Poll Predicts Majority Turnout for US Airways Union Vote
Pensions, Wages, Health Care and Outsourcing
Top Workers' List of Concerns
WASHINGTON, Dec. 2 /PRNewswire/ -- A late November poll of US Airways
mechanics, utility, GSE and stock clerks predicts majority turnout for a union
representation election -- a strong signal that the issue will go to a vote of
The telephone poll of a random sample of US Airways workers showed that 89
percent of workers polled planned to vote in a representation election. The
National Mediation Board requires that 50 percent plus one member of any
potential bargaining unit must vote for any union to ensure union
In the poll, workers rated issues of concern in their US Airways
workplace. Those issues included pensions, wages, health care costs and
outsourcing. Workers said their responses to the recent poll were driven by
concerns about the airline industry's trend toward outsourcing of work -- and
by misleading information generated by US Airways.
"No matter what US Airways or any other union may say, as soon as these
workers choose the Teamsters as their certified bargaining agent, we will
begin bargaining an amalgamated agreement from the two existing contracts.
That agreement will protect all the members' work," said Andy Marshall,
Secretary-Treasurer of Teamsters Local 104 in Phoenix. "The results of this
poll show us that we are one step closer to beginning that process."
Founded in 1903, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters represents
more than 1.4 million hardworking men and women throughout the United States
and Canada.
SOURCE International Brotherhood of Teamsters
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