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Thb And Ward Debate

twasilverbullet said:
Ohhh my gosh!..... That's the nicest thing you have said, if only you could get over the TWA'ers....
MiAAmi simply cannot get over the fact that for a limited period of time the TWAers fared better than he or she did when his or her previous employer, Braniff, ceased operating.
TWAnr said:
MiAAmi simply cannot get over the fact that for a limited period of time the TWAers fared better than he or she did when his or her previous employer, Braniff, ceased operating.
Its true the TWA'ers did fare better than most people from BK carriers ie Braniff Eastern and a slew of others. But I was very young at the time and it was a lot easier for me to recover from the loss of a paycheck than for some of our furloughees that up in their years. I know its not easy for you, it wasn't easy for me back then. Again I have met numerous former TW'ers, very nice people. We just differ on our opinions on certain issues. I have never wished anything but a quick return for our furloughees.
twasilverbullet said:
LiveInAHotel said:

Have you started those 5,759 phone calls yet? LOL! 😉
Hotel, you are fun, I like ya!..........love your sense of humor.LOL! 🙂 :up:
Thanks twasilverbullet! You noticed I said 5,759 phone calls? After all you said "the last thing we want is a call from MiAAmi." So, I figured I would leave you out so he/she could save on those cell phone minutes! 😉

It will be a great day when all of the furloughs are back. Please hury and get back soon, we're so understaffed it's pathetic! :down:
LiveInAHotel said:
twasilverbullet said:
LiveInAHotel said:

Have you started those 5,759 phone calls yet? LOL! 😉
Hotel, you are fun, I like ya!..........love your sense of humor.LOL! 🙂 :up:
Thanks twasilverbullet! You noticed I said 5,759 phone calls? After all you said "the last thing we want is a call from MiAAmi." So, I figured I would leave you out so he/she could save on those cell phone minutes! 😉

It will be a great day when all of the furloughs are back. Please hury and get back soon, we're so understaffed it's pathetic! :down:
Your welcome! I meant to quote that one but I made a mistake. You gave me great laugh over that one...................still laughing!
Can't wait to get back. Thanks 🙂 🙂
LiveInAHotel said:
No, not at all. You asked what the figures would be and I told you what it would take to figure it out. Have you started making those 5,760 phone calls yet? Actually you only need to call 5,759 now! twasilverbullet, doesn't want to hear from you. LOL! 😉
Actually, Miaami can probably do it all in a weekend. You seem to forget that it was only those of us furloughed last that got shafted on furlough pay. Everyone else got it.

There were about 1300 of us (the nAAtives just above the former TWA) who would not have collected the full two months because the most senior nAAtive furloughed 01JUL03 had just completed 3 years. Then there were the last of the former TWA flight attendants (about 1800) who would have collected the full 2 months.

In case you run out of cell minutes and don't want to pay 0.35 cents per minute after, I thought you might be interested in this: Pay as you go 😉

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