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The Very Best Flight Attendants In Our Industry

Fly said:
Flight attendants should provide polite, kind, professional, helpful, efficient service....
I agree. And I think Western F/A's are perfectly capable of doing so. However, for whatever reason, they do not do so as consistently as do the TG, SQ, CX ones. But I don't believe that you can explain away the difference by condeming Asian societies as being sexists or indulging in making broad stereotypes.
Fly said:
cour·te·san ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kôrt-zn, kr-)
A woman prostitute, especially one whose clients are members of a royal court or men of high social standing.

<_< Really?
Main Entry: gei·sha
Pronunciation: g]sh, g]
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural geisha or geishas
Etymology: Japanese, from gei art, performance + -sha person
1 : a Japanese girl who is trained to provide (as by playing on the samisen, dancing, serving food or drinks or by sympathetic, witty, or amusing talk) entertaining and lighthearted company (as for a man or a group of men)

And your point is?
My point? You implied that American women can be "expected" to be subservient to men (that is scary in itself) and you did say courtesans!!! aaarrgghhhhhh :shock:
Uhh Just for the record Death, I never said asian flight attendants are Geishas.
And I did not equate being a Geisha with negativity. They are a highly respected part of Japanese culture...I simply was trying to make the point that our cultures are very differant.
Service to others requires training, is practiced as a career and esteemed in many cultures. Americans including AA personnel could learn a lot from those cultures. Unfortunately Americans do not do value service to others very much. We are more invested in being number 1 or me, me, me type thinking.
SkyLiner said:
Bottom line is: You will not find up to twenty five- 20 year old flight attendants staffing any 747 in the West. It's hard not to smile with that kind of staffing.
Uh, Skyliner, where are you going with that post?

Furthermore, I hope you're covered with a blanket when onboard! Seen it before, I'm afraid. :shock: LOL.

Nebbie nuts, I understand. I have many business travellers who tell me of the restraints under their travel programs. Some actually pay the difference to fly on us because of pre-assigned seats and the ability to upgrade.

However, if you are offered point-to-point service on Southwest or must connect on AA through ORD/DFW...that can be a no brainer given possible inconveniences (Hub Weather/ATC delays) VS. no seat choice/ on-time departure/arrival.

I'm not an analyst (though I have been in lost baggage tracers), but it seems AA should roll back such a hard-core focus on Hub-to-Hub (I didn't say ABANDON, how else will you fly SGF-LON?) and recognize some serious point-to-point routes.

For example, Kansas City...I've noticed there are many connections from the NYC (especially LGA) area (of course, as an F/A, I've also noticed we should replace every Coke can in the insert with a Pepsi! Everyone wants Pepsi or Diet Pepsi...Ha-Ha!)...could this possibly support direct service? Would our frequent flyers be willing to do it if it was on an RJ?

I still maintain 2 hours is THE LIMIT on an RJ. Perhaps this is why LAX-XNA is no more? Or was the demand not there?

For the FF (frequent flyers) out there...would you rather connect in a hub on MD-80s (with the ability to upgrade) or have direct service on an RJ (unless demand dictates an MD-80 can support to route)? I'm kind of just curious as to what makes you tick.

I've always preferred connecting at ORD vs. DFW but I flew through ORD for the first time last week (since August) and EEK! ATC/WX (weather) DRAMA! We sat in the penalty box (I now play for the Blackhawks) for 2-1/2 hours in DFW awaiting our take-off slot. This was BEFORE the Thunderstorms hit DFW! My crew was actually LUCKY in only being 3-1/2 hours late to our final destination!

I just feel ORD (this summer) is going to be like LGA was 3-4 years ago. I don't need to pickup extra trips, I will gain 10+ hours in delays.

I know AA/UA are being asked to whittle their schedules but I don't think it will make much of a difference. On a good day ORD is maxed-out, G** Forbid, you add a weather issue.

Just my opinion and gut feeling.

Personally dreading it! (All of our trips connect through ORD not DFW...sigh)

Coop....I was talking from a crew member perspective...not a pervert...lol...I meant it would be much easier to smile and be happy if you had above minimum staffing all the time.

I'm sorry for the misinterpretation of your post! These days I refer to "the extra" as a creature on the "critically endangered species" list.


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