Not sure what facts you are referring to Simpleton Jr. and no I didn't go away just been a little busy doing computer work.
"I guess we're on the same page huh"
Not sure what facts you are referring to Simpleton Jr. and no I didn't go away just been a little busy doing computer work.
In an Attempt to draw attention to themselves (3) IBT organizer set up shop outside the AA hanger area across the street from the AMFA Informational meeting. As people drove by coming into work. From reports NOT many if any at all were seen visiting their tent setup. Even Teamster supporters came to the AMFA meeting talking to National officers ( Taking a AMFA cards ) as they left.
Miami is a AMFA card signed station with approx 90% from Aircraft Maintenance.
The Automotive and Facilities mechanics are now seeing that AMFA is not the union projected by the teamsters and as well have started to sign cards.
Its time for all who signed an AMFA card to get with your local Title II mechanics have them sign cards and lets get rid of the TWU..
And your medical increase has not even hit....yet.
Explain why not....hey I'm still here.. Seriously you don't want to go AMFA!!!!
I'm saying this is because of my experience's with labor unions. An labor Organization is for improving our economic status and working conditions through collective bargaining with employers. Theirs more to economic status then a market based wage. Some on here like to talk that up, like it's the only part of your economic good. (were wages are there only concern "market parity" - if they make 50 hr so will we) and we lose out in all the other economic areas, Medical, Retirement. Now the haters on here are going to say all unions are losing when it comes to med/retirement benefits - true?, I don't think so. Some unions have the re-sources to stop it or at least greatly lighten the blow. Now the hater want you to believe your only employment options are the airlines, and have a good laugh when the notices come out. Now dont you find this strange coming from guys that supports and have a "believe in" a Fraternal Association? So I have been with AMFA for some time and let me tell you what I now have.. A job (career?), I help pay for my Medical,(goes up every year), retirement - 401k, all the money comes from my wage. And a hourly wage thats is market based to keep me in the middle with Comparator Carriers... O and a Contract we can't seem to enforce. Hey but it is nice the way we wrote in the contract the means to work a closed door deal.
The teamsters voted yes to more concessions to hostess.For info here the Teamsters are not on strike with Hostess. You guys just hate labor don't you?
Where did you fail?hiding???? Seriously, now don't get mad this is only a question, Are you some kind of a moron? To improve my plight I became a shop rep. Working within AMFA to try to improve things, I now believe AMFA just can't do it. If you took it as complaining, sorry I wasn't, I believe I said "We" so I'm right there to blame with AMFA. Now see if there system works contact Local 14 let them know I am here so I can be voted out. I will let you know how that worked out for me.
What besides complaining here hiding behind your alias have you done to improve or change your plight?
You are here on the AA Forum complaining about AMFA.
Well be a real huckleberry, call the TWU Organizing Commitee get a card drive there, get the TWU certified there and enjoy what we have now, and then you will really have something to complain about.
We are represented by the most docile union in the industry, and you are here complaining about having one that you can control and change the leadership. Really?
Call the TWU and get something that will really have you complaining.