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The Very Best Flight Attendants In Our Industry

TransWorldONE said:
You can't compare Asian service with American carriers. There is a differant mindset and culture in the East about service.
US carriers would never get away (as much as the public would like it) with hiring 20 year old Suzy Wong dolls that have to retire at 25 (circa 1965) and work for a fraction of what American crews make.
There is a differance in service...and servitude.
You probably have not flown them, but its hard to explain.

Its not servatitde, its treating the customers like human beings.

Things like anticipating one's needs before you have to ask.

Filling your drink, or removing the glass when its empty.

Treating passengers like customers - with respect!

And being friendly!!

Why can't AA flight attendants do that???

Not all of them like their jobs - I've befriended a few 😉 in my time, and I have some colleagues that are married to "Singapore Girls". In private, the complain just as loud as any flight attendant - just not in front of the public.
This is quite true.

I had a 2.5 hour Thai Airways flight recently. Four course meal, all the tamarind tea I could consume, fruit/cheese cart, desert cart, an liquer/coffee cart.

It was wonderful.
Singapore "girls" = Stepford Wives

You don't find that in the United States. We raise our daughters to be strong not submissive.
Fly said:
Singapore "girls" = Stepford Wives

You don't find that in the United States. We raise our daughters to be strong not submissive.
I can get great service from a woman service person at a restaurant, or just about any service related industry. They don't have to be "submissive" to do their job well.

The difference is the incentive system. You get paid based on your seniority, and nobody can fire you or pay you any more based on your service level. YOu are nice when you want to be!
There are many great flight attendants in the United States but you still aren't going to get them to giggle at everything you say and run around like sheep for you. You aren't going to get an American girl to submit to a virginity test. You aren't going to get an American girl to be subservient to a newly hired man who is now the purser simply because he is a man. It's a different culture, to be sure. Woman are raised this way there, they feel no shame acting like that. You are correct that a lot could be done to change some of the attitudes that abound but you will never get American woman to act like Singapore girls.
flydcoop said:
I am truly sorry you decided to change carriers (that's how your post sounds with the ex-EXP status).
Fly mostly SWA now, a result of many things. Predictable pricing, no penalty fees for changes, and, drum roll, friendly staff who don't constantly gripe about their job and how horrible their management is (present F/A dispute notwithstanding).

The business I'm now in is domestic only, so I don't need AA's international flights. I do miss the Admiral Clubs though.
Fly said:
There are many great flight attendants in the United States but you still aren't going to get them to giggle at everything you say and run around like sheep for you. You aren't going to get an American girl to submit to a virginity test. You aren't going to get an American girl to be subservient to a newly hired man who is now the purser simply because he is a man. It's a different culture, to be sure. Woman are raised this way there, they feel no shame acting like that.
Careful now. That's some pretty strong stereotyping. Borders on racism. Asians may be offended. I would expect better from a Kerry supporter.
I agree with TransWOne and Fly. Asian culture/women/service are very differant from the western worlds. Ever heard of a Geisha?? Flys comments had nothing to do with racism, so don't pull that one.
Ever hear of a courtesan? Adult entertainers? Western society is not immune to acusations of training women to be subservient to men. Western and eastern cultures are not as different as you would like to think they are.

But the larger point is that all passengers should expect polite, efficient service from an F/A and it isn't Oriental sexism for a male to expect it from a female.
Huh? You think flight attendants should behave like strippers? :shock: Flight attendants should provide polite, kind, professional, helpful, efficient service....but we aren't doing lap dances! 😉 AND we aren't going to stare in awe at a man just because he's a man. (well, maybe Brad Pitt.....but not the rest of you! :lol: )
Bottom line is: You will not find up to twenty five- 20 year old flight attendants staffing any 747 in the West. It's hard not to smile with that kind of staffing.
Death of a Concorde said:
Ever hear of a courtesan? Adult entertainers?
cour·te·san ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kôrt-zn, kr-)
A woman prostitute, especially one whose clients are members of a royal court or men of high social standing.

<_< Really?

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