AAStew said:
I am being serious here, why don't you send a maybe modified letter to Laurie Curtis, Arpey,Tiliacos and maybe the press. Can they fire us for this? You are absolutely right in feeling the way you do, this is crap! Apparently AA only responds to negative publicity.
Sorry you had to go through such ####!
Honestly, AAStew, I was not the one going through the S***, the poor pax did.
I know what drama and bureaucratic crap he is going to go through with a "lost article" report (this was not checked baggage). It was something that could have been easily resolved in 2-3 minutes.
I know we were supposed to "powerback" and we sat at the gate approx. 10 mins after departure time. I have a feeling that the "maintenance" issue was an airstart.
I could have fried the agent/OC in oil for her response but I have to say I was very disappointed in the TWA pilots response. I geniunely like these guys and what I've noticed in my time on the TWA certificate is that they are a bit scared to exercise their authority. What I've heard about how TWA operated is that they all worked together to please the pax but make it work for the company...as far as I'm concerned, "they got it". AA could really learn from this . There is a delicate balance between "bottom line" and "pax satisfaction" that should be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. There is no one probable situation set in stone.
As arrogant as the AA pilots can sometimes be, I felt that they would have walked off the plane and gotten the garment bag themselves and said, "MY delay".
We were at the gate, either awaiting an airstart or traffic to clear. They didn't have to open the door.
I have thought of writing a letter regarding this, I just need to calm down a bit!
My personal opinion is that TWA pilots have difficulty assimilating into AA's corporate culture. This was not how TWA operated. I know what AA employees are capable of and, unfortunately, AA management always gets in our way. I work for this company because of my co-workers and choice of bases. Management is this annoying little mosquito buzzing in my ear as I attempt to sleep.
I just hope that Management doesn't convene a Focus group to "study" what is important to passengers. This is a no-brainer and I'm tired of people justifying their jobs.
Having been forced to STL in July, it has been an experience that I will never forget. The TWA pilots did not want to like us but many have admitted they grudgingly liked us once they realized how much we hated AA Mgmt. They thought we were these "rah-rah" cheerleader/poster children. I truly believe we helped them understand many things about AA.
About the TWA F/As, I don't know what I believe anymore. I believe the APFA shut them out unfairly when they have so much to offer. I'm a compAAny transfer and I thought I had it neat and laid out...I don't. On one hand, I say, "they should have reviewed our record with acquistions" (Reno...who I am junior to, despite company seniority) and on the other hand, "they DID NOT deserve this".
I find it ironic that STL/SLT is far more sympathetic to their plight than the other bases (ESPECIALLY DFW/IDF). We are junior and have had many TWA furloughs on our flights. You are lovely people and I'm frankly glad it is in the courts now. I accept whatever decision is made.
It may mean I am on the streets but I don't agree with the 5 year recall. Agents have a 10 year recall. One of your biggest supporters is an AA furloughee who has taken more heat on the 4M than I care to disclose. One of your biggest opponents is an IDF F/A who sounds suspiciously like "Chicken Little". He also became one of JW's biggest supporters and fell for the biggest lie of all. This is why JW won by all of 5 votes.
Just my opinion,