Contact AMFA National for a copy or get with your local AMFA organizer who ever that is I am sure he has one.
Read the AMFA constitution, any member can and has sat in on Negotiations with the companies they represent.
Ask any of the NWA guys if you know any, Being a card carrying assoc. member I sat in on AMFAs negotiations while it was held out in LAX yrs ago. Ask the GUYs at alaska or SWA if they can sit in? (non union officers) any union member.
Also in the constitution it shows what has to be done to remove any officer.
They represent aircraft mechanics, automotive, facilities, and title 1 cleaners. so NO I did NOT make this UP
AS far as the TWU being a weak union if they were a strong union and di thier job we would not be having this discussion would we? Since we at AA have set the bar so low we all should be wearing bags in shame that is mine....