Distorting again Bob. 2,000 related to outsourcing, the rest is new fleets and you know what happens with new fleets? They get old. The TWU scope language requires that 65% of all direct labor and mat'ls to be done in-house. That means the majority of new fleet work will be done in-house. Not so under any other CBA. The TWU scope language protects current work and future work. Keep lying Bob.
And bottom of the industry? No. We will be in the middle of the pack in four years per the wage adjustment. And Bob, we had number two pay in the May 2010 TA. But remember what you said, number two will never do. You were right, we voted no all the way to the bottom thanks to smart guys like you.
So why is it that AMFA represented AMT's benefits and pay are better than TWU represented AMT's? Strength in numbers and money obviously do not facture in to your reasoning. Answer that one PHAT boy.