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Teamsters Contract With America West Mechanics And Related

The NMB does not merge contracts nor do they write contracts unless both sides agree to a proffer during section 6 negotiations, and what is happening between US and HP is not section 6.

And I doubt the IBT will have a new contract before the NMB declares single carrier status.
The NMB does not merge contracts nor do they write contracts unless both sides agree to a proffer during section 6 negotiations, and what is happening between US and HP is not section 6.

And I doubt the IBT will have a new contract before the NMB declares single carrier status.
Q. While I believe the union employees seniority is set through the labor board, does company management have any say?
A. You are correct that the integration of seniority lists is the primary responsibility of the union, or unions representing the work groups. However in cases where the groups at the two airlines are represented by different unions, the National Mediation Board will first determine which union will represent the combined work force, prior to the integration of seniority.

While management’s role in the seniority integration process is limited, each union must present the integrated list to the company for acceptance prior to implementation. The company's acceptance of any seniority integration is conditioned on a basic "fair and equitable" standard. Should the Unions present a list to the company that is unacceptable, the company retains the right to ask the union to go back and keep working on the integration, if the integration plan presented would not allow the airline to operate without disruption. In other words, the seniority integration needs to be approached with the mindset that neither employee group will receive a windfall, nor will either side be unfairly hurt by the integration.

This Came From US Airways Compass FAQ's
The NMB does not merge contracts nor do they write contracts unless both sides agree to a proffer during section 6 negotiations, and what is happening between US and HP is not section 6.

And I doubt the IBT will have a new contract before the NMB declares single carrier status.
Are You Sure You DONT WORK for the CIA,FBI,OR Secret Service You Sound so Congressional.Or Should that Be PROFESSIONAL. MWW
There is not one available electronically, is that so hard to understand?

Don't worry soon you will have your own personal copy when you become and IAM member.

Having been an iam member at UAL I do not look forward to becoming one again. Why do the usair techs wan't to keep a union that hates mechanics, that was well proven at UAL. even though the teamsters are not the greatest, they have allready offered usair thier seniority and the AWA ibt contract is the better deal for now at least, better sick pay, better holidays ect....

First of all there is no IBT card next to me nor in my possession, I did not vote for them back in 1989 when I was on the ramp nor am I ever going to sign a card.

I am Pro-IAM and will not change, is that too hard to understand?

Well the furloughed members are not IBT they are IAM, kinda throws your theory out the window.

Ignorant is not name calling, it is a state of mind that you seem to have.

I am not blind allegiant towards the IAM, I don't agree with everything they do, but I do trust them more then I would ever trust the IBT, who has taken steps to hurt and hinder the labor movement.

It is about jobs and the IAM scope language secures more jobs then the IBT as your heavy is farmed out to Timco and Aeroman in San Salvador.

So don't let the facts get in the way of your rants.

Just a question. Why are you a loyal IAM person?...I am just curious because having been a member I don't understand why any member would back them when they don't back thier members. This is not an attack but a true question. I would like to hear your reasons. Thanx
The NMB does not merge contracts nor do they write contracts unless both sides agree to a proffer during section 6 negotiations, and what is happening between US and HP is not section 6.

And I doubt the IBT will have a new contract before the NMB declares single carrier status.
Q. Will AWA employees be able to access the US Airways employee web site "the hub"?
A. Eventually, all employees will have one web site for company news, information, online listing, and more; however that project remains in the works. In the meantime, employees can’t access each other’s web sites due to security restrictions (theHub can’t accept AWA log-ins and Compass can’t take US log-ins), but they can rest assured that company news is shared across sites, meaning the same information is in both places.

This From Our Us Airways Compass FAQ's.
The NMB does not merge contracts nor do they write contracts unless both sides agree to a proffer during section 6 negotiations, and what is happening between US and HP is not section 6.

And I doubt the IBT will have a new contract before the NMB declares single carrier status.
Only the NMB can certify a union as the exclusive representative for a group of airline employees. Our understanding of NMB policies is that any new certification for the Association would require a NMB-conducted representation election among the passenger service employees. Before conducting an election, the NMB would first have to determine America West and US Airways are a "single carrier" and resolve any craft or class issues. If a majority of eligible employees voted for the Association, the Association would be certified as the exclusive representative for the passenger service employees. If a majority of eligible employees do not vote in that election, passenger service employees would not be represented.

This From US Airways Compass Employee Web site. FAQ's

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