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Tempe is our own little Pyongyang

If the Sand Castle is Pyongyang, shouldn't DP be called "Dear Leader", rather than Isom? 🙄

As for the Sand Castle trying to get the identities of posters on US Aviation, the website surely knows that if US employees stop posting, its traffic would drop precipitously leading to a steep drop in advertising rates.

(Ah, the great unanswered mystery of why does the smallest of the "big six" have -by far - the busiest section on this website)
Ok, so will the new service to Pyongyang be from PHL or PHX? What type of A/C will be used? Will there be a codeshare?
if i was running this company i'd do the same thing as well ...with oil at 140 a barrel the game has changed ... for instance , any FA who speaks to piney bob about company going on's ... i'd get rid of them right quick ... also i'd start a file on bob for a possible lawsuit should he become to much of an annoyance .. there's little leeway these days ... gotta stay tight ..
EDIT : just so you understand i'm not talking about getting rid of all the employee's who use this webcite , it's fine to discuss new intivatives that have been made public , but when someone like piney bob puts out a call for people to NARC on us airways so he can start a public campagin against us , helping him crosses the line and puts your jobs in jeporday ... also calling for work actions is another issue their gotta get you on ... so just use common sense when you post and you should be fine .


You are right, the game has changed. However the real solution is to manage a better operation. Their time needs to be spent on finding operational solutions, not finding a few who don't want to sell a $2.00 can of soda.

If Isom is paid $1,000,000.00 per year, his time is worth $500.00 per hour. Every hour he works he needs to develop ways to save US $500.00 in operational improvements per year. So how looking at message boards does not seem to be a good use of his time, and it appears he does not understand the new rules.

If liability Insurance, for example doubled overnight, that would change the rules as well, however I think they would have a more sane solution. They appear to be lost and grabbing at straws.
...with oil at 140 a barrel the game has changed ...
and, we've always been at war with Eastasia, Eurasia, or is it Oceania?

The "game" is always the same, just the players change.

BTW, your hair is still on fire..... better save some hair for when crude hits $200.
What a complete and utter waste.
So much for fixing the broken operation.But, that's ok. Everyone else, save Southwest, is just as bad off.
Just goes to show everyone that the Snadcastle folks have no clue. Attack the passengers. Attack the employees. Just an impressive display of incompetance(sp) coming from the sandcastle.
Just goes to show everyone that the Snadcastle folks have no clue.
Snadcastle. I like it! Are gnomes allowed there? Do they make snads? Would that apply to the marketing department (they have one?) or the corporation, in general?

(Acronym Finder: SNAD stands for Significantly Not as Described.)

I was about to post that with this thread going it is probably about time to check the postage meter info on any parcels any of us might receive, but then I saw this....

if i was running this company i'd do the same thing as well ...with oil at 140 a barrel the game has changed ... for instance , any FA who speaks to piney bob about company going on's ... i'd get rid of them right quick ... also i'd start a file on bob for a possible lawsuit should he become to much of an annoyance .. there's little leeway these days ... gotta stay tight ..

You must be kidding, correct?

I am going to try and be very careful to avoid a trip to the cornfield so use some brains when you figure out what I am trying to get across.





I think I have made my point.
So you mean to tell me that with all this CRISIS going on in the industry and the management team at Usairways obviously in a tail spin they are looking for people on Usaviation? Give me an F'n break. So usairways does this or that to it's employees and they are NOT allowed to post their feelings on here? Screw you. How do you like that? Thank Goodness I work at Wendy's........Dave treated us well. Now Wendy can be a little moody at times. If they are worried about people not wanting to sell soda they are really more wacked out than I thought. WOW...can you imagine if US employees stopped posting on here? Ummmm can we say tumble weed? It would be a ghost town. :lol:
I was about to post that with this thread going it is probably about time to check the postage meter info on any parcels any of us might receive, but then I saw this....

You must be kidding, correct?

I am going to try and be very careful to avoid a trip to the cornfield so use some brains when you figure out what I am trying to get across.





I think I have made my point.
Well done!
<SNIP> just so you understand i'm not talking about getting rid of all the employee's who use this webcite , it's fine to discuss new intivatives that have been made public ,
Exactly! Employees should only discuss important things here.

Like, what the heck is that mess inside the microwave in the new Crew Room in PIT? It looked like a tuna burrito exploded in there the other day.
You must be kidding, correct?

I am going to try and be very careful to avoid a trip to the cornfield so use some brains when you figure out what I am trying to get across.
:lol: :lol: now cleaning adult beverage off keybord and screen

That was GREAT
Yes, it was confirmed, Seigel, Chiames, Hemenway, Glass and Crellin all posted on here from time to time.

Lime Boy drooled over this site. I can testify to that first-hand. I was once asked by him to figure out who a USAV posting employee was (not going to say who). Even though I found the info, I lied and said I hadn't.

Ok, so will the new service to Pyongyang be from PHL or PHX? What type of A/C will be used? Will there be a codeshare?

It will be on an F-28. 1 row of Envoy, complete with the gauze curtain, 17 rows of Y with 20 inch pitch. The new flagship.
You go piney . If you need a character witness in your trial . Sign me up. You and your elites bailed us

employees out after 9-11 . so I would love to return the favor. junior just doesn't understand what the

business traveler brings to an airline . just ignorance I guess.

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