out of the water, but I will promise you they will be back in CH 11 a year after they leave...whenever the hell that is. If the plan is to entice all of our ff over, well I got news for you, it's gonna take more to keep afloat then that. I'm sorry, but their biz plan reminds me of Bush's plan for our country. Fund a war, fund entitlements, lower taxes...spend, spend, spend and think all will be ok. I really hope it works for them as they are a true world airline and SHOULD provide the kind of services you want. UA's plan is to BE a worldclass carrier. Ours is not...plain and simple. It's a risky plan but it has worked for Luftansa.

Face it, we ARE the 2005 version of People Express.

I cannot imagine why US would want to "weed out" our best customers. The business flyer is guaranteed money, day in and day out. The leisure market comes and goes. I find it very hard to believe.
Exactly! Every business needs a loyalty branded program that serves/caters to the most frequent customer. Prior to the Wolfe regieme, US had a very select level within the program that REALLY catered to the high flier "Million Mile Flier".....this program was intended to offer Carte Blanche to this very select group of travellers. Many of our own employees didn't even know of some of the benefits available....and for the flyer, If YOU had to ASK about it, more than likely YOU didn't qualify. The program was somewhat prestigious (invitation only with a very classy membership kit provided.....I should know I helped launch it and was given one for the effort). The current program needs some serious revamping.....way too many members, too many levels and the inability to REALLY reward the key individuals or corporations that significantly contribute to the bottom line.
I was told today by a CP res agent that there are "too many US1's" and the goal is to "weed them out".

What does that mean? Does US have more top tier customers than other airlines? Why do you want to "weed out" your most loyal customers? How do you go about "weeding out" your most loyal customers?

A question back to US is what are you going to do for the people who are not "weeded out"?
"Sense of entitlement" Lakefield's words not mine. agents, flight attendants pilots, mechanics, cleaners, dispatchers,US1,US2,US3
I have about 150,000 miles and broke the 100K mark in August. Stuck with US until they said no rollover, then I jumped ship. Sent a note to Tempe and never got a response.

FC is crappy and I think the CP desk service level (I'm not talking about "freebies", I am talking about customer service in general) is way way down in my opinion since the end of August.

I don't buy $98 fares, but obviously that is what US is aiming for--let them have those customers, I can go elsewhere. Why would you want to weed out your most loyal customers? What an idotic business plan.

I was floored that a res agent on the CP desk, who didn't address me by name when she answered the phone today by the way, said that there are too many US1's. This was in response to my question about the upgrade policy for companions--since US/East and US/West have totally different policies.
August and September were the months when the majority of the reps from CP left the company and the new reps came to the desk. (I guess you do get what you pay for in the company's case. Many sr reps left and those who were jr wanted to be on the CP desk)

I was floored that a res agent on the CP desk, who didn't address me by name when she answered the phone today by the way, said that there are too many US1's. ...

Alas... does anyone remember the good old days when the abreviation of "BK" before an airline name didn't refer to its financial status, but refered instead to its expertise at a soft lip procedure upon your posterior?

Face it, we ARE the 2005 version of People Express.

Well, the problem is US is still charging the same fares as UA and AA and providing a much lower level of service. Airtran offers "FC" stripped of the amenities offered by AA and UA, but they don't charge what the other carriers are charging. If US is going to offer a crappy product, then lower the darn fares.

Some examples of fares I paid this year:

$1700 B fare to FAT from PHL
$900 plus N fare to SAN from PHL
$750 Y fare from PHL to PIT

the list goes on, but you get the point. Dirty planes, dirty lavs, dirty seats, crappy food--but great frontline people who I enjoy seeing when I travel.