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Here It Is The Iam Contract

I also feel by the Teamsters getting this information may show the company may favor them which can not be good. Reality is even though the IAM is corrupt and is a poor excuse for a union they will win out because of seniority issues on the new carrier and they represent more folks with a vote.
holee -sheeyut......what can i say? :shock:
So I Guess According to What YOU THINK WILL HAPPEN It Will Not Even GO INTO a VOTE? MWW

oh my god i'm a fearin'....
digest this bucko.....AMFA attempted a drive several years ago...it had some keen interest but in the long run it withered away for a multitude of reasons(like poor union support like i told you before).
now you guys come down the pike with the same mantra basically to an audience who's been there done that. now this same audience is much more senior,much more recalcitrant to change.they ain't going to risk it and i guarantee it...
CLT and PIT for the most part are loaded with emp's with 25+ years of service....think they'll risk it with another union untested and unproven??
hells bells you don't even have a complete agreement to tout...... :shock:
you slander IAM for not having a postable copy yet you are lacking of the real deal...

and i must admit...you are very correct...when NMB gets involved,they will determine IAM to be the representing union so catch up on your sleep...you do not carry enough cards to support a runoff...
in PIT i can guarantee it... 😉
US Airways Mechanic and Related Collective Bargaining Agreement

The IBT in a recent website bulletin stated that the IAM would never provide publicly a copy of the Collective Bargaining Agreement to the membership for their review.

In January 2005 after months of negotiations the IAM Mechanic and Related agreement was abrogated by the Bankruptcy court and the membership voted on the company’s final offer. After the ratification of the final offer your committee began the process of rewriting the entire Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Your committee spent countless hours reviewing line by line the draft agreement and after making many corrections the agreement was sent to print. A complete copy in booklet form is now being distributed across the system to all IAM members.

Attached to the above cover letter the Teamsters attached a copy of the agreement claiming that the IAM would never provide this to the membership. The draft that was attached to the cover letter is not correct and it seems strange that the only people that had access to this draft were the IAM and US Airways.

How the Teamsters got a copy of the draft agreement would make one wonder, rest assured that the IAM did not give it to them so that leaves the company. Is it possible that the IBT and the company are in collusion?

“You make that callâ€￾
Have to agree with you there 7, the company would never do a union any favor unless they have something to gain from them. If they want the IBT in there there has to be a reason? :huh: Can't see them being nice guys and giving the IBT a copy of the contract when under the current contract they are supposed to provide the IAM members with a paper copy which they have never done. :down:
Have to agree with you there 7, the company would never do a union any favor unless they have something to gain from them. If they want the IBT in there there has to be a reason? :huh: Can't see them being nice guys and giving the IBT a copy of the contract when under the current contract they are supposed to provide the IAM members with a paper copy which they have never done. :down:
tried to tell the IBT boys they were being used...now prima facia....
Have to agree with you there 7, the company would never do a union any favor unless they have something to gain from them. If they want the IBT in there there has to be a reason? :huh: Can't see them being nice guys and giving the IBT a copy of the contract when under the current contract they are supposed to provide the IAM members with a paper copy which they have never done. :down:
what if theres something for them to gain by these actions??
like possible chance at decertification??? :shock: