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Teamster Organizer caught forging Authorization Cards

BTW; Has back stabbing Hoffa answered Jim Little's letter asking for verification of the card forgery and fraud that took place? It's been plenty of time for a response, funny we haven't heard from the teamsters on this letter from Little Jim...
It's gamemanship on Jim littles part. He is pissed that Hoffa betrayed him so he made a move to block Hoffa from filing without a doubt that the drive is tainted. The teamsters have Been quiet lately since the letter came out. Hoffa has to make the next move. Still waiting to see what happens.
With the AMFA card drive, the way I understand it, is the organizers have passed the threshold of 50%. With that said, have they reached or will they reach the threshold set by the organizers of AMFA to file? And what is the amount of incoming cards since the announcement of the filing going to happen in May? With the recent events that have happened with both the TWU and the teamsters have the card collections for AMFA picked up? Hope this all comes to light for AMFA at AA. Good luck to you guys, and hope this will get done this time around. AMFA at AA in 2013...
@ swamt,

Let me explain something to you as you DO NOT work for UAL. We left amfa because collectively we were not satisfied with the representation we were promised by the association. Plain and simple, it took only 5 years for us to realize the mistake we made. This includes many former leaders who are now in IBT positions. You may believe that SWA mechanics are the only wrench turners capable of intelligent thought, but like so many of your conclusions, this one too is poorly considered.

For a comparison of our two unions, why don't we take a look at real ongoing situations rather than political conjecture? How about the subject of negotiations?

According to the updates from both of our representatives, amfa at SWA has come to agreements in principal in only four articles (12, 26, 27, and 28). Meanwhile, the Teamsters have concluded discussions in 18 articles (2 thru 14, 17 thru 21). Despite being so far ahead of you, your talks started months before our group did, and amfa has many many fewer representatives on the negotiating team.

You might make the argument that we are in expedited negotiations at the request of UA due to the recent merger with Continental, but didn’t SWA merge with another airline also? It is in both our companies’ best interests to reach an amalgamated (combined) agreement with all the represented work groups as soon as possible. But why is your company dragging out the proceedings? Could it be your association has no real power or influence with either the company or the NMB?

The examples and realities of these negotiations are telling. Our IBT negotiators (rank and file are included by the way and not simply officers or area reps as with amfa) are in Chicago as I write this preparing WITH THE COMPANY for the next phase of our negotiations, economics. We have been averaging about three weeks of negotiattions a month vs your occasional 4 days a month. If all remains on track, and it looks like all is well so far, I expect our union will be on schedule with providing a TA for the rest of us to look at within a couple of months. You will be lucky to see economic discussions within a couple of years at the pace you are moving.

Get off your high horse with those BS promises and campaign rhetoric slogans and take a look at the world in real life. While you do this, please understand; the mechanics at UA are doing OK for the moment. There may be an occasion when we might contemplate changing unions for a third time, but that time certainly is not now. We are making gains and would like to continue doing so. We will, if you simply keep your association garbage within the two(2) airlines you represent.
Dear Dumbass, most AMT's in this industry realize that speed of negotiated T/A'd Articles is hardly the correct measurement for success vs failure. Most of us would just assume it take forever since the Industrial Unions give a concession everytime they go to the table. Quality outcome and a reversal of the decimation of this profession, try measuring that for a change.
Seems about as useful as using workcards completed as a gauge of one's productivity...

When the bar is already low, finding places to improve a weak contract is pretty easy. Can't say that about a good contract.
Seems about as useful as using workcards completed as a gauge of one's productivity...

When the bar is already low, finding places to improve a weak contract is pretty easy. Can't say that about a good contract.
You might make the argument that we are in expedited negotiations at the request of UA due to the recent merger with Continental, but didn’t SWA merge with another airline also? It is in both our companies’ best interests to reach an amalgamated (combined) agreement with all the represented work groups as soon as possible. But why is your company dragging out the proceedings?
You answered you own question.
The IBT and UAL agreeed to expedited negotiations at the company's request I do believe.

You assume too much in your attempt to talk down AMFA. If we wanted more days, or wanted expidited negotiations, then we would ask for them. We settled the most important items to the AirTran guys already with our SLI and transition agreements.
They are on our seniority list and making our industry leading wages wages now.
The only reason that was not settled sooner was because the IBT would not come to the table and didn't return phone calls for a year.

When does your combined seniority list start and when do the furloughed UAL get brought back?

It seems to me you should be in more of a rush to finish your SLI and protect your laid off guys than worrying about when SWA guys get their next raise. We just got one in August.

We know the IBT. The last contract before we voted them away took around 2 years to reach.
And at that time there was no merger or addition of new work categories to our contract.
You answered you own question.
The IBT and UAL agreeed to expedited negotiations at the company's request I do believe.

You assume too much in your attempt to talk down AMFA. If we wanted more days, or wanted expidited negotiations, then we would ask for them. We settled the most important items to the AirTran guys already with our SLI and transition agreements.
They are on our seniority list and making our industry leading wages wages now.
The only reason that was not settled sooner was because the IBT would not come to the table and didn't return phone calls for a year.

When does your combined seniority list start and when do the furloughed UAL get brought back?

It seems to me you should be in more of a rush to finish your SLI and protect your laid off guys than worrying about when SWA guys get their next raise. We just got one in August.

We know the IBT. The last contract before we voted them away took around 2 years to reach.
And at that time there was no merger or addition of new work categories to our contract.

These guys are getting desperate. Their reaching and stretching. I know you already know, but it's going to get worse as May gets closer and closer. Then in May, and after the filing for an election, it will get even more pathetic. But it is entertaining.
These guys are getting desperate. Their reaching and stretching. I know you already know, but it's going to get worse as May gets closer and closer. Then in May, and after the filing for an election, it will get even more pathetic. But it is entertaining.
Having fear and being required to defend the undefendable brings out the worst in every human.
For what it's worth, a couple guys went over to a local hotel near DFW to listen to some Teamsters organizers today. The organizers were well rehearsed. Anyway, they let it out that the Teamsters are going to file at the end of this month. They claimed to have 60% of Tulsa signed up. This is what the Teamsters told all 6 attendees.
For what it's worth, a couple guys went over to a local hotel near DFW to listen to some Teamsters organizers today. The organizers were well rehearsed. Anyway, they let it out that the Teamsters are going to file at the end of this month. They claimed to have 60% of Tulsa signed up. This is what the Teamsters told all 6 attendees.
Go ahead and file, I signed a Teamsters card in Tulsa in exchange for 15 signed AMFA cards. Wouldn't vote for the Teamsters. In fact I would vote NO Union before I would vote for the Teamsters. But they love to count me as one of their supporters. Bring It.
For what it's worth, a couple guys went over to a local hotel near DFW to listen to some Teamsters organizers today. The organizers were well rehearsed. Anyway, they let it out that the Teamsters are going to file at the end of this month. They claimed to have 60% of Tulsa signed up. This is what the Teamsters told all 6 attendees.

Ok I will bite. All 6 of the attendees? Now that was funny. LMAO.
Yea the teamsters are claiming 60% at Tulsa, how many % of that 60% is forged or fraudulently collected cards? Now I also believe this will be the 4th time I have heard that the teamsters are filing. We will see the truth by end of this month...
Go ahead and file, I signed a Teamsters card in Tulsa in exchange for 15 signed AMFA cards. Wouldn't vote for the Teamsters. In fact I would vote NO Union before I would vote for the Teamsters. But they love to count me as one of their supporters. Bring It.
Excellent point. LMAO.
Just a little more proof that during card drives the Teamsters will do anything....

UPS Freight Worker Files Charges against Abusive Teamsters Organizing Drive

National Right to Work Foundation attorneys intervene after union forced its way in without employee support

Mechanicsburg, PA (February 19, 2009) – National Right to Work Foundation attorneys have filed unfair labor practice charges against Teamsters Local 776 for initiating a coercive organizing drive to unionize a local UPS Freight facility.

The charges allege that Teamsters organizers never actually acquired majority support from workplace employees before receiving monopoly bargaining privileges from UPS Freight. The charges follow a decision by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) denying workers a secret ballot election to determine whether Teamsters officials would represent UPS Freight employees.

In April of 2008, the Association of Parcel Workers of America (APWA) union attempted to unionize the Mechanicsburg UPS Freight facility. Union organizers collected enough signed “authorization cards” from workers to trigger a government-supervised secret ballot election to determine whether a majority wished to be represented by the APWA. In the ensuing election, a majority of workers voted against the APWA.

After workers rejected the APWA union, Teamsters officials attempted to unionize the facility through a “card check” organizing drive. Teamsters operatives presented UPS Freight with what they claimed were signed authorization cards from a majority of workers, demanding the company recognize the union as monopoly bargaining agent. Disaffected workers immediately sought a union decertification election, but NLRB officials ruled that only one election could take place per year.

Under the Foundation-won NLRB Dana/Metaldyne decision, employees have the right to demand a secret ballot election immediately following unionization via card check organizing. The decision was intended to counteract the employee intimidation and harassment at the hands of aggressive union operatives that frequently occurs during card check campaigns.

However, the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) provides that only one secret ballot election can take place in any given bargaining unit during a twelve-month period. Workers at the Mechanicsburg UPS Freight facility were therefore denied the opportunity to vote in a secret ballot election to determine unionization.

Despite this setback, one worker is challenging the validity of the Teamsters’ authorization cards with free legal assistance from the National Right to Work Foundation. The Foundation’s charges allege that many of the cards collected by Teamsters organizers are invalid, and that the Teamsters should not have monopoly bargaining privileges until they conclusively prove that a majority of workers support unionization.

“Workers shouldn’t have to battle for years just preserve their independence,” said Stefan Gleason, vice president of the National Right to Work Foundation. “Card check organizing is inherently abusive, and we aim to prove that Teamsters bosses acquired monopoly bargaining privileges through fraudulent means.”

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