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Too many US1's?

Stupid thing for a res agent to say.

Not heard any such thing. I do know that they are making tougher for you to get to US1 status and I agree with it.

First of all, I agree, that was the dumbest thing any customer service person could tell a customer....*#### slap*

2ndly. When HP/US merged the elite levels, HP plat members had long wanted a 4th teir. Many of our plat members had exceeded the plat requirement, alot of times by double, and the customer demand from the HP side was a 4th teir for them.

Since US already had a 4th teir, we kept it for the HP members to enjoy. (or so it was explained to me)

My job in rez is a 'pseudo-supervisor', and in my daily calls, I am checking elite status of my customers on nearly every call...so, for a rez agt to say that we want to weed you out...that is a dumb agent who has no idea how this business is run!...plz ignore the ignorant!
I agree with Dea , I find US1 to be among the best customers to work for and I go out of my way to do everything possible to make sure their trip goes well.

Of course there are some exceptions those US1 who are total pain in the A$$ these you know because they tell you they are. Chairman perferred beating their chest.

Personally, I like to find out myself when I see that US1 banner by their name.
I will be the first one to admit that I have seen some other US1's behaving badly. I have seen some behaviours which make me shake my head in disbelief. One is sort of famous for his behaviour, and was banned from US for a while. I had the unique experience of sharing a flight with him once-it was interesting to say the least. On another occasion, a Gold member created a scene when he found someone sitting in his first class seat--and I mean yelling and screaming at the flight attendant, at one point asking her if she could read because the seat number was clearly indicated on his boarding pass. Lo and behold, just before she was going to call the gate agent to come aboard and sort it out, she noticed that the flight number on the boarding pass was for the flight leaving 10 minutes later for CLT, not the one he had boarded. Well now he was mad at the agent for letting him board in the first place. They first told him to take any open coach seat (they were not about to let him ride in first), then the #1 FA and the agent supervisor decided to pull him off and make him take the original flight.

The entire situation was handled so beautifully by US inflight and supervisory staff that the entire first class cabin gave them a round of applause as soon as the offender was removed. The FA was totally vindicated and just shook her head at this guy's behaviour.

This incident shows not only how badly some people can behave (a US 2 in this case), but also how remarkably well the crew handled the situation. It reaffirms our belief that US people are the best this industry has to offer.

To the employees on this board, know that the overwhelming majority of US 1's are not only well behaved, but we are knowledgeable and we sincerely appreciate the great job you do, and that you most often do go the extra mile for us.

So let me say thank you for the majority of US1's.

My best to you all.....
I will be the first one to admit that I have seen some other US1's behaving badly. I have seen some behaviours which make me shake my head in disbelief.

Me as well. Guy in Ft Myers demands to be allowed to carry on an extra piece of luggage "because he is chairman". What an idiot, of course, the guys in Ft. Myers handled it extremely well. That's a great group of folks down there, I haven't been there in 2 years I hope the same bunch survived the turmoil.

Should I even bring up all the Chairman who block the gate from pre-boarders, particularly in Florida? All of em are jerks. Probably some of them exist on here and Flyertalk, because ever time I mention it I get flamed.
Just out of curiousity when a US1 throws his/her weight around does it make you more or less inclined to help and/or bend rules?


I'll generally do my best to accommodate any customer. If someone has a complaint or is not happy about something under my control, I'll do what I can to fix it.

If someone is throwing their weight around, I'm afraid I'm less inclined and will probably only do the minium to remedy. Plus, I lose respect for anyone who can't control their temper and forgets their good manners.

I realize we all have bad days now and then and do take that into account. I like it a lot when I can turn someone around. It's a personal challenge. We do appreciate when an apology is extended after an unseemly display of boorish behavior.

Maybe I'm just lucky, but I really haven't had much experience with US1's behaving badly. Maybe I'm just so cute no US1 would ever be mean to me.

Sadly, the US3's and US4's remain unaffected by my considerable charms...

Since US already had a 4th teir, we kept it for the HP members to enjoy. (or so it was explained to me)

US "east" never had 4 levels, it's always been 3. For a while during BK #1 they just made it easier to get to US1 (chairman's) status and that's when the ranks swelled.

So I do believe they are trying to thin the heard.
Trvlr64, I would say you are on the money. They dont want to detract from the "true CP",just bring uniformity between US East and US West top tier members. 'Tis not all bad, I believe the complete opposite.
Perhaps the "too many" was a reference to the CP "lites" who made the level via the 6689 promo who would not be CPs otherwise?

Edit: Sorry, when I posted this I missed trvlr64 and reznc's posts 🙁
Perhaps the "too many" was a reference to the CP "lites" who made the level via the 6689 promo who would not be CPs otherwise?
Edit: Sorry, when I posted this I missed trvlr64 and reznc's posts 🙁

Still, I cannot see the disadvantage to the company in having lots of CPs if it means that they fly a lot on the airline.
Just out of curiousity when a US1 throws his/her weight around does it make you more or less inclined to help and/or bend rules?

I am a professional bending rules are reserve to those who treat me with respect to those who as you say throw their weight around i enforce the rules to the T.
Perhaps the "too many" was a reference to the CP "lites" who made the level via the 6689 promo who would not be CPs otherwise?
Edit: Sorry, when I posted this I missed trvlr64 and reznc's posts 🙁

Although this may be in fact what the Chairman's rep was referring to in the OP, I still think it shows a lack of judgement to make such a statement to a customer.

I also have to say that while some comps or "challenges" are good and encourage future loyalty, I don't think top tier should ever be devalued like it was here--I think US was the only airline to comp or make it easly for customers to achieve Chairmans' Preferred.

That said, properly done, programs like this tend to be very successful--that's how they got me back in 1999-2000-I wrote sending a copy of my DL activity, they comped Gold for a year, and I made Chairmans' that very year and have been a US1 the hard way ever since. By now I should be near or just past the 1 million mile mark-too bad they no longer recognize million milers.

My best to you all.....
Art, I totally agree with what you said, and I apologise for not apologising on behalf of my work partner. It was a totally inappropriate comment based on inaccuracy.

I was/am embarassed by the comment made. We value our CP and are so appreciative of what they have done for us over the time. I am always annoyed that whenever you come to the office I always miss you people.
To Bofie,

I think the point was that those US1 "lites" made it by NOT flying that much, or as much as "full" US1's. In that case there might be a valid reason to "thin out the ranks" as it were.

That said, I stand by my comment that the comment was poorly thought out and was just not the right thing to say to a customer.


Thank you for your kind words, but if it were not for the extraordinary efforts of you and your colleagues, many of us would NOT have stayed through the thick and the thin of it--and that is why we can't show our appreciation enough to you all...

Regarding you missing us, I am due down there again soon, and will PM you when the schedule firms up--and I will make a point of coming to see you.

My best to you all....

For sure, some were elevated out of their caste by that promotion, but if it results in them flying US more, then that was an effective promotion that helps business. If they don't fly US more then they won't have excess miles to rollover and they will thin themselves out within a year.

I agree with you to a point. The comping or the "challenge" to the mid level or Gold is potentially more effective than the same to the top--basically, where do you go from there?

In my case, I took the comping to Gold 6 years ago, and determined to make Chairman's on my own--and have done so each year since.

I am sure there is a case either way, but almost no one will comp or challenge to the highest level in their program-that level is usually reserved for those who earn it the old fashioned way.

Just my 2C