Now run along and continue your Waffen SS Management tactics. I see they're working real well on the T/A flights out of PHL.
Well folks this will give the monitors in Tempe something to talk about over coffee!!!!!
It makes me wonder that a corporation whines and complains about this, that and the other thing, implying they are losing money hand over fist, yet they have enough resources, apparently, to interdict the only critical input to their operation, in effect, sweeping their own embarrassments under the rug.
Good reply to a good analogy, North Korea.
Think about it. The only reason to keep a list is for reference later on, when time has dulled the memory and, likely, circumstances have changed.
Why would a corporate entity want to reference something later? To punish someone differently than normal should they step out of line? To deny promotion? To Swift-boat their own employees, holding such an issue up to the Board as an "example" of the obstacles they "have to put up with"? (If so, I want a cut of their raise
😀 )
Is it any wonder people associated with such a corporate entity would have low morale?
US has become a corporation whose primary mission seems to be to dump on their own employees after shaking them down for every penny that can legally be extracted. Lowest employee cost in the industry and they still cannot be number one. Am I the only person who has re-thought my assumptions that management is here to run an airline?