I'm not going to even try and dispute the false statements you have made here. You have an Ax to grind and thats fine. Theres alot of "crazy" going around because most people I talk to are voting for John. If things turn around and Tommie gets elected then fine we will live with it. One thing is for sure, the 5 year call back was already in our contract. That was not negotiated. And AA did not offer 10 yr call back, you can bet that AA would love to have the 5 yrs go by so they can rid themselves of the topped out in pay TWA'ers. AA does not want the TW'ers back.LiveInAHotel said:Wow, were should I start?
1. He gave AA our furlough pay: AA didn't ask for it
2. He gave AA 15.6% of our pay: He didn't even try to negotiate it lower
3. He gave AA 5 year recall rights for our fellow brothers and sisters on furlough: AA offered 10 years
4. He let AA reduce our layovers to FAA minimum: He never fought to stop it
5. He bought a new $800,000 dollar home in DFW: I wonder how he could AAfford that?
6. We took a huge paycut: We're still paying $41.00 per month in dues.
Do I need to go on? I'm sure others can add to the list. Yes, I can add more but, I don't have the time.
Yes, MiAAmi you're still crazy for wanting JW to represent the 27,000 AA f/a's!