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Tempe is our own little Pyongyang

Maybe they should make shares of LCC buy on board....if I could get a paper certificate, I could use it as a napkin for my non-exist pretzels...the al a carte pricing seems to be in line.

The paper could also be used to wipe my backside. I hear paper products are getting expensive these days. :lol:
Maybe they should make shares of LCC buy on board....if I could get a paper certificate, I could use it as a napkin for my non-exist pretzels...the al a carte pricing seems to be in line.

I've got another use for the paper, but it involves a different thread and the discussion about pay toilets and lav access. I don't want to be accused of hijacking the thread, so I won't go there.

Oops. Already did.
I don't think we have to worry about the site owners giving away what they know about us to the company that some of you work for.

The only time they might be obligated to do that would be under court order, and then the court would likely want some evidence of criminal activity.

Of course, what Tempe does to its customers and employees is the real "criminal" activity going on here.

"Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear." ---- Harry S. Truman
"Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear." ---- Harry S. Truman
oh the Truman show!! I love that movie!! I need some headsets! Is it on? *burp*
hey, FA, can I get another beer please? do you have pyongyang on draught? you don't? Youre a pathetic airline. Did you know that!?
Maybe they should make shares of LCC buy on board....if I could get a paper certificate, I could use it as a napkin for my non-exist pretzels...the al a carte pricing seems to be in line.

Hmmm..we're all missing a revenue enhancing idea folks = Print each napkin as an actual share of stock..and sell the individual napkins at inflated rates. If nothing else?...the unused ones would become collectables, and certainly proper fodder for ebay/etc. The truly saddest part is that I remember, long ago, buying some "parcels of the moon" via goof/fun certificates for Christmas one "poor" year in college days, at $5 per certificate...and..ummm...the actual company stock is worth..what again?...Sheesh!

It's 6:35PMEDT and Little Bobby Isom hasn't responded to my challenge. 😛 😛 😛 😛

There goes all of that self esteem I built up over the last 53 years. To bad the place I'm staying doesn't have a bar. I did get some free cookies though. Hmmmmmm maybe I'll save them and donate them to US Airways to give out on board.

Piney, he's probably checking his ccy connections to see if they can recommend any new "toiletries" to send you 😀
This is not new to me! US management has had my number since they issued to me $1600 in vouchers last year for my lovely experiences! :lol:

And they must be still making life miserable because nearly every time I get back on a US flight, something negative happens to me! The last eight US flights I have taken have in the past month have resulted in four mechanicals and four long waits in the penalty box, one of which was to test the possible broken equipment. I believe they have pulled my file and they are using it to drive me away! But that is OK, I am mostly gone anyway! :lol:

In all seriousness, I thought 1984 was just a novel, but it appears that Big Brother Isom alive and well in Tempe! :down:
Thanks for the laugh, I'd totally forgotten about that little episode. You have to give CCY a bit of credit. They came on here and would engage in debate, Never identified themselves but they had several people on here Sr. VP Level and above on a regular basis.

If you ponder that for a moment doing that shows alot more character than what we see from Tempe.

Having "character" instead of being "characters" goes a lot further in anyone's book.

Tempe isn't just a little Pyongyang, it's also a little Peyton Place. :lol:
Yes, it was confirmed, Seigel, Chiames, Hemenway, Glass and Crellin all posted on here from time to time.

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