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Thb And Ward Debate

LiveInAHotel said:
Wow, were should I start?

1. He gave AA our furlough pay: AA didn't ask for it

2. He gave AA 15.6% of our pay: He didn't even try to negotiate it lower

3. He gave AA 5 year recall rights for our fellow brothers and sisters on furlough: AA offered 10 years

4. He let AA reduce our layovers to FAA minimum: He never fought to stop it

5. He bought a new $800,000 dollar home in DFW: I wonder how he could AAfford that?

6. We took a huge paycut: We're still paying $41.00 per month in dues.

Do I need to go on? I'm sure others can add to the list. Yes, I can add more but, I don't have the time.

Yes, MiAAmi you're still crazy for wanting JW to represent the 27,000 AA f/a's!
I'm not going to even try and dispute the false statements you have made here. You have an Ax to grind and thats fine. Theres alot of "crazy" going around because most people I talk to are voting for John. If things turn around and Tommie gets elected then fine we will live with it. One thing is for sure, the 5 year call back was already in our contract. That was not negotiated. And AA did not offer 10 yr call back, you can bet that AA would love to have the 5 yrs go by so they can rid themselves of the topped out in pay TWA'ers. AA does not want the TW'ers back.
Theres alot of "crazy" going around because most people I talk to are voting for John.

At least you associated the "crazy" with people who are voting for John
Thats the only way to communicate with you. Calling each other names is the only way most people on this board respond to each other. God forbid you actually treated your co-posters with mature and professional responces. If someone disagrees with you then they must be crazy. What ever happened to just having a different opinion?
Has anyone taken the time to watch the debate? Its amazing and insulting, listening to jw lie and name call misrepresent truths over and over again. As well as offer bs responses to his complete ineptness.
MiAAmi said:
God forbid you actually treated your co-posters with mature and professional responces.
I find it interesting that you think you know what mature and professional responses are. Just look at your last postings. You make me laugh.
So are you saying that name calling is professional or even mature? I by no means think I call the shots on whos mature or not. Its just what level I wish to debate the issues. If you chose the method of name calling when debating the issues then I will not debate you. I'm just trying to raise the bar a little. Sorry if that offends you.
yes, jsn does seem to think that way. I've been called a few names by him/her. Do like I do. Laugh and shrug it off. Sum it up as you won the argument.
latreal said:
yes, jsn does seem to think that way. I've been called a few names by him/her. Do like I do. Laugh and shrug it off. Sum it up as you won the argument.
I heard this statement that I think sums it up:

If you can't win the debate, smear the person. :down:

If you get personally smeared, you can rest in the knowledge.. .
you won. . . 😛
jsn25911 said:
Theres alot of "crazy" going around because most people I talk to are voting for John.
At least you associated the "crazy" with people who are voting for John [/quote]
Miami - you are the one that said it - look at your quote.
MiAAmi said:
I'm not going to even try and dispute the false statements you have made here. You have an Ax to grind and thats fine. Theres alot of "crazy" going around because most people I talk to are voting for John. If things turn around and Tommie gets elected then fine we will live with it. One thing is for sure, the 5 year call back was already in our contract. That was not negotiated. And AA did not offer 10 yr call back, you can bet that AA would love to have the 5 yrs go by so they can rid themselves of the topped out in pay TWA'ers. AA does not want the TW'ers back.
First of all, Yes AA did offer 10 year recall rights to our furloughed brothers and sisters. The reason JW didn't take it and offered 5 years was he wanted the TWA f/a's gone, more then anyone. You're correct on one thing 5 year recalls are in our contract but, AA wanted us to comeback so they offered 10.

I have worked for the APFA in various positions (still do) and have been flying for 26 years. I'm a hardcore union advocate and always will be. I was a 93'striker and damn proud of it!

Considering you're based in MIA, the biggest united base we have I'm shocked that you want JW back for 4 more years of screwing. Yes, he was President when we got that kick a$$ contract in 01', but he had very little to do with it.

Why dont you just go and have a glass of John WAArd-AAid and enjoy yourself.

I noticed you didn't argue over my other 5 points I made.
LiveInAHotel said:
I noticed you didn't argue over my other 5 points I made.
Again, I'm not the biggest fan of John Ward. I just think he is the better option. Tommie doesn't impress me at all.
MiAAmi said:
Again, I'm not the biggest fan of John Ward. I just think he is the better option. Tommie doesn't impress me at all.
And John Ward impresses you? Please do tell why he does. We're all waiting to hear this one.
twasilverbullet said:
miami, your lab results just came in, you are suffering from:

acute johnitiswardis
It's official you have acute johnitiswardis! LOL!
I'd like to add a fact to all non-facts being thrown about. AA did offer 10 year recall rights but at a price. Seven million if I recall correctly. APFA wanted no part of it. For the real facts you can check the testimony given by Ward and the AA Director of Labor Relations in the TWA Injunction case.

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