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Tempe is our own little Pyongyang

If Art is wrong refute him point by point, back it up!
Art I don't have the time to go point-by-point but your post is ridicules. I am sure it will be cheered here but your wrong on almost all accounts and your emotional as 12 year old girl, good grief!
Despite using words like “Factâ€￾ you site none it is all about “ your feelingsâ€￾.

I don't need to prove anything UPNAWAY, THEY prove it themselves every day.

And by the way, WE have sources on the inside, and they have been proven credible.

And when YOU have PERSONALLY sat down with management, and have provided logical, well presented and factual information about their high yield customers (which was gathered FROM those customers because WE asked the questions THEY should be asking), you can say something, but unless you can, (oh right you CAN'T), please go pound your chest elsewhere.

There are many people on these boards who know me personally.......I can back up what I am saying, and for the record, Kool Aid makes me nauseous.
Art I don't have the time to go point-by-point but your post is ridicules. I am sure it will be cheered here but your wrong on almost all accounts and your emotional as 12 year old girl, good grief!
Despite using words like “Factâ€￾ you site none it is all about “ your feelingsâ€￾.

Put your money where your mouth is, UPNAWAY. If Art is wrong, as you say he is, let's see it. I, for one, want to see what you're holding back.
If Art is wrong refute him point by point, back it up!

Amen, 700.
Keep hope alive, Art. Everything you said is spot on.

Sadly, though, I've come to the conclusion that this whole thing is a waste of everyone's time. The business plan, however delusional or on-the-fly reactionary it might be, is going to be executed in spite of customer or employee dissatisfaction. "Satisfying" is not in Tempe's lexicon, apparently.

See [post="0"]article[/post].

And, since I seem to have a brain lock at turning web addresses into links that actually work in my posts, here's the address in long form, just in case:

And, lastly, I just love it when folks come on here preaching that somebody is a dolt and then does so with poor grammar or typos. Instant invalidation!
protesting is not a work action ...

You sure about that? It depends on your perspective...

As for coming apart at the seams , i'm getting tired of the lip service from many people on here saying that they "understand" what oil at 143 dollars a barrel mean , but the fact of the matter is they honestly DON'T understand what it means ....

I spend a ton of times on tese boards, and I don't think I seen a single poster yet that *doesn't* get it. You're too blinded by your agenda, and sense of self-righteousness to see that. By the way, since you're 100% behind Tempe and all it does, I assume you no longer wish any ill toward YV?

Some may see you as a "kool-aid drinker." I think you're way past that.

Call the EAP program today.
you know if alot of people actually felt this way i'd be more apt to believe them , but I’ve got the distinct feeling that a lot of the complaining I see on here is just a desire for increased wages , you know straw man arguments ….

Like the "huge" raise you received? Link

1. I think our management IS interested in running a professional airline , our flights are on time , our MBR is falling and so are our customer complaints …. How is that not professional ?

OK that is an opinion and you are entitled to it, the same way many or most of the rest of us have a differing opinion.

2. Stop pretending we’re offering quality service ? well that wouldn’t make for sound business practices now would it , should I demand that nike stop pushing it’s shoes as something more than cheap materials made in third world countries by poor people ? Shall I fly down to Italy and demand that the people who make clothes there stop explaining that their clothes and designs are important simply because it has “made in Italy “ on the label ? it’s just a business practice , many things are misrepsented to the customer on a daily basis ..

Misrepresentation is against the law and can be the basis of a civil suit, which includes being the basis for a potential criminal fraud allegation. Link and Link So as a self-admitted employee of the company are you saying this occurs "on a daily basis"?

3. I think our company does see it’s customers as an asset , but we must stay flexible …if we view our customer base as so important that we don’t dare raise rates or charge them for different things then we will go out of business ….

You qualify the statement that the company sees its customers as an asset? Well gee, how much goodwill is the company carrying on its book as an asset of the company? Are they claiming any such goodwill as conditional? (By the way, since I believe the company still owns its frequent flier program any goodwill claimed in connection to that is also included as assets of the company...)

I think our management is doing as good a job as can be expect when the price of oil is sitting at 143 dollars a barrel and climbing .. things are NOT going to be returning to the old days folks … wages will NOT be going up …..

Your wages did.
Your uneducated and have absolutely no idea what oil at 143 dollars a barrel means or what’s going on in the greater us economy .

Pick up a news paper , a business management book and an economics book while your at it and learn .


Just for starters: "Your uneducated"

um hmmmmmm

Consider yourself ignored.
Just finished the thread and saw that a bunch of other people saw the same thing. Young'n, do yourself a favor and shut it until you understand this realm (USAirways, the industry in general) enough to make educated observations about it.
OK I am back from running errands and will try to awnser point by point, enjoy!

Art -FACT-they are INCAPABLE of running an airline properly, and they continue to take steps which APPEAR to work, but in the long run cause more problems than they solve.

Up-Fact, They turned around a poor HP Airline, they have improved the Operations here. The did complete a merger smoother than any before. They have kept most everyone employed.

Art-Yes others are implementing fees, and yes, they are unpopular with most of us, but in SOME cases they are an unwelcome necessity. In US' case they cross a line between need and greed however, and are an attempt to cover up for the ineptitude in running an airline.

Up-Say what? How is it “greed†trying to stay in business? “Crossed the line†oh please nothing but an emotional statement. They have done only two things that have yet to be matched ny others. The Soda charge and the elimination of the DM Bonus. In the grand scheme of things pretty small items IMHO and these may still be met by the other airlines. And what ineptitude are they covering up for and how would these changes “cover them up�

Art-IF they had not made some of the draconian an ill informed changes they have made over the past couple of years,

Up-Again nothing more than an emotional rant, what draconian and ill informed changes?

Art-IF they had not encouraged their most experienced personnel to leave, knowing that they would have inexperienced untrained people to replace them.

Up-Actually not sure what they have done to “Encourage’ experienced people to leave? Some change? Oh no we can’t deal with that? Ultimately not many “Older Experienced people have left or they CASM would not still be so high.

Art-IF they had tried in GOOD FAITH to negotiate with the unions (not necessarily to give them more, but to gain efficiencies which are enjoyed by other airlines,

Up-Of coursed they tried in good faith to negotiate, it is in their best interest to get deals done, that is what companies do. They have reached agreements with almost all of the unions I would suggest the ones they haven’t might need to look in the mirror. You can’t even blame the company completely negotiations are a two way street..

Art-IF they had been honest with customers and employees alike,

Up-Is this your opinion or fact, what does that even mean? If they say one thing and then the environment dictates changes they are now liars?

Art-IF they had chosen to give the employees the tools they need to do the job efficiently, and reduce the need for extra spending in the long run,

Up-No they chose to purposely not give the employees tools? Again another nonsensical statement. If your talking Shares that was done to save the company from another BL because the old system cost and contract where horrible. Fact they have spent a ton upgrading everything adding kiosk, equipment, improving the Aircraft

Art-IF THEY KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING, they would be in a better position to weather the storm.

Up-Seems to me the are making smart, safe decisions to keep us all employed. We have all fared better then all the other legacy work groups. I am glad they are making the decisions and not you!

Art-So you can spout off all you want about $140 oil, and you're not wrong, but ONLY US Airways has launched a frontal attack on both customers and employees alike, and in the end they will get what they deserve.

Up-Really launched an attack? Come on Art 90% of your points are the same claptrap repeated 10 different ways! What attack? Yes thier plan is to kill off all the employees and customers, wow why didn’t I think of that!

Art-NOTE--In my heart it hurts to see this happen because I have many friends still working at US Airways (yourself NOT included), but until there is REAL management who is willing to take risks and assume responsibility (and blame) for their mistakes, there is not a chance.

Art-NO OTHER AIRLINE in the US is even considering charging for soft drinks.

Up-How do you know they are not considering it? I’ll bet you they are I will also bet you that if none follow we won’t do it for to long. That is how the market works.

Art-NO OTHER AIRLINE in the US has as yet canceled bonus miles for Elites--and my information is they are NOT even thinking of it.

Art-NO OTHER AIRLINE in the US except United has matched the elimination of the 500 mile minimum, and we have heard that even UA is reconsidering.

Up-Are any of these really a deal breaker? Go read Flyer talk on the OALs they all have things going on that nobody likes!

Art-NO OTHER AIRLINE has such contempt for both customers and employees as does US.

Up-(Deleted by Moderator. Profanity not allowed.)

I see little facts or objectivity in any of your points ART!
Your uneducated and have absolutely no idea what oil at 143 dollars a barrel means or what’s going on in the greater us economy .

Pick up a news paper , a business management book and an economics book while your at it and learn .


First of all I too know Coach Rowsey and have know the man for many years. His work ethics and character are second to none. Your attack just proves once again your youth and arrogance.

Second all you can spout off about is the price of oil. The economy is in shambles. Once again this is your youth showing through. The economy is cyclical and ebbs and flows through the years. If you want proof take a look at what happened to oil in the 70s and yet the economy survived and eventually thrived. Oh my gosh chicken little the sky is falling.

I think the moderators should give you a dose of humility.
this soft drink crap is a PR nightmare fuel costs are going to be 2 billion higher this year, do you have any ideal how many drinks you need to sell to put not a dent or a bump or even a little scratch in that?? not enough to offset the bad publicity imo

Up you can say what you want but QIK is a piece of trash and cost US millions and millions in losses not to mention getting hammered on news coverage around the country
First of all I too know Coach Rowsey and have know the man for many years. His work ethics and character are second to none.

I agree with this statement 100%. I have had the honor and pleasure of working side by side with him and would do so again anytime.

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