SpinDoc said:
As an industry observer, let me add some comments that may bring some perspective to the panic that has permeated these boards for the past few days. The company and the unions each have an obligation to keep US Airways a going concern. The company is not asking for additional wage cuts or job downgrades. What they are asking for is to be able to utilize assets in a more economical and efficient manner. This includes an increase in aircraft utilization, cross functionality for ramp and non-FAA licensed maintenance personnel, scheduling changes for pilots and F/A's, and greater accountability for all employees. In order to lower CASM to a level that can be sustainable against WN and B6, the unions need to come to the table and agree to change work rules that have been around for many years and are inefficient. Efficiency does not necessarily mean that furloughs will occur. It does mean that employees will have to do more with the same amount of staffing that is currently available. In other words, employees will be expected to do more work during a typical shift. If the employees of US Airways truly want to see the airline successfully compete with WN and B6 for a sustained period of time, I believe it would be prudent to encourage your union board members to work out a deal with management. If this does not occur, the company will not survive and the mortgage and car payments will be difficult to make on unemployment. Just my observation as an industry observer.
"As an industry observer, let me add some comments that may bring some perspective to the panic that has permeated these boards for the past few days."
As an employee as well as an industry observer let me make some observations based on past history of dealing with this management team. The big observation is this management team has a golden record of breaking contracts signed that were put in place to make us competitive and to handle the LCCs, after all when we signed those contracts LCCs were in existence, they were not invented after we signed concessionary contracts. Also, we already signed our blood away on the dotted line TWICE and this will make THREE times. Since we know their history of less than genuine and sincere why would number THREE be the stopping point?
"In order to lower CASM to a level that can be sustainable against WN and B6, the unions need to come to the table and agree to change work rules that have been around for many years and are inefficient. Efficiency does not necessarily mean that furloughs will occur.â€
I do not for one minute believe this, again their past history of downsizing and throwing people in the streets like it's sport tells me so.
"In other words, employees will be expected to do more work during a typical shift. If the employees of US Airways truly want to see the airline successfully compete with WN and B6 for a sustained period of time, I believe it would be prudent to encourage your union board members to work out a deal with management. If this does not occur, the company will not survive and the mortgage and car payments will be difficult to make on unemployment. Just my observation as an industry observer."
So do you believe we were not working during our shift up until the LCC concerns made an appearance? The union board members are doing exactly what the membership wishes of them. The mortgage and car payments are not enough reason for the likes of this so called management team for labor to give in to people of no honor, wisdom or integrity. Doing so puts off the inevitable because we all know they can't run an airline.
Instead of your ideas, I say we get a interim leader in here that people will once again trust and go from there. Then and only then will this airline stand a chance of survival.