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This is a fine example of The Golden Rule. He who has the gold, makes the rules.

Exactly, Delldude. I said that three days ago on another thread and it is so true.
for those who said robbedagain to replace 13.75 job--let me tell you this, we are at 13.00 and hr with the high medical costs! i am already prepared to join a real airline--delta connection
I am surprised noone has mentioned Virgin Blue and the PHL interest they were rumored to have just last month.
Bronner is forcing UAIR out of business by his statements to the press. Who in the world would reserve spring and summer travel on us now? What a brilliant leader!
When the light is turned off and the flag taken down at Uair (less than 12 months IMHO) where will you be in 5 years ? Some I've seen post here will still be wallowing in their misery blaming W&G , Davex2 or who ever else comes to mind. And some will say the the demise of Uair was the best thing to happen to them . I intend to be the later .
OLD CROW...tend to agree...my life won't stop with the demise of U.might be an avenue to bigger and better things.money doesn't buy everything! peace of mind is priceless.
take 'er easy O.C.
IF this is the company line, then how can Dr Bronner make all his statements? Maybe we need to contact the SEC and report his alleged violations.

******** U S A I R W A Y S T O D A Y ********

Thursday, Jan. 8, 2004

1/The New York Times is reporting today that
US Airways has engaged Morgan Stanley as its investment
bank after it failed to obtain the support of its
unions for revisions in its business plan, which would
supplant the restructuring plan it completed last

The company declined to comment for the story. In
compliance with U.S. securities laws and regulations,
the company does not confirm, deny or comment on rumors
or speculation.
Heres something to think about.

Why would any airline be interested in buying ANYTHING from US Air right now? Why not wait till U files Ch7? Thats when the fire sale really begins.

Is U in trouble? Yes
Is it likely U will fail? Yes
Are the 2 Daves trying to put the scare in the U employees so they beg for more concessions in order to save their jobs? YES!
700UW said:
IF this is the company line, then how can Dr Bronner make all his statements? Maybe we need to contact the SEC and report his alleged violations.

******** U S A I R W A Y S T O D A Y ********

Thursday, Jan. 8, 2004

1/The New York Times is reporting today that
US Airways has engaged Morgan Stanley as its investment
bank after it failed to obtain the support of its
unions for revisions in its business plan, which would
supplant the restructuring plan it completed last

The company declined to comment for the story. In
compliance with U.S. securities laws and regulations,
the company does not confirm, deny or comment on rumors
or speculation.
Well, as long as Dr. Bronner did not tell Martha Stewart (haha) or any other UAIR stockholder to get out of the stock last week pending an announcement this week, I am not sure what SEC regulations he is breaking regarding disclosure.

Your post is uncalled for and rude. I say we sell YOU. :angry:

You know that most of us do not treat each other like that. What do we look like,
American Airlines? B)


Anything US Airways has that is worth anything is there to be taken. Southwest is coming to PHL because they CAN, whats to be afraid of? Us and our lack of cash, armada of puddle jumpers, overpriced and sub-par product and a vindictive, out of touch, lost-the-plot management team that loathes its employees doing reverse marketing?

What do we have thats really worth much, even if anyone could buy? AA was able to start its own mini-Shuttle, Delta has one, Continental pretty much has one but out of EWR...

As for the LCCs they dont seem to have a problem ordering thier own planes, hiring thier own people and setting up shop. Why on earth would they want to buy any part of US Airways when they can have it for free (and do it correctly, with thier own people and no drama) in a few months when we go under?

If anyone wants airplanes theres a plethora of fairly new ones of every descrpition sitting in the desert. And no one wants senior, unionized, jaded employees unless they absolutely have to. They want young, cheap, and stupid new hires.

The LCCs have smelled blood and would promptly go for PIT or CLT if they had the slightest interest. I like Pittsburgh, but folks, come on! If even old US Airways-USAir-Allegheny doesnt want Pittsburgh, its a good bet no other airline does either.

None of the legacy carriers have the cash, and again, they would rather wait it out until we are gone and they are in a better position. No one at the other majors, management or employees wants our super-senior, heavily unionized employees. And if we are just talking about slots and gates and such, again, none of them are at a place to be throwing money into "east coast short haul business routes".

This whole thing is laughable the way its worded. "They may sell the Shuttle and, oh yeah, a hub or two" such typical, doesnt know his arse from his elbow Dr. Bronner speak. USAirBoyA330s comparison to a child at the grocery store is accurate.
Light Years said:
If anyone wants airplanes theres a plethora of fairly new ones of every descrpition sitting in the desert. And no one wants senior, unionized, jaded employees unless they absolutely have to. They want young, cheap, and stupid new hires.
Well said. As I am constantly reminding people at AA who are complaining about being cut from $48/hr to $44/hr (f/a top of scale now) that there are thousands outside that will do the job for $15/hr (or less). American Eagle pays $17.64/hr to start (and you stay at that pay for the first 4 years!) for a job that requires flying up to 6 or 7 legs a day, and they are swamped with applicants.

Despite what those of us who have done the job say, people still think that working for an airline is a glamorous job with lots of travel perks. And, a lot of them think in terms of doing it for 2-3 years and then going to get a real job--also, known as the good old days. Airline management would very much like to get back to the time (at least with flight attendants) where no one ever stayed around long enough to reach top of scale or qualify for a pension.

You are absolutely correct, I was saying the same thing in another post (one of the nine page ones). Alot of major airline, mainline FAs have no idea what being a FA is at commuters, charters, and some LCCs. I was pointing out that some of the US Airways Express carriers make $12,000 a year for conditions a mainline FA could not imagine (I've done both). The opposite is also true, I have a friend who is also a furloughed F/A who is currently working at one of those carriers. He was telling me that the FAs at those places dont even know what a union is, and have no idea how much a regular FA makes or what thier lives are like.

These carriers have no trouble whatsoever filling vacancies (which are frequent- turnover can be as little as THREE MONTHs, usually less than a year). Interviews are akin to a quick interview you might have to work in fast food and training is a matter of a couple weeks, sometimes even days. This new breed of FA wannabees dont have thier sights set on a mainline job because they know there arent any. They just want to move up to a prettier plane, like an RJ- who cares if they only make $14 an hour, most of these people wouldnt make much more in any other job. When they tire of it, they leave, and someone else comes in. They dont keep that desire to fly like we all do ("it gets in your blood") because they get burned out quickly and are unable to live a normal life. There will ALWAYS be people willing to be a flight attendant regardless of pay or work conditions. Same goes for pilots. This is what the industry has discovered and exploited with the advent of the regional jet, and 9/11, sadly, was used an excuse to accelerate this plan.

This is what current legacy carrier employees need to keep in mind. Your competition will do your job under conditions that make a crackhead look dignified. You need to protect the integrity of your profession while also making compromises in order to remain competitive.
Light Years,
It is painfully clear from reading postings here, and from what I see flying, that many co-workers are not as enlightened as you. Things will never be the same and those veterans that are digging in their heels against change are just going to be disappointed.
Dell Dude,
I have never replied to this website, but after reading your postings, I couldn't resist replying. First of all, if "you saw this coming back in 1988", then why the heck did you stay with this company for 16 years and moan and groan instead of getting a "good job?"
As for getting a new life, you should have plenty of extra time since you won't have to make a new post every fifteen minutes on this message board whining about how bad the company is. It should give your typing fingers a much needed break!
I guess you'll have to find something else to do with your spare time while on third shift with Tue/Wed off and a whole weeks worth of vacation, of course at half of the pay.
In closing, if it's so bad, just quit! Why have you waited this long, or is it a pride thing, ie. "We showed them!"
No, I don't work for US, but if all their employees are like you, I'm glad I don't! -----> I don't know if you need a life, but you definitely need to get a clue!
about how bad the company is

Its not the company that's bad as a matter of fact its a great company, its the decisions that management makes that are bad. If you were an employee you'd know that!
Geez, maybe your the one that needs to get a clue. 😱

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