I don't know why you guys are so hard up on getting AMFA. Didn't they bring down the United Mechanics. UAL Mechanics got rid of them. UAL seem to be doing well with teamsters. I don't get it..can someone explain why AMFA is better than Teamsters.
What I hear most is that we have been suppressed by a union that appoints unqualified company men to positions of power that control our contract and our destiny, and the Teamsters would be no different. In fact, under the Teamsters we would be worse off than the TWU by the $400 a year increase in dues, not having our own locals, appointed business agents to the positions that count, etc.
So yes, the AMFA's democracy would allow for them at AA to be better than the Teamsters and the TWU, but the TWU is still better than the Teamsters.
We will either change for the better, or torment the existing union. 😱