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Tempe is our own little Pyongyang

HP- FA …..

Please don’t make me laugh , I’ve read 1984 several times , pick up your employee code of conduct handbook , oh look , we’re in violation of our code of conduct by discussing some of our work issues on the internet …

I know what freedom of speech means , do you ??? you’ve signed a legally binding agreement to work for this company , do you know what goes along with that ??? I’m goanna assume that you do NOT know …all I implied was that if I was running this company I’d take those venues that are legally open to me which would be my right , so no thank you , I’m neither fascist nor stupid … rather smart enough to use the laws at my disposal .

You are so wrong about so many things in the preceding (except that you may have read 1984) that I would need half the day to correct the errors. I know you have better things to do, but my post history would provide a fair amount of information regarding me and my background and it appears that you have, up to now, seen none of it.

I also disagree with your characterization that many folks would like to see the airline close. What I think they would rather see is either competent management that:
1. is actually interested in professionally running an airline;
2. will quit pretending that the airline is actually an airline offering quality service instead of simply a company interested in only moving people from Point A to Point B;
3. sees its customers as a valuable long term asset rather than short term $$$ in the bank;
4. provides more than cheap lip service to the issue of the value of its employees; and/or,
5 is replaced by people who want to do the items listed above.

Oh, and BTW, how do you know that the "legally binding agreement" is actually enforceable?
I’d go after those individuals who don’t work for our company but are attempting to disrupt our operations by what ever legal means are open to me ….
And what are you going to do with them when you catch them?? (Picturing the dog chasing the car..........) I don't think they have enough room at Guantanamo.
I’ve been warned by the MODS not to threaten posters

I have never nor will never make a threat of physical harm against any individual .

if I was running this company I would AX any worker who takes part in a work action , I’d even get rid of the ones trying to organize one . I’d go after those individuals who don’t work for our company but are attempting to disrupt our operations…

I’ve read 1984 several times

I know what freedom of speech means

I’m neither fascist nor stupid.

The mods wouldn't have warned you if you didn't make a threat.

Then you go making threats again.

Certainly you have read 1984 a number of times. You just never figured out bosses were the bad guys in the book.
<SNIP> However I will not back down from my stance that ANY us airways employee who going from this day forward leaks sensitive material AKA a trade secret , or spreads lies or misinformation about our company to the news media should be terminated .
Trade secrets like treating employees and high yield customers with contempt?

What could anyone do with this information, other than being a case study of what not to do?
Certainly you have read 1984 a number of times. You just never figured out bosses were the bad guys in the book.

.....and/or missed this one, right from the "The Ministry of Truth" itself = "Freedom is Slavery"
Trade secrets like treating employees and high yield customers with contempt?

What could anyone do with this information, other than being a case study of what not to do?

Don't discount possible squabbling and litigation over the "Intellectual" Property issues for such genius..... 🙄
From HR Specialist Employment Law: An impossible 90% of managers think they're among the top 10% of performers in their workplace, according to a BusinessWeek poll of 2,000 managers.

A mere 90% !? :lol:
Well they know who I am! I heard that Kirby and Isom are well known to love GLORIA HOLTZ! If they can't tell I used to be based at PIT - hit them in the Head because they know on the AOL to contact me at GloriaHoltzPIT.

Is Pyongyang that new route in China that someone told me was sold to United? Things are changing so fast with oil prices and the Romper Room American West management - I can't keep up.

Gloria Holtz
Allegheny Stewardess First
USAirways Flight Attendant Last
PIT 1971-2008
PHL 2008-_____
You are so wrong about so many things in the preceding (except that you may have read 1984) that I would need half the day to correct the errors. I know you have better things to do, but my post history would provide a fair amount of information regarding me and my background and it appears that you have, up to now, seen none of it.

I also disagree with your characterization that many folks would like to see the airline close. What I think they would rather see is either competent management that:
1. is actually interested in professionally running an airline;
2. will quit pretending that the airline is actually an airline offering quality service instead of simply a company interested in only moving people from Point A to Point B;
3. sees its customers as a valuable long term asset rather than short term $$$ in the bank;
4. provides more than cheap lip service to the issue of the value of its employees; and/or,
5 is replaced by people who want to do the items listed above.

Oh, and BTW, how do you know that the "legally binding agreement" is actually enforceable?

you know if alot of people actually felt this way i'd be more apt to believe them , but I’ve got the distinct feeling that a lot of the complaining I see on here is just a desire for increased wages , you know straw man arguments ….

For starters

1. I think our management IS interested in running a professional airline , our flights are on time , our MBR is falling and so are our customer complaints …. How is that not professional ? sure it’s not the airline many may remember from the 1980’s or beyond , but times have changed dramatically , if our airline doesn’t adapt to these new times with the al carte pricing we’re simply going to die … to those who are quickly going to counter the new “revue stream “ by saying they should just raise fares , I say to you , if they raise fares I as a normal customer wouldn’t buy their ticket , I’d go to the other airline , and so would most people , so drop the “raise the ticket price†argument!

2. Stop pretending we’re offering quality service ? well that wouldn’t make for sound business practices now would it , should I demand that nike stop pushing it’s shoes as something more than cheap materials made in third world countries by poor people ? Shall I fly down to Italy and demand that the people who make clothes there stop explaining that their clothes and designs are important simply because it has “made in Italy “ on the label ? it’s just a business practice , many things are misrepsented to the customer on a daily basis ..

3. I think our company does see it’s customers as an asset , but we must stay flexible …if we view our customer base as so important that we don’t dare raise rates or charge them for different things then we will go out of business ….

4 the company isn’t loving/respecting you enough ? what, do you want a hug from doug parker ? seriously , if he gave you a hug and told you he cared would that be enough for you ? or is what you really want increased pay and benefits ? because I think that’s what you want , I know that’s what I wanted when I was in the lesser contract …. But alas for some of you , sad to say , you won’t get increased pay and benefits , not unless your in the lesser contract and can somehow sneak into the higher paying one … good luck thou ,the entire us economy is shaking it’s self to bits …

I think our management is doing as good a job as can be expect when the price of oil is sitting at 143 dollars a barrel and climbing .. things are NOT going to be returning to the old days folks … wages will NOT be going up …..
So, in theory, you'd be one of the first out the door... Or does protesting HQ not count?

Get help. Seriously. You're starting to sound like a person coming apart at the seams.

protesting is not a work action ...

As for coming apart at the seams , i'm getting tired of the lip service from many people on here saying that they "understand" what oil at 143 dollars a barrel mean , but the fact of the matter is they honestly DON'T understand what it means ....

I’m so sick of having to beat the reality drum , but I’ll keep at it until the people start to wake up … perhaps it will take oil at 165 , 170 for people to grasp what’s going on …. It just amazes me that some folks can’t even see the effects our on countries economy ..

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