Good day to everyone,
After the John Tiliacos letter was distributed, Flight Attendants from all over are writing letters to Mr. Tiliacos, Laurie Curtis, Laura Burnett and Mr. Arpey.
Now that the news has broken the letter in the DFW Newspaper, letters are finding their way to the editor.
Let's encourage the Flight Attendants who write letters to share them with us~~
Thanks to Valerie Everett for sharing this letter written to the editor of the Dallas News.
Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2004 7:57 AM
Subject: American shares service complaints
I have been a Flight Attendant with American Airlines for over 20 years. I am currently based in JFK and commute from my previous base of Washington DC. Both Flight Attendant bases that are the focus of this insulting letter American senior management placed in our mail boxes at work. With out trying to find out what the frustrations are out there on the line, they have put the onus solely on us for their mismanagement of this great company. In just a short period of time American has gone from a Fortune 500 company to near bankruptcy. Where did the billions of dollars go?
We spend the most time with our customers and all the short comings fall on our shoulders. Delays, shortage of supplies, continuously short staffed on flights. We're on the frontlines. We understand that our customers are our bread and butter. And as in any profession we have coworkers that fall short of customer expectations.
There is a misperception of who a Flight Attendant is and what their job is. Customer service is a part of that job. Safety is the PRIMARY reason why we are on any airplane. We are trained on multiple kinds of aircraft. I am qualified on the Super-80,757,767,777 and Airbus. We are trained to fight fires in flight, the varying oxygen systems of each aircraft, medical emergencies, the use of defibulators, over water ditching, believe it or not we are the bomb squad on board in the event one is found, and many numerous security measures in light of a post 9/11 world. Daily we get security briefings. On subjects we are not allowed to discuss with the public and media.
To say the job has changed since September the 11th would be an understatement. Nowhere in the history of any profession, has it's description changed as drastically as it has since that horrible day. Flight Attendants were the first to be butchered on those airplanes and we haven't forgotten that fact. For that reason there is an enormous underlining pressure out there. With virtually no tools to work with. The U.S. Government has mandated certain security procedures and we are armed still with only coffee pots in the event it ever happens again. The cockpit doors are reinforced, but the Flight Attendants are still with out any Federally mandated self defense training.
It was a Flight Attendant that called the ground and relayed vital information about the hijackers on September 11th, It was a Flight Attendant that discovered Richard Reed on board American Flight 63 from Paris to Miami in the months following 9/11, thus saving the lives of almost 200 souls, this country from another National tragedy and this company. It was a Flight Attendant who gave her clothes to a Passenger who had lost consciousness and bodily functions in flight. It was a Flight Attendant who drove an elderly woman to her home when no one was there to pick her up at an airport. It was a Flight Attendant who brought self addressed stamped envelopes and stationary to troops going over to Iraq so they could write letters home and she could mail them upon her return to the United States. It was a Flight attendant who held my Fathers hand and wiped the sweat off of him, as he lay dieing on an aircraft floor with an abdominal aortic aneurysm. It was that same Flight Attendant who received his kiss on her hand to thank her for being so kind to him...and there are thousands of stories of Flight Attendants going above and beyond the call of duty.
American Airlines in a wonderful company with a great history. It is so because of it's greatest natural's employees.
To American Airlines Senior Management...Don't single out and then publicize one work group to blame, when you should be looking in the mirror at what you have created. It is incredibly unprofessional. The shame is on you.