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American M & E Working Together Toward Profits

Well it has been officially announced that Eagle Saab C-Checks that per the twu, "MCI couldn't handle," are coming to DFW. Of course in classic twu style, they sign a letter of agreement allowing the company to lock those who bid the crew to do the work into a 14 month bid, instead of the currect 3 month bids. The crew will be one line 4-10's with 29 crew, 2 crew chiefs, and 28 days to complete the work. So it is official that we have lowered our costs so much that even the low cost regionals want us to do their work. Who's next--China Air? :down:

MCI Transplant...Could you give us the MCI side of the story? 😉
<_< -----AMFAMAN, thanks for the opertunity to due so! Not only do you have to liston to what the TWU is telling you, but you also have to liston to what they're not telling you! The problem here is that we just don't have the people! We have less than four hundred total AMTs here at MCI! To cover one 767 "C" check line, Air Canada due in next! The 767 Cabin Mods., two lines of Sabbs, using only one crew, and in our spar time, a line of "C" checks/ pylon mods on Capital Airs 767s. Now! At this time we only have one 767 that we're doing the Cabin mods on. But once we get cranked up, they plan on "pulsing" them,so we (in theory) will have three aircraft working at once!(that's the plan!)---- Are you still with me? Now through in the ALCOA 757 cargo mod! Which I'm told is suposed to show up any time now! I hear they want to work two Aircraft at a time! And are negotiating to do a "C" check on them at the same time!----- Well, you notice that I haven't said anything about recalls! Because, Management hasn't either!!! In fact word on the floor is that there will not be any sugificant recall here, until "ALL" AMT's that are layed off at Tulsa are back on the property!!!! 😉 We had two more of our better Avionics mechanics retire today! And I hear that we may see your first Cabin Mod 767 here at MCI, to strighten out an "Auto-Land " problem! Which could mean a major rewiring!---:shock:
MCI Transplant:

If you could, I would like to know the Saab crew sizes, one shift or two, and the amount of days to get it done?

We're getting the typical twu "slam the other guy" speech about how you guys are lazy and can't take care of your own contract work. I know from reading your posts and making a few calls to KC, that is not the case, but rather you are severely undermanned.
MCI Transplant:

If you could, I would like to know the Saab crew sizes, one shift or two, and the amount of days to get it done?

We're getting the typical twu "slam the other guy" speech about how you guys are lazy and can't take care of your own contract work. I know from reading your posts and making a few calls to KC, that is not the case, but rather you are severely undermanned.
<_< --- AMFAMAN, I don't work the Saab lines, but I'll see if I can get you that Info! The plan is to move at least half the Saab crew to the ALCOA line, which is due in anyday now. I hear they've got at least three aircraft now, and were chasing down seven more in Brazil. In fact they sent at least three of our Union people down there to check them out! There's a good chance we'll be doing "C" checks on them also. They have two docks already set up for them right next door to the Saab operation. They have an aa 757 in place to spot the new work docks. If you stay up on what's going on in the industry, you probably noticed that Fed Ex has announced that it's putting it's 727's on the ground and is going to replace them with 757's! Since Boeing is no longer producing them. I figure ALCOA has a good chance at doing just that! So it looks like we'll be busy for some time!----- As for lazy! You've got to be sh#$ting me!!! We've done more, with less, than any of you can imagine! 😉
<_< ---- AMFAMAN, I understand. What I do know is that at presant they are working two shifts. Days, and twilights. We will still be working two lines here at MCI.That won't change. We'll just be doing it with less people! We'll be working the "B+" models, you'll be working the "B" models. I'll try and get back to you with some numbers! Like I said, I don't work the Saabs, but they seem to be good Aircraft! American Eagle seems to like our work! But I get the feeling this contract isn't vary high up on management's priority list!!!! 😉
<_< ---- AMFAMAN, I understand. What I do know is that at presant they are working two shifts. Days, and twilights. We will still be working two lines here at MCI.That won't change. We'll just be doing it with less people!
See that's the part that someone (not you) is lying to us about. The spin from the twu at DFW on the Saab Story (kinda like that--it is a Saab Story) is that MCI can't do the work, their lazy and they are taking 80 days to get the work done so we must bail them out, but for the cost-savings part, that money still counts towards MCI's $400 million contribution.

Now for the 13 hour we did our twu best part. AA came up with this idea of moving the work, although your people are saying otherwise, around 8.00 p.m. last Friday and needed a LOA signed off on to violate the established bid procedures by 8:01 p.m. or the work would go elsewhere. Sounds like 2003 all over again. None of it makes sense except the fact they are playing the two stations against each other again.

And yes I know that MCI is not lazy, actually ripped into the guy who said it and told him to take his anti-union rhetoric elsewhere because we're not buying it here. 😉
I've talked to people on both sides of this issue so I'm a bit neutral, but doesn't it make sense that if work is not being done efficiently enough at one place, move it where it will get done? Apparetly this wasn't an AA driven decision. Those paying for this work want results.

With that being said I can't make any comments about whether or not there were sufficient number of heads needed or not. I haven't seen the numbers yet but I can probably get them.

MCI, don't take this post as an insult. Not my intention.
With it being Friday, I might not be able to until next week. But I'll see what I can do.
I understand...Just doesn't seem right to take work away from MCI, when recalls potentially could resolve the issues with the check. This combined with the fact that DFW is undermanned already and holding a lot of OT just to try and fix the AA fleet.
And I completey agree with you Amfaman. Like I said, I've been hearing both sides, basically heresay, with no facts. Let me get the factual numbers (if I can) and get back with you.
Probably Local TWU Officers tired of the one-sided company ass kissing "working together" program and they challenged management.

The penalty for the challenge, management sends the work to another facility.

That will teach those no good union officers to challenge management!

Too bad we are unable to get the truth from this worthless ass kissing union.
If I heard correct, the work has now gone back to Eagle, by request of the company.

Probably Local TWU Officers tired of the one-sided company ass kissing "working together" program and they challenged management.

The penalty for the challenge, management sends the work to another facility.

That will teach those no good union officers to challenge management!

Too bad we are unable to get the truth from this worthless ass kissing union.

Have you even bothered asking???

And as far as challenging, I'm sure that wasn't it at all. Some just made their minds up that they weren't doing it plain and simple. So now instead of securing the work, they have it taken away.

Nice choice don't you think?? :down:
<_< ---- Hello people! What"s been going on since I've been gone? Bill! The answer to your statement may be true! I've heard tonight that Eagle may start their own Checks up at Levic,Texas!---- But I can see now this may be just the start of a train wreck here! Due to a major brake down of Communication on the part of Upper Management and the real world down here on the floor! WAKE UP PEOPLE! WE NEED MORE BODIES TO DO ALL YOUR WORK!!!We had another retirement today, that's three this week! The numbers are, to the best of my knowledge! We've got 20 AMTs on Day shift, 10 on Twilight, working 2 Saabs at the same time! In the same Dock! Five days a week! Doing a major "C' check, and return to leaser checks, it's been taken us approx. 3 weeks! That's also waiting on Saab people to show up to inspect, and have us do whatever they require to except the Aircraft for return! The problem is our local management will NOT recall the people needed to get the work done! Or utilize the people they have properly! (Little or no overtime!) The people on the floor that get the work done day in and day out have talked to Chevrous, and Cambell, and Martin, and whoever will listen, tell we're blue in the face! But they can not see the forest for the trees! All they know is what those idiots at those Fussy Feely meetings that they go to are telling them! And frankly when ALCOA shows up the SH%$T is going to hit the fan!!! Their supposed to show up with 2 757s that they want converted to freighters! And we don't have enough people now to take care of American Eagle's Saabs and everything else!!! Give me a break!!!!! :angry:
'Levic' Texas? :huh: Do you mean Lubbock you old Geezer?

Heres a clue old timer, as long as you guys can continue producing with your current head count would'nt It be cost advantageous for the compAAny not to recall?

Look, when the CompAAny realizes that the amount of work vs. the manpower does not equate at that time their hand will be forced. you say in one breath that "there is not enough people to get the work done", then turn right around and say "the people on the floor who get the work done day in and day out"! which statement is accurate? because thats a complete contradiction my friend.

When/If ALCOA shows up with those two 757's they want converted to freighters and they see theres not enough manpower to complete the work in a timely manner then at that time someone will have to answer and It won't be the Mechanics on the floor reporting to Headquarters for the debacle.

Just go to work, do your 8 hours punch out and go home. Let the chips fall where they may, because unless your the one in charge of calling the shots there is not a thing you can do about it. If your hoping the TWU is gonna come to your rescue, well all I can say is wish in one hand and sh!t in the other and see which one fills up the quickest.