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Teamsters "raiding" TWU?

Wait A minute, are you a non union employee of some airline and arguing for a union at another? At 49.25, are you even a mechanic somewhere?

LOL yeah amazing isn't it ?? Even you are questioning my pay as a mechanic cuz even you cannot believe I make that much. I guess your unions have never got to that level for AMT's so that wage is foreign to you. Really pathetic that unions other then Ibt at UPS can claim that. AMFA at SWA is pretty close.
Not currently union, nor does he apparently want to be.

Just think, if he is willing to give up $15/hr, settle for just one week of vacation for the next five years, with just 5 paid holidays, (but only paid at half pay if he is assigned to work), and settle for just five sick days he too can buy the right to call himself a Union Mechanic at American Airlines for only $700/year (after taxes). (In other words if he wanted to give up his non-union job and go work Union at AA as a mechanic he would neeed to accept at least a $32,000/year paycut, and thats if he was hired at Top Pay. Do you blame him for not wanting a Union? )
Just think, if he is willing to give up $15/hr, settle for just one week of vacation for the next five years, with just 5 paid holidays, (but only paid at half pay if he is assigned to work), and settle for just five sick days he too can buy the right to call himself a Union Mechanic at American Airlines for only $700/year (after taxes). (In other words if he wanted to give up his non-union job and go work Union at AA as a mechanic he would neeed to accept at least a $32,000/year paycut, and thats if he was hired at Top Pay. Do you blame him for not wanting a Union? )
Lies Bob he makes 34,000 more than me just in wages. Overspeed is right your nothing but lies
Thanks for posting another variation of the truth. Unfortunately you are wrong again. Rank and file members have made up the negotiation committees for many years. But you go ahead and make up stories if it makes you feel better.

I don't follow Hoffa around on airplanes to suggest his travel plans. But surely you could dig up much more heinous acts than this? Next you will be telling me that Hoffa watched pre season and the first couple of games of NFL this year. I am willing to bet you did too when the regular refs were on strike? How is that scab thing working out for you?

Not wrong here "SCAB SUPPORTER" Stating facts. As well as self lived facts when we had to live with the teamsters representing us here at SWA. THANK GOD THEY HAVE BEEN FIRED!!!
If you have been following, I have dug up a tremendous amount of crap on Hoffa, just google the name and you will see for yourself. The crime list goes on and on and on.......
Thanks for posting another variation of the truth. Unfortunately you are wrong again. Rank and file members have made up the negotiation committees for many years. But you go ahead and make up stories if it makes you feel better.

That is not what the previous ibt busines agent from Southwest has to say about the way ibt negotiations are handled.

Be to sure to join us for the AMFA Webinar on Tuesday Oct 30th @ 7:00 pm Central. Ask this question about ibt negotations and see what he gives for an answer.

Instead of some alias on an internet forum pretending to know the truth, Jack will put his face and his name on everything he says. Then contrast that information with "anamoly" the alias that has already been proven a liar on several occasions.

AMFA webinar
Tuesday October 30th
7:00pm Central Time

See you there!!!
Do we the TWU, have the worst contract for any airline mechanic, including BK contracts?
Thanks for posting another variation of the truth. Unfortunately you are wrong again. Rank and file members have made up the negotiation committees for many years. But you go ahead and make up stories if it makes you feel better.

I don't follow Hoffa around on airplanes to suggest his travel plans. But surely you could dig up much more heinous acts than this? Next you will be telling me that Hoffa watched pre season and the first couple of games of NFL this year. I am willing to bet you did too when the regular refs were on strike? How is that scab thing working out for you?

Again Anomaly, not made up. Lived it. We had outsiders at the table as lead negos. CAL also had outsiders nego for them as well. With the closed door to negos that the teamsters always use while nego contracts is how and why the teamsters can work out "behind closed door deals" with the company in a private hotel room. This was in fact done (as we have already proven) and will more than likely be brought up in the webinar. The same shanigans were also played out over at CAL.

Some of you guys are expressing if AMFA can handle the greiv. and arbitration cases when they take over at AA. Just to let you know; AMFA has handled numerous upon numerous arbitrations since the teamsters got fired. Matter fact, AMFA has done more arbitraded cases at SWA in under 10 years than the teamsters handled in there almost 30 years at SWA. What does that tell ya?? The teamsters would always just let the company do what it wants and never take a stand against them. At the time, the teamsters had company yes men at the helm for the teamsters, and there for awhile, nothing was grieved or challenged for many many years. These type of folks are currently in management positions for the company. It is built into AMFA's constitution that you cannot take a company position for at least 2 years after being a union rep or officer.
This former teamster BA will in fact feed you guys the truth of how the teamsters really operate on the insides, especially at their upper officers level, it will be an eye opener for all.
Hey "Scab Supporter" (Anomaly) It would be worth your time to tune in and really see this. Matter fact I recomend you ask any questions about ANYTHING that you have been spreading on this forum, which is all lies and faulse mis-represented infomation.
Trust me I would be there if I could live. Kids school event will prevent me from watching live. But I assure you I will be watching the recorded video later.

Spread the word guys 7pm Oct 30th Webinar @ http://www.amfa-aa.com
Had me a close encounter with a Teamster today. I stepped out of an arbitration hearing for a breath of fresh air in the Hotel breezway and seen a Teamster standing outside. I asked him. What brings the Teamsters to town? He said, his local. I said. Who do you represent here in Tulsa? He said nobody really. I said I'm with the Transport Workers Union and told him I was here for arbitration and asked him if he does any arbitration and he said, that is too much like work....Hmmmm?

Kinda got the cold shoulder after I identified myself and why I was there. He got a wholly crap look on his face after I told him I was with the TWU....Go figure 😛
Had me a close encounter with a Teamster today. I stepped out of an arbitration hearing for a breath of fresh air in the Hotel breezway and seen a Teamster standing outside. I asked him. What brings the Teamsters to town? He said, his local. I said. Who do you represent here in Tulsa? He said nobody really. I said I'm with the Transport Workers Union and told him I was here for arbitration and asked him if he does any arbitration and he said, that is too much like work....Hmmmm?

Kinda got the cold shoulder after I identified myself and why I was there. He got a wholly crap look on his face after I told him I was with the TWU....Go figure 😛

Obviously he was afraid of you! (LOL!)
Just another splendid example of this SHAM teamsters drive....

First, the USAirways site...


The ibt attacking the incumbant Union, the IAM

Now the American site ...


The ibt says nothing about the TWU and instead attacks AMFA.

Once again.....just asking why the difference in "campaigns"
Just think, if he is willing to give up $15/hr, settle for just one week of vacation for the next five years, with just 5 paid holidays, (but only paid at half pay if he is assigned to work), and settle for just five sick days he too can buy the right to call himself a Union Mechanic at American Airlines for only $700/year (after taxes). (In other words if he wanted to give up his non-union job and go work Union at AA as a mechanic he would neeed to accept at least a $32,000/year paycut, and thats if he was hired at Top Pay. Do you blame him for not wanting a Union? )

Oh and lets not forget union dues Bob!. Like I said as long as these crappy unions represent AMT's better to go it alone