And a "disgruntled?" FA tosses in a couple of cents worth: (My apologies if this has already been posted)
Notes from an outraged flight attendant:
1.These opinions come from 2 corporate travel agents, possibly looking for kickbacks and free vacations.
2. There is no corporate policy about "galley talk", we are allowed to talk in the gallies. Besides, most of our passengers wear headphones which they don't even remove when we are speaking to them.
3. If a passenger questions me about company/employee policies and relations, I give an honest opinion, but like other flight attendants, I do not talk about it unless asked.
4. I won't lie to my customers when asked why we don't have milk after 10 A.M. on a domestic flight, management made the decision to remove it, despite 2 years of letters requesting it (and other needed items)back from the flight attendants. This letter implies that we should not give our passengers an explanation as to why things are not available.
5.The following statement in the letter proves the writer is unaware of what the flight attendant's job entails,
"Our customers have told us there are four elements they value; a clean aircraft, dependability, customer service excellence and consistency"
a. Flight Attendants do not clean the aircraft and do not set the policies for cleaning the aircraft.
b. Dependibility: Flight attendants do not set the schedules, nor do we pilot the aircraft or direct air traffic.
c. Dependabilty: Flight Attendants are always dependable, we are there despite the fact that we work without supervision (if I see my supervisor once every six months, it is a miracle)We get to work an hour before our flight and board the aircraft, despite the fact that we are not being paid until takeoff. We also stay late when wheelchairs don't arrive or people are late to pick up their unaccompanied minors.
d.Customer service excellence and consistency: ie: Passengers want food, a full can of soda (which American tells us not to give out)and entertainment that does not break down consistantly. They want their ticket to cost the same price everytime.
If this manager wants the flight attendants to treat the passengers better, then I suggest that he:
1. Provides the necessary equipment, supplies, and support we need to provide good service. I can not give out blankets, soda, food and milk that are not placed on board.
2. Encourage rather than anger the flight attendant, we are not a work group that responds well to threats. If you are nice to us, it will tranlate into us treating the customers better.
3. Provide layovers in which we get at least 8 hours behind our hotel doors, as 5 hours of sleep has been the normal amount of time we have on layovers lately. Sleep deprivation hurts our additude, not to mention our abilities to look out for problems.
4. Provide food for us, if you do not want us bringing our own food on the aircraft when our days are commonly over 10 hours long, without a lunch break.
Unfortunately, it's unsigned.