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Teamsters Contract With America West Mechanics And Related

I am not frustrated nor will I ever sign an IBT card.

And I the only worry I have is if their is an election I would say the odds favor a decertification as the furloughees are eligble to vote and historically they don't vote.

And please show me in the post you quote where I called anyone a name?

Amazing the ignorance of people on the board and how you make things up.
I wonder if we could go back a few years on all the posts on how bad the IAM is and how they can't be gone soon enough. Now their members are fighting for them tooth and nail?

Just an observation.
here is part of what i know of the contract:

sick days: no pay first day, second, third and fourth are 1/2 pay 5 on wards it is full

vacation: 3 or 4 weeks

if youre out sick for more than 2 days, a doctors note must be brought in

holidays: new years, martin luther king jr day, christmas, thanksgiving, day after thanksgiving, labor day all is paid at straight time not time and a half as it used to be

hope this helps you because this is what part of the contract is that i know
That is for the ramp, we are talking about Mechanic and Related as for HP's ramp they are TWU not IBT.
I am not frustrated nor will I ever sign an IBT card.

And I the only worry I have is if their is an election I would say the odds favor a decertification as the furloughees are eligble to vote and historically they don't vote.

And please show me in the post you quote where I called anyone a name?

Amazing the ignorance of people on the board and how you make things up.

Hey Mr. 700 how are you? The IBT card you are NOT going to sign is sitting....or was sitting right next to you.

The history of the IAM may be that the furloughed group doesn't vote, but the history of the Teamsters, even furloughed Teamsters, is that they DO VOTE. The Teamsters vote even if while furloughed they start their own business and are making it on there own. They vote even if they have no intention of returning to the membership. The election to bring the Teamsters to AWA is an excellent example of furloughed employees voting.

Not to put to fine of a point on it Mr. 700, but calling people ignorant is calling them names, does that make sense to you? Nuff said about that.

Ignorance is not taking the opportunity to vote on who you want to represent you. Blind allegiance is ignorance.
First of all there is no IBT card next to me nor in my possession, I did not vote for them back in 1989 when I was on the ramp nor am I ever going to sign a card.

I am Pro-IAM and will not change, is that too hard to understand?

Well the furloughed members are not IBT they are IAM, kinda throws your theory out the window.

Ignorant is not name calling, it is a state of mind that you seem to have.

I am not blind allegiant towards the IAM, I don't agree with everything they do, but I do trust them more then I would ever trust the IBT, who has taken steps to hurt and hinder the labor movement.

It is about jobs and the IAM scope language secures more jobs then the IBT as your heavy is farmed out to Timco and Aeroman in San Salvador.

So don't let the facts get in the way of your rants.
"First of all there is no IBT card next to me nor in my possession, I did not vote for them back in 1989 when I was on the ramp nor am I ever going to sign a card."

The real question is did you vote at all or just stand back and let the IAM walk in. (before you say it.... I am aware of the voting process and I know the IAM couldn't just walk in)

I am Pro-IAM and will not change, is that too hard to understand?

I have understood that for some time now. It is a sad thing.

Well the furloughed members are not IBT they are IAM, kinda throws your theory out the window.

My theory is that unfortunately there are many members of the IAM that are on furlough. That is truly distressing. I want to see them have a good contract and go back to work, but if they have been "programed" not to vote then they are in trouble for sure"

I am not blind allegiant towards the IAM, I don't agree with everything they do, but I do trust them more then I would ever trust the IBT, who has taken steps to hurt and hinder the labor movement.

The IBT has removed its self from an organization that doesn't have vision enough to see that the industry is changing and in order for the union movement to survive change must take place. There are other unions that are being dissolved because they don't change from the unionists inflexible "strong arm" approach. The very fiber of the old "unionist" strong hold is crumbling. Open your eyes.

It is about jobs and the IAM scope language secures more jobs then the IBT as your heavy is farmed out to Timco and Aeroman in San Salvador.

The scope of the IAM contract has allowed more furloughs than it has kept jobs, even if it was changed by the legal system it still has not stood the test of time. The work the IBT has now, stays with the members at AWA. Again, as I have told you before, the work that is outsourced by the company was outsourced before the IBT was at AWA.

So don't let the facts get in the way of your rants.

I don't believe that I have been ranting Mr. 700. I have offered facts and I will continue to do so to the best of my ability.
First of all the IAM has represented the Mechanic and Related at US since 1949, so when I transefered into the Maintenance Dept in 1989 I automatically became represented by the IAM, so your question is irrelavant learn the history first it might save some bandwidth.

The scope was just changed as I have posted numerous times, is that too hard for you to comprehend?

And even through two bankruptcies the scope is superior to the IBT CBA, is that too hard to comprehend also?

And why did the IBT get elected at HP?

Hmm, 500 mechanics laid-off in 1995 at your tiny airline.....
here is part of what i know of the contract:

sick days: no pay first day, second, third and fourth are 1/2 pay 5 on wards it is full

vacation: 3 or 4 weeks

if youre out sick for more than 2 days, a doctors note must be brought in

holidays: new years, martin luther king jr day, christmas, thanksgiving, day after thanksgiving, labor day all is paid at straight time not time and a half as it used to be

hope this helps you because this is what part of the contract is that i know

This is what I have robbedagain. It comes from the "IAM Mechanical and Related Proposal"

Holidays will be reduced from 8 to 5.

Employees will receive straight-time pay for scheduled hours worked on a holiday. Employees will received holiday pay for holidays worked at their regular rate of pay. Holiday pay will apply to holidays not worked.

The first 5 consecutive days of each sick occurrence are paid a 50% of the employee's scheduled and decremented a 50% from the employee's available sick bank hours. Employees hospitalized for 5 or more sick days during and sick occurre4nce will have applicable sick days paid a 100%.

Sick leave and OI bank will no longer be used to supplement statutory benefits for OI (OJI Bank eliminated).

Vacation accruals at years 22 and 30 are eliminated and the maximum vacation will be 20 days at year 17.

Attendance Control Program Intent Letter on page 111 of the CBA will be eliminated.
Does anyone know what the Shift Differential Pay is at the present time for both groups ?
Does anyone know what the Shift Differential Pay is at the present time for both groups ?

The new agreement with the IBT is: $1 per hour for swings. $1.50 for graves (it is now .32 swings and .35 graves) you will find it under article 19 in the Link to Teamsters local 104 link on page 1 of this thread.

I can only hope that Mr. 700 would have some thing to offer you but I have my doubts he will come up with anything useful.
Elusive wording, he means now not in the future, in a CBA that you will never vote on.
gonzo: acutally the first sick day is not paid at all. i found that out when I got a severe case of bronchitis last april along with a nasty flu.
i found out that i didnt get paid first day but wound up being out for 13 days

however, i dont know if the iam mechs are the same or not. someone may be able to help out
robbed, take the time and read it slowly.

We are talking about the mechanic and related at US who are IAM and get 50% pay for the first five days unless hospitalized.

We are NOT talking about Fleet Service which has a differant CBA and differant language.

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