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Tempe is our own little Pyongyang

<SNIP> We have over 1100 members and I haven't done a count lately bust several months ago nearly 7 percent of our membership has not only left but had their status matched with CO. That's 55 members times the average spend or roughly $1,375,000 or about what US will save on pretzels.
Folks, don’t forget that not every high yield customer belongs to FFOCUS, or posts on USAv or FT. The actual numbers of FFs that have left has got to be staggering.
OK I am back from running errands and will try to awnser point by point, enjoy!

Art -FACT-they are INCAPABLE of running an airline properly, and they continue to take steps which APPEAR to work, but in the long run cause more problems than they solve.

Up-Fact, They turned around a poor HP Airline, they have improved the Operations here. The did complete a merger smoother than any before. They have kept most everyone employed.

ART: The above statement proves you are wearing blinders. HP was ok as a regional airline, nothing more. The management team ( and I use that term loosely) does not have the scope or experience to run a major international airline the size of the new US and they have proven it repeatedly.

Oh--and they have not even come close to COMPLETING the merger, 3 years after the fact...in fact they have engendered infighting and anymosity between the east and west. So much for your theory.

Art-Yes others are implementing fees, and yes, they are unpopular with most of us, but in SOME cases they are an unwelcome necessity. In US' case they cross a line between need and greed however, and are an attempt to cover up for the ineptitude in running an airline.

Up-Say what? How is it “greed†trying to stay in business? “Crossed the line†oh please nothing but an emotional statement. They have done only two things that have yet to be matched ny others. The Soda charge and the elimination of the DM Bonus. In the grand scheme of things pretty small items IMHO and these may still be met by the other airlines. And what ineptitude are they covering up for and how would these changes “cover them up�

ART: There is no way that charging for soda and eliminating bonus miles is going to save the airline or keep it in business, regardless of the price of oil. That is a BS excuse. Again, they do not think things through. It is another penny wise and pound foolish move, showing they can step over dollars to pick up nickels. And these may be relatively small things to YOU but to the customer they are BIG, especially since NO other airline has matched, and our information (from reliable sources AT other airlines) is that they have no intention of doing so, but welcome the business of former US Elites.

Art-IF they had not made some of the draconian an ill informed changes they have made over the past couple of years,

Up-Again nothing more than an emotional rant, what draconian and ill informed changes?

ART: They cut staff further than they should have for the scope of the operation, causing lengthy delays and customer service issues. They introduced a sub par web site WELL before it was ready, and caused nightmares for customers trying to use it. They did not think the reservation system choice through, and took the CHEAP route, which wound up costing much more in the long run in unhappy customers, loss of goodwill, and operational breakdowns. Oh--and there IS a version of SHARES which works fine, not the stripped version that US has--and CO has it. Oh--and on that subject, up until a month ago, even US employees could not tell you where an inbound aircraft was coming from, while CO had that function readily available on their MOBILE web site MONTHS ago. That's just ONE example.

Art-IF they had not encouraged their most experienced personnel to leave, knowing that they would have inexperienced untrained people to replace them.

Up-Actually not sure what they have done to “Encourage’ experienced people to leave? Some change? Oh no we can’t deal with that? Ultimately not many “Older Experienced people have left or they CASM would not still be so high.

ART: There are far fewer long time employees left than there were even 2 years ago. Look at Chairmans--and INT res..it's been decimated...more than half of the old Chairmans Liaisons are gone. Senior agents took buyouts or just quit. These were people who, had they been retained, could have saved the company a fortune during the operational meltdowns, but all Tempe cares about is the pay rate....like most other corporate entities unfortunately. The percentage of employees who feel somewhat EMBARRASSED to come to work is higher at US than any other airline I know of.

Art-IF they had tried in GOOD FAITH to negotiate with the unions (not necessarily to give them more, but to gain efficiencies which are enjoyed by other airlines,

Up-Of coursed they tried in good faith to negotiate, it is in their best interest to get deals done, that is what companies do. They have reached agreements with almost all of the unions I would suggest the ones they haven’t might need to look in the mirror. You can’t even blame the company completely negotiations are a two way street..

ART: They did not try to negotiate in good faith. If they had done so we would never have seen the likes of the East/West battle which is going on with the pilots. This alone could eventually be the downfall of the entire company. Is labor completely right here? Probably not, but neither is the company, and this COULD have been avoided.

Art-IF they had been honest with customers and employees alike,

Up-Is this your opinion or fact, what does that even mean? If they say one thing and then the environment dictates changes they are now liars?

ART: Has nothing to do with the environment. I have been lied to to my face by management, and they have said they would do things they never did. This is my own PERSONAL experience, and when added to the stories of other customers and employees, their credibility is in the toilet.

Art-IF they had chosen to give the employees the tools they need to do the job efficiently, and reduce the need for extra spending in the long run,

Up-No they chose to purposely not give the employees tools? Again another nonsensical statement. If your talking Shares that was done to save the company from another BL because the old system cost and contract where horrible. Fact they have spent a ton upgrading everything adding kiosk, equipment, improving the Aircraft

ART: Again--I refer to my previous statement-reducing staffing to levels incapable of properly running an operation--choosing a reservations system which was NOT properly tested, and was INCAPABLE of running an operation the scope of the new US, but was cheap...I won't argue that SHARES was a wrong choice, perhaps it was not, but the stripped down version they chose was and is completely inadequate to do the job, and has cost MILLIONS in fixes which could have been avoided.

Art-IF THEY KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING, they would be in a better position to weather the storm.

Up-Seems to me the are making smart, safe decisions to keep us all employed. We have all fared better then all the other legacy work groups. I am glad they are making the decisions and not you!

ART: There is nothing smart and safe about what they are doing--you should be ashamed of yourself for even saying that. You have NOT fared better than other legacy workgroups--you are the LOWEST paid and least respected by management of ANY other airline workgroup.

Art-So you can spout off all you want about $140 oil, and you're not wrong, but ONLY US Airways has launched a frontal attack on both customers and employees alike, and in the end they will get what they deserve.

Up-Really launched an attack? Come on Art 90% of your points are the same claptrap repeated 10 different ways! What attack? Yes thier plan is to kill off all the employees and customers, wow why didn’t I think of that!

ART: What a moronic statement! Not the same claptrap, fact. we have statements made by both Parker and Kirby showing their contempt for high yield elite customers, and the actions toward employees speaks for itself.

Art-NOTE--In my heart it hurts to see this happen because I have many friends still working at US Airways (yourself NOT included), but until there is REAL management who is willing to take risks and assume responsibility (and blame) for their mistakes, there is not a chance.

Art-NO OTHER AIRLINE in the US is even considering charging for soft drinks.

Up-How do you know they are not considering it? I’ll bet you they are I will also bet you that if none follow we won’t do it for to long. That is how the market works.

ART: Do you really think US management is the only management team we speak to? I won't say any more.....I can't violate confidentiality, but there is truth in what I say.

Art-NO OTHER AIRLINE in the US has as yet canceled bonus miles for Elites--and my information is they are NOT even thinking of it.

ART: No response there......because there is nothing you can say.

Art-NO OTHER AIRLINE in the US except United has matched the elimination of the 500 mile minimum, and we have heard that even UA is reconsidering.

Up-Are any of these really a deal breaker? Go read Flyer talk on the OALs they all have things going on that nobody likes!

ART: Yes for many frequent fliers they are a deal breaker. I have had HUNDREDS of requests for status matches to other airlines in the past two weeks, and MANY have gone...representing a few million in lost revenue for US.

Art-NO OTHER AIRLINE has such contempt for both customers and employees as does US.

Up-Deleted by Moderator)
ART: Language, Language--the truth hurts doesn't it???

I see little facts or objectivity in any of your points ART!

ART: I am emotional and passionate about what I believe in, but if you can't see the truth in what I am saying then you are truly blind-or ignorant...or both.....
I am going no further with this because I unlike you I don't want a time out.

Have a safe and enjoyable 4th everyone.
Just a friendly reminder to all. Personal attacks and profanity are not allowed. Have a safe and sane 4th of July!
Up - They have kept most everyone employed

NCFL - Most, perhaps. But tell that to East Revenue Accounting, Consumer Affairs, Customer Service Systems, Inflight Systems, All of CCY (Execs don't count - they had Golden Parachutes). Lest I leave some out, isn't West OCC (or whatever it is called) moving to PIT? I'm probably leaving some out. That's several thousand people, despite the spin Tempe put on retaining employees at merger time.

Up-Actually not sure what they have done to “Encourage’ experienced people to leave? Some change? Oh no we can’t deal with that? Ultimately not many “Older Experienced people have left or they CASM would not still be so high.

NCFL - Here's a snapshot for you to disprove your statement "Not many older experienced people have left." The decision was made to consolidate East Consumer Affairs (my old department) and West Customer Relations. The East office had an average front-line experience level of 17 years. People had lived through previous mergers, plane crashes, blizzards that closed hubs for days at a time, European service, Star Alliance, hurricanes and a whole host of things with which the West office had little to no experience. Rep salaries were higher, but their individual productivity ran circles around the West office's.

We were as OK as anyone could be with the fact that we were closing, but said "why don't you wait a little longer until you get more up to speed. Let us teach you about this stuff." The answer was no. West, with its already inexperienced staff, hired even more new-hires and temporary employees in an attempt to make up for the loss of experienced personnel.

We all know where that got them. A backlog of 20,000 letters and a slew of really ticked off customers.

Art-NO OTHER AIRLINE has such contempt for both customers and employees as does US.
Up-(Deleted by Moderator).

NCFL - Hmm. US has no contempt for customers? Let's check DOT complaint reports for some facts about how well it treats customers.

2006 year end rank - tied for last place with United
2007 year end rank - dead last
2008 January - 17th out of 20
2008 February dead last
2008 March 18th out of 19
2008 April 18th out of 19

That's the latest month for which the DOT has statistics.
Seems fairly contemptuous for the customer to me, doesn't it folks?

Up - I see little facts or objectivity in any of your points ART!

NCFL - Your subjective assertions don't hold water. I hope my facts, real-life examples and statistics have helped lend some objectivity.
Up-Fact, They turned around a poor HP Airline, they have improved the Operations here. The did complete a merger smoother than any before. They have kept most everyone employed.
Since HP has never done a merger before, your comment about the smoothness of this one is true, there being only one case.

But, before you count your chickens, sherlock, the one and only merger isn't over yet. Three years does seem a long time to do something like that.

Up-Again nothing more than an emotional rant, what draconian and ill informed changes?
Oh, oh, call on me teacher. :up:

Implementing an alpha version computer system (AIK/Shares) after testing it once, with no way to back-up to the old system in case of problems, virtually leaving US with a barebones customer interface at the airport that occasionally worked. When the agents realized their training for the new system was worse than useless, they and the instructors took the time to establish workarounds, leaving customers milling about, missing flights, costing US in ways they will never re-coup.

US transitioned to Spectre, tracking mx functions for aircraft. Among other "features", it does not notify mx that an MEL is about to expire. From engineers in Europe, other airlines that use Spectre have systems to help out in this area. US is the ONLY airline in.the.(deleted word).world that has no such system, apparently thinking they know all. Such arrogance, repeated time and again in other and different corporate departments within US.

I feel the sell on board will fail, costing more than any possible revenue. The only thing I can see is it allows Tempe to move an "expense" to the Misc. column, perhaps a "research project" in order to lower CASM by only a little bit even if the operation costs more than it takes in. Ever play a shell game?

Most of the employees are over these games, UP. They have been there, done that. Bankruptcy has lost it's sting for execs, once used to keep execs in line, now being used to modify contracts of vendors and employees. In fact, shaping corporations to take advantage of going bankrupt seems the project du jour these days.
QUOTE (Hadenough @ Jul 3 2008, 04:01 PM)

First of all I too know Coach Rowsey and have know the man for many years. His work ethics and character are second to none.

Just a friendly reminder… in CLT… the “Coachâ€￾ is beyond “Reproachâ€￾ !
I think our management is doing as good a job as can be expect when the price of oil is sitting at 143 dollars a barrel and climbing .. things are NOT going to be returning to the old days folks … wages will NOT be going up …..

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Freedom you have to be kidding>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

What does the price of oil have to do with being inexperienced,charging for soda's my friend is grasping for air.This company never made a profit since this merger it stole its money.

Freedom its a pain in the ass to work here,has been for years.I dont think you know what the good old days were even about.It wasn't about money,it was about having a job you liked to go to in the morning.If you travel at all break down and buy a ticket on line with southwest,go through the whole process and take the trip.You will see how enjoyable it can be to fly.There computer system in my opinion is top notch.Thats just a start.

Compared to other companies this ones computer and info system is 10 years behind.Ive been in this business long enough to remember back when everything was done by telex,and sky page.Usairways is ran worse than anything back then.Its employees are treated like crap.We are asked to move mountains with shovels,and when the results are not fast enough we are belittled.
If you worked in a bad place I can see why you might like it here.But if youve ever worked for a real good airline you can see whats wrong with this one.
QUOTE (Hadenough @ Jul 3 2008, 04:01 PM)

First of all I too know Coach Rowsey and have know the man for many years. His work ethics and character are second to none.

Just a friendly reminder… in CLT… the “Coachâ€￾ is beyond “Reproachâ€￾ !

You guys have been way to nice. Thanks all.
We are asked to move mountains with shovels,and when the results are not fast enough we are belittled.
If you worked in a bad place I can see why you might like it here.
All employees like the company they are working for. Otherwise they would not be working there.
All employees like the company they are working for.
I wonder if "like" is the proper word.

Like the always drunk, cheap in-law who is a pain in the tutu even when sober, just because one goes to dinner with them one could hardly characterize the reason as "liking" them.

I would characterize many here as crew-members warning the captain of the iceberg ahead. The less the captain listens, the louder the cries. Now, even the passengers are yelling at the captain. Orders to re-deploy the deck chairs does not seem to be working.

"Like" is hardly the proper word.
I think I posted this on the wrong thread, so I'll do it again because I care about my angry airline friends.

Did you guys see the new AboutUS? I found it in the dumpster when I was outside playing chicken with the drive through customers.

It says they're introducing this new ethics campaign. I bet that's fancy speak for you USAv/USAir emps need to shutty mouthy.

Hey, no worries, we're hiring at Wendy's though. I'll give you a good reccomendation.

Is that a pyingyang ? Did I win? Pick me! :up:
I think I posted this on the wrong thread, so I'll do it again because I care about my angry airline friends.

Did you guys see the new AboutUS? I found it in the dumpster when I was outside playing chicken with the drive through customers.

It says they're introducing this new ethics campaign. I bet that's fancy speak for you USAv/USAir emps need to shutty mouthy.

Hey, no worries, we're hiring at Wendy's though. I'll give you a good reccomendation.

Is that a pyingyang ? Did I win? Pick me! :up:
Where's the Beef? :lol: :lol:
D.P. "Alright Ice 'em, let's have a look at your list of our renegade employees that have been blogging on that subversive US Aviation site."

R.I. "Right, chief."


  • Ice__em_s_List.webp
    25.3 KB · Views: 218
First of all I too know Coach Rowsey and have know the man for many years. His work ethics and character are second to none. Your attack just proves once again your youth and arrogance.

Second all you can spout off about is the price of oil. The economy is in shambles. Once again this is your youth showing through. The economy is cyclical and ebbs and flows through the years. If you want proof take a look at what happened to oil in the 70s and yet the economy survived and eventually thrived. Oh my gosh chicken little the sky is falling.

I think the moderators should give you a dose of humility.

I disagree with you …

When it comes to the united states economy I have a negative outlook …

First of all our dollar is weak , and seems to be growing weaker … that’s the main threat in my view … on top of that you have the high price of oil which is just killing the entire economy … consumer confidence is at historic lows …this home meltdown may be unprecedented in terms of dollar damage to our economic system and I don’t think the wreaking ball has stopped in that area either .. the credit markets are drying up faster than spilled water in our Arizona heat and 29 out of 50 states have forecast budget deficits for 2009 .

Our war with Iraq is draining the us treasury … oh wait no , it’s already empty and we’ve got a 9 trillion deficit . Medicare is going to run dry in 2017 , but we can probably slash a few years off of that with our worsening economy .. there are other factors but you know I either can’t think of them at this time or am simply blocking them out of my mind ….

Is it possible that things could be corrected ? maybe , do I have enough faith in our government to do what needs to be done ? at this point I’d have to say no ..

So in a nutshell I’m reading up on my history books about what the great depression was like , and I’m also going to review what the 1970’s were like … but I think this will more or less mirror the great depression …(i feel that things will take a turn for the worse in the middle of 2009 )

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