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Teamsters "raiding" TWU?

Not true. The TWU has been negotiating M&R separately since 2001.

The TWU negotiated $38 and hour back in May 2010 but it was voted down as not good enough even though it was higher than every one but WN. It also included more VC, all SK days at full pay, and three holidays back. The vote no coalition recommended a no vote and you listened. The TWU Dispatchers and MCTs listened to the Int'l and still have industry leading pay. Looks like you listened to the wrong people...again.

Yeah its "seperate" but in an industrial union it is never really seperate. It is smoke and mirrors. Even at 38 an hr it is still piss poor compared to dispatch and you guys do not even have that now. I make 49.25 and am non-union..Yeah keep plugging that Twu.
Like Strikeforce so eloquently put it in another thread. AMFA is popular because they are the ONLY union that allows M@R to negotiate on their own. Unlike all the industrial unions that lump us as AMT's in to an already large group. If you don't think this argument has merit just look at dispatchers who the Twu can seem to get top dollar for but cannot get AMT's barely past food stamps.

UAL is in negotiations right now. With the Teamsters, the rank and file 11 members of the negotiating committee are all mechanics under the class and craft and will be subject to the terms of the negotiated agreement. The contract negotiated by them will ONLY benefit mechanics. How did you come to the conclusion that amfa is the only one to allow M&R to negotiate their own contract? I can not find any supporting data for this statement.
Yeah its "seperate" but in an industrial union it is never really seperate. It is smoke and mirrors. Even at 38 an hr it is still piss poor compared to dispatch and you guys do not even have that now. I make 49.25 and am non-union..Yeah keep plugging that Twu.

Wait A minute, are you a non union employee of some airline and arguing for a union at another? At 49.25, are you even a mechanic somewhere?
And it's about to get tough at WN. They are going to have to show the negotiating balls they say they have real soon.

“We have a cost challenge, and it is one that looms large,” Kelly said, noting in particular that “our labor rates are now, far and away, the highest in the industry.” The restructured carriers emerged from bankruptcy with lower rates and better productivity than Southwest, which means the carrier will have to improve productivity and eliminate waste to “preserve” pay rates and benefits.

Plus 1
But this is a telling example of how amfa negotiates. With a friendly and consistently profitable company that believes in putting it's employees first, the best amfa can get is a cost neutral agreement. How do you all think the association will negotiate against a hostile company like AA or US Air?

This of course leads to the equaly telling question...

If the teamsters couldn't handle normal section 6 negotiations with a regional carrier like Horizon, How do you all think the teamsters will negotiate against a hostile company like AA or US Air?

Consider at Horizon, under regular section 6 negotiations - with the supposed power & resources of 1.4 million - NOT IN BANKRUPTCY - the ibt ....

Lost over 30+% of its membership

Couldn't prevent the outsourcing of Heavy Maintenance work.

Agreed - IN WRITING - to never grieve the outsourcing or speak against it in public - this from a group that continues to claim it champions the fighting of outsourcing.

(Side Note) the Pilots at Horizon are also teamsters - even with their added leverage the ibt failed. Additionally, its worthy to note it took the teamsters approximately FOUR YEARS to negotiate an agreement for the Pilots at Horizon.
True, but the Teamsters were the ones who by all accounts first brought up the issue of the Mileage plus program to mechanics. The Pilots were pushing that argument, but rather than the BS the the amfa attorneys were trying to spin, why didn't they argue the wealth available to UA to save our pensions? The case is all there for anyone to look at. I guess to your simple mind, all who can read and think for themselves rather than drink your amfa kool aid are liars? Whatever brother Teamster.

I guess to your simple mind, you're hoping your pathetic attempts to deflect will draw attention away from the fact that you lied.

You claimed AMFA didn't fight to preserve pension benefits - they in fact did - YOU LIED.

Trying now to argue the manner of that defense after the fact changes nothing.

Simple enough for you?
🙄 Idiot?

The man who threw the first punch must have lost the argument.

I did what you asked and kept posting. Not necessarily to you, I just referenced a news article found from a PRO Southwest web site. I inserted nothing in to your mouth. That was not me.

The web site referenced an article that correctly suggested amfa was able to negotiate a cost neutral agreement with a profitable company. Now from other posts. I made it clear that this company is also well known for taking care of the employees in a better than adequate manner and does have a history of sharing the wealth.

But this is a telling example of how amfa negotiates. With a friendly and consistently profitable company that believes in putting it's employees first, the best amfa can get is a cost neutral agreement. How do you all think the association will negotiate against a hostile company like AA or US Air?

Like the last question you took exception to, this is not addressed to anyone in particular and is issued as a question, not a statement of fact. I am just posting. Anything else you need from me? No insertions, sorry. I don't swing that way.

Re-read your post directly answering me, and asking me questions, scab supporter.
And it's about to get tough at WN. They are going to have to show the negotiating balls they say they have real soon.

“We have a cost challenge, and it is one that looms large,” Kelly said, noting in particular that “our labor rates are now, far and away, the highest in the industry.” The restructured carriers emerged from bankruptcy with lower rates and better productivity than Southwest, which means the carrier will have to improve productivity and eliminate waste to “preserve” pay rates and benefits.

Just goes to show how much you outsiders don't know about SWA and its workings. These are all typical statements when we are near or in nego. It has happend every time we come up on contract talks, EVERY TIME.
Not true. The TWU has been negotiating M&R separately since 2001.

The TWU negotiated $38 and hour back in May 2010 but it was voted down as not good enough even though it was higher than every one but WN. It also included more VC, all SK days at full pay, and three holidays back. The vote no coalition recommended a no vote and you listened. The TWU Dispatchers and MCTs listened to the Int'l and still have industry leading pay. Looks like you listened to the wrong people...again.

You just showed how much you pay attention. Lineguy43 doesn't work at AA nor did he vote no on any contract at AA. He's not even unionized currently.
UAL is in negotiations right now. With the Teamsters, the rank and file 11 members of the negotiating committee are all mechanics under the class and craft and will be subject to the terms of the negotiated agreement. The contract negotiated by them will ONLY benefit mechanics. How did you come to the conclusion that amfa is the only one to allow M&R to negotiate their own contract? I can not find any supporting data for this statement.

The teamsters just started doing this is as it is one of the factors getting members to leave them. They also let the Airtran guys sit in as observers at the integration negos for the first time ever. Anomaly, you know they are changing there ways over to the likes of AMFA because that is what the mechanics want. This is the biggest compliment you can get from another union, is for another union to start copying the AMFA way of doing things.

BTW; As of your post in "Teamsters raiding TWU" Forum, page 10, post #100 that is listed below has inherited you the new nickname of "scab supporter". You are still doing a great job for the ibt, just great.

Here's your post Scab Supporter:

You are an incredibly shallow man if this is all you can come up with. It is OK to dislike the Teamsters, or any union. But why make up stories? Is Hoffa sitting on a NWA seat during a strike really the only thing that is preventing your support?

Come on dude......
You just showed how much you pay attention. Lineguy43 doesn't work at AA nor did he vote no on any contract at AA. He's not even unionized currently.

Not currently union, nor does he apparently want to be.
The teamsters just started doing this is as it is one of the factors getting members to leave them. They also let the Airtran guys sit in as observers at the integration negos for the first time ever. Anomaly, you know they are changing there ways over to the likes of AMFA because that is what the mechanics want. This is the biggest compliment you can get from another union, is for another union to start copying the AMFA way of doing things.

BTW; As of your post in "Teamsters raiding TWU" Forum, page 10, post #100 that is listed below has inherited you the new nickname of "scab supporter". You are still doing a great job for the ibt, just great.

Here's your post Scab Supporter:

You are an incredibly shallow man if this is all you can come up with. It is OK to dislike the Teamsters, or any union. But why make up stories? Is Hoffa sitting on a NWA seat during a strike really the only thing that is preventing your support?

Come on dude......

Thanks for posting another variation of the truth. Unfortunately you are wrong again. Rank and file members have made up the negotiation committees for many years. But you go ahead and make up stories if it makes you feel better.

I don't follow Hoffa around on airplanes to suggest his travel plans. But surely you could dig up much more heinous acts than this? Next you will be telling me that Hoffa watched pre season and the first couple of games of NFL this year. I am willing to bet you did too when the regular refs were on strike? How is that scab thing working out for you?
Do you actually read these boards? He's mentioned multiple times his history, current position, and where he works.

Thx Kev this dude is brain dead....I hope DL is treating you well. Keep us posted on events going on there. Hope you can stay in station.