'Levic' Texas? :huh: Do you mean Lubbock you old Geezer?
Heres a clue old timer, as long as you guys can continue producing with your current head count would'nt It be cost advantageous for the compAAny not to recall?
Look, when the CompAAny realizes that the amount of work vs. the manpower does not equate at that time their hand will be forced. you say in one breath that "there is not enough people to get the work done", then turn right around and say "the people on the floor who get the work done day in and day out"! which statement is accurate? because thats a complete contradiction my friend.
When/If ALCOA shows up with those two 757's they want converted to freighters and they see theres not enough manpower to complete the work in a timely manner then at that time someone will have to answer and It won't be the Mechanics on the floor reporting to Headquarters for the debacle.
Just go to work, do your 8 hours punch out and go home. Let the chips fall where they may, because unless your the one in charge of calling the shots there is not a thing you can do about it. If your hoping the TWU is gonna come to your rescue, well all I can say is wish in one hand and sh!t in the other and see which one fills up the quickest.