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This info is outdated, but a few years ago, an IAM AGC pulled in about $90 grand, plus business expenses.

I recently discovered what an AFA MEC chair makes - what she'd make if she were on the line. Which is what, about $50 k at best?

Keep in mind, the MEC is the top of the food chain until you make the jump to the international.

AGC is the entry level district job. Then there is VP and General Chair. Then, you make the jump to international.

Or put another way, there is no financial incentive for the MEC to misrepresent her members.
The latest LM-2 on file for the AFA in the year 2002 Mrs Friend earned over $119,000.

Gail Stokes admin manager earned over $200,000.

For the year 2003, the CWA president Mr Bahr earned more then $195,000.

For the year 2004 Mr Hoffa of the IBT earned more then $291,000.

For the year 2004 Buffenbarger of the IAM earned $260,000.
dio, your info is not correct.

District 141 calls them AGCs, DL 142 and 143 calls them GC.

VP in the district is a lesser office then a AGC or GC. AGC or GC is not an entry level position, the VPs are.
700UW said:
dio, your info is not correct.

District 141 calls them AGCs, DL 142 and 143 calls them GC.

VP in the district is a lesser office then a AGC or GC. AGC or GC is not an entry level position, the VPs are.
what does AGC and GC stand for and what is the difference?
AGC= Assistant General Chairman.

GC=General Chairman.

DL 141 is the only district to still call the reps AGC.

No difference actually, only a title.
Well, as d141 is my reference point, that is where the info comes from.

IAM represents woodworkers and tiremakers too, and I have no doubt their 'titles' vary.

At d141, according to the Messenger, AGC's are listed at the bottom of the pyramid. AGC's generally have less responsibilities than the VP's, and the VP's certainly do not answer to the AGC's. Moreover, there are much fewer VP's than AGC's at 141, so in a hieracrchy, what would that indicate? Duhhhh.

At the apex of the d141 pyramid is the General Chairman.

There are only three executive titles in the Messenger - AGC, VP, GC.

I can see no way to rank those titles other than as I have, with AGC's at the bottom of the food chain.

And unless things have changed recently, Ebert was referred to at the last lodge meeting I attended (and granted, it's been a while) as AGC.

Moreover, an AGC or VP doesn't have the responsibilities the AFA MEC does, but they certainly get paid more. A lot more.
Steve Ebert is a General Chairman at District Lodge 142, not 141.

AGCs are all full-time staff at 141, GCs are full-time staff at 142 and 143.

VP are not always full-time, at 142 they are only part-time.

And the MEC members are the equivilant of the District Lodge E-boards, which the GCs and AGCs are members off and shape the direction of how the district operates.

I have attended several E-board meetings at 142.
700UW said:
Steve Ebert is a General Chairman at District Lodge 142, not 141.

AGCs are all full-time staff at 141, GCs are full-time staff at 142 and 143.

VP are not always full-time, at 142 they are only part-time.

And the MEC members are the equivilant of the District Lodge E-boards, which the GCs and AGCs are members off and shape the direction of how the district operates.

I have attended several E-board meetings at 142.

I didn't say Ebert was 141, I said at a lodge meeting he (we both know he is 142) was officially referred to as AGC. So, somebody is wrong, yes?

No disrespect, but you don't get to attend district e board meetings very long unless you are 'on board'.

Actually, that clears up quite a lot for me. And perhaps you could satisfy a question that has long haunted me.

When one becomes a made man, where do they store your independent judgement, and will they give it back?

And thanks for making the larger point. All of the district guys who have the responsibilities of the MEC make WAY more money than she.
I am not on DL 142 Board, but have been invited to attend a few meetings.

And here is the District 142 E-Board, notice the titles.

District 142 E-Board
as they round the turn , its dio and 700 neck in neck..... :lol:


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fanlube said:
US Airways

" This recently happened to Fleet and Customer Service employees when Piedmont and Alleghany Airlines merged last year. Less than 50 percent of Teamster and Communication Workers of America members participated in the vote, and the employees of the combined airline now have no union and no contract.

This is a very serious matter."

Just another IAM BS. The case he mentions had different variables that oh by the way included about 60% workers who were not represented at all.

If there are two unions and none that are non-represented then I see a run-off between the two with no other outcome,not even a write in.

Deepthroat said:
as they round the turn , its dio and 700 neck in neck..... :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

A race of the hard-headed mules, no doubt!

I'll stop before we turn into jackasses! 😉

(Or, could it be too late? :shock: )

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