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The record locators can be mixed or all letters. No rhyme or reason.

Also, since availability issues were mentioned earlier, maybe someone from West can help me here? How come I cant find any flights to Odessa, Ukraine in the system? I know there are flights there because the customer looked it up himself online, yet I dont see it in our system to sell.
Why does the computer not pull up the next flight to the city requested? Asked for TPA-AVP today and the first screen showed a flight that had already left (real helpful, entry number 1), next page showed two flights to CLT at 3pm and 5pm arriving at 11pm (real helpful, entry number 2), finally entry number 3 shows a 210pm flight via PHL arriving at 7pm. Hallelujah, we have a winner after how many keystrokes? Sorry, after hitting so many F- (N) keys? I dont care that WN has flights unless I ask for WN, why bother to even have that in the system unless asked for? The productivity factor just keeps getting better and better as the lines grow and grow.
Also, our late flight to CLT wasnt showing conx to RDU (heard from IT that its been corrected) and tonight couldnt get conx to AVL or MYR to show. Why do the agents have to do a "seek and find" mission to get OUR flight to show up in OUR computer system? Why arent ALL of our flight offerings showing up? How many people are we not selling seats to because Shares says there is no flight when there is? I was advised to let IT know if there were any more city pairs that arent coming up in availability. NOT MY JOB! If I have to do the IT/ Schedulings job to make sure the flights are showing, then I WANT THE MONEY IN MY PAYCHECK THESE PEOPLE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE GETTING PAID TO DO THEIR JOB, WHEN ITS MAKING MY JOB HARDER! :down: :down:

QIK/SHARES is very dysfunctional and redundant! I have to piece together itineraries point-to-point to get customers rerouted due to misconnects/irregularities. A real time saver....NOT!!!! BRING BACK SABRE!! :blink:

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