SkyLiner said:
Bottom line is: You will not find up to twenty five- 20 year old flight attendants staffing any 747 in the West. It's hard not to smile with that kind of staffing.
Uh, Skyliner, where are you going with that post?
Furthermore, I hope you're covered with a blanket when onboard! Seen it before, I'm afraid.

Nebbie nuts, I understand. I have many business travellers who tell me of the restraints under their travel programs. Some actually pay the difference to fly on us because of pre-assigned seats and the ability to upgrade.
However, if you are offered point-to-point service on Southwest or must connect on AA through ORD/DFW...that can be a no brainer given possible inconveniences (Hub Weather/ATC delays) VS. no seat choice/ on-time departure/arrival.
I'm not an analyst (though I have been in lost baggage tracers), but it seems AA should roll back such a hard-core focus on Hub-to-Hub (I didn't say ABANDON, how else will you fly SGF-LON?) and recognize some serious point-to-point routes.
For example, Kansas City...I've noticed there are many connections from the NYC (especially LGA) area (of course, as an F/A, I've also noticed we should replace every Coke can in the insert with a Pepsi! Everyone wants Pepsi or Diet Pepsi...Ha-Ha!)...could this possibly support direct service? Would our frequent flyers be willing to do it if it was on an RJ?
I still maintain 2 hours is THE LIMIT on an RJ. Perhaps this is why LAX-XNA is no more? Or was the demand not there?
For the FF (frequent flyers) out there...would you rather connect in a hub on MD-80s (with the ability to upgrade) or have direct service on an RJ (unless demand dictates an MD-80 can support to route)? I'm kind of just curious as to what makes you tick.
I've always preferred connecting at ORD vs. DFW but I flew through ORD for the first time last week (since August) and EEK! ATC/WX (weather) DRAMA! We sat in the penalty box (I now play for the Blackhawks) for 2-1/2 hours in DFW awaiting our take-off slot. This was BEFORE the Thunderstorms hit DFW! My crew was actually LUCKY in only being 3-1/2 hours late to our final destination!
I just feel ORD (this summer) is going to be like LGA was 3-4 years ago. I don't need to pickup extra trips, I will gain 10+ hours in delays.
I know AA/UA are being asked to whittle their schedules but I don't think it will make much of a difference. On a good day ORD is maxed-out, G** Forbid, you add a weather issue.
Just my opinion and gut feeling.
Personally dreading it! (All of our trips connect through ORD not DFW...sigh)