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US Airways Mechanic and Related Update

November 30, 2005
US Airways Mechanic and Related Update

......................out of desperate fear for his job.

.....................his position is at risk
I believe this resembles sombody on the IAM side who is always on here. Hmmmm, I wonder who?
Sorry I am not an IAM employee, keep trying.

One good thing if the ibt wins no more heavy mtc and you will be gone!!!
Sorry I am not an IAM employee, keep trying.

One good thing if the ibt wins no more heavy mtc and you will be gone!!!
Not yet, but your trying desperately hard to become a full time one. Your utility/stores time can only carry you so far.
No one is sure the hvy mtc will be gone if the IBT is in. You helped allow most of our hvy mtc, shops, utility and other depts get chopped and I'm still here.
Nope Judge Mitchell took care of the job loss.

And you are only there because the IAM Negotiating Committee stressed to the company to keep PIT open during all the negotiating sessions and the company knew that if PIT would be closed the final offer would have never been ratified.

But hey you are not one to let the facts get in your way are you?

And I would not expect you to know this since you were not there, go ask your boss McMullen, he can inform you of what transpired.
Nope Judge Mitchell took care of the job loss.
And you are only there because the IAM Negotiating Committee stressed to the company to keep PIT open during all the negotiating sessions and the company knew that if PIT would be closed the final offer would have never been ratified.
But hey you are not one to let the facts get in your way are you?
And I would not expect you to know this since you were not there, go ask your boss McMullen, he can inform you of what transpired.
Nope, wasn't there. I wouldn't brag about being there either if I were you. Having been b__tch slapped from left and right all over the floors in CCY, you didn't know what was going on either. By the way, is your name posted on any of the IAM negotiating commitee memos? I think you give yourself more credit than you are due regarding your presence at the negotiations.
Not yet, but your trying desperately hard to become a full time one. Your utility/stores time can only carry you so far.
No one is sure the hvy mtc will be gone if the IBT is in. You helped allow most of our hvy mtc, shops, utility and other depts get chopped and I'm still here.
PITMTC, it's like trying to talk Satan into becoming born again, it aint going to happen. Save your finger energy on this character, he is eaten up and beyond help. The IAM is his God.
PITMC, it's like trying to talk Satan into becoming born again, it aint going to happen. Save your finger energy on this character, he is eaten up and beyond help. The IAM is his God.
OK, you're right. I can't let your FACTS get in my way. 🙂
I was there and fully participated and if I divulge anymore it will identify me and that I am not going to do.

And since you were not there your statements are irrelevant.

The members voted on the final offer and ratified it and we all have to live with it.

And Cal, a person in a glass house should not throw stones, you have enough skeletons in your closet that I think you should worry about yourself and not others.
Poll Predicts Majority Turnout for US Airways Union Vote

Pensions, Wages, Health Care and Outsourcing
Top Workers' List of Concerns

WASHINGTON, Dec. 2 /PRNewswire/ -- A late November poll of US Airways
mechanics, utility, GSE and stock clerks predicts majority turnout for a union
representation election -- a strong signal that the issue will go to a vote of
The telephone poll of a random sample of US Airways workers showed that 89
percent of workers polled planned to vote in a representation election. The
National Mediation Board requires that 50 percent plus one member of any
potential bargaining unit must vote for any union to ensure union
In the poll, workers rated issues of concern in their US Airways
workplace. Those issues included pensions, wages, health care costs and
outsourcing. Workers said their responses to the recent poll were driven by
concerns about the airline industry's trend toward outsourcing of work -- and
by misleading information generated by US Airways.
"No matter what US Airways or any other union may say, as soon as these
workers choose the Teamsters as their certified bargaining agent, we will
begin bargaining an amalgamated agreement from the two existing contracts.
That agreement will protect all the members' work," said Andy Marshall,
Secretary-Treasurer of Teamsters Local 104 in Phoenix. "The results of this
poll show us that we are one step closer to beginning that process."

Founded in 1903, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters represents
more than 1.4 million hardworking men and women throughout the United States
and Canada.

SOURCE International Brotherhood of Teamsters
Web Site: http://www.teamster.org


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Poll Predicts Majority Turnout for US Airways Union Vote

WASHINGTON, Dec. 2 /PRNewswire/ -- A late November poll of US Airways
mechanics, utility, GSE and stock clerks predicts majority turnout for a union
representation election -- a strong signal that the issue will go to a vote of
The telephone poll of a random sample of US Airways workers showed that 89
percent(20 PEOPLE POLLED FROM TEMPE) of workers polled planned to vote in a representation election. The
National Mediation Board requires that 50 percent plus one member of any
potential bargaining unit must vote for any union to ensure union
In the poll, workers rated issues of concern in their US Airways
workplace. Those issues included pensions, wages, health care costs and
outsourcing.(AND IBT'S CLAIM THEY CAN REOPEN THE IAM CONTRACT) Workers said their responses to the recent poll were driven by
concerns about the airline industry's trend toward outsourcing of work -- and
by misleading information generated by US Airways.
"No matter what US Airways or any other union may say, as soon as these
workers choose the Teamsters as their certified bargaining agent, we will(FIND OUT THROUGH LACK OF INVOLVEMENT ALL UNIONS WERE DECERTIFIED)
begin bargaining an amalgamated agreement from the two existing contracts.
That agreement will protect all the members' work," said Andy Marshall,(PROVEN LIAR )
Secretary-Treasurer of Teamsters Local 104 in Phoenix. "The results of this
poll show us that we are one step closer to beginning that process."

Soon Brother! Hell let the NMB do its job! You know this, single carrier has yet to be determined!
What needed to be ratified? The company won.. Nothing was going to happen.. Lakefield saved the PIT hangar and no one else..

The company won in court.. The Contract was tossed.. You think Dougie likes having to deal with this. He would have prefered the contract being tossed.

The IAM got a chance to vote, thats it.. It was to save
face.. Company won.. Face facts.

Nope Judge Mitchell took care of the job loss.

And you are only there because the IAM Negotiating Committee stressed to the company to keep PIT open during all the negotiating sessions and the company knew that if PIT would be closed the final offer would have never been ratified.

But hey you are not one to let the facts get in your way are you?

And I would not expect you to know this since you were not there, go ask your boss McMullen, he can inform you of what transpired.
Sorry I am not an IAM employee, keep trying.

One good thing if the ibt wins no more heavy mtc and you will be gone!!!

Mr. 7 I can see that you are your old happy self again. The outsourcing IMHO will continue no matter who "wins". Either union will fight to keep it but IMHO it will not be successful. Until we can show that it will be cheaper to do it in house it will not be "in house". We can't compete with the low labor costs of outsourcing.

The attitude of "we are going to make them bring it back in house" is not the answer.
Sorry I am not an IAM employee, keep trying.

One good thing if the ibt wins no more heavy mtc and you will be gone!!!

Here's a "blast from the Past" for ya Mr. 7. It's from 2003 on this board.

"If you want the IAM to stay representing US Airways, put the members first and try to be as truthful as possible. Maybe the IAM will learn from the past and stop being AMFA''s strongest campaigner.

By the way, the farmouts of NWA aircraft to domestic and foreign MRO''s began while the IAM was still representing the mechanics at NWA. Why is that never mentioned?"