Swing state election fraud

So what was the civil WAR all about?
Why are you asking me dumbass questions I already gave very clear answers to.

I will repeat myself because apparently your reading comprehension sucks.

"The southern states wanted to leave the collective (for various reasons, not just slavery) and Lincoln was having none of it. "

The "crime" that started the war was NOT slavery. It was the fact that some states wanted to leave the Federal Union because they did not agree with some of the policies they were being compelled to adhere to. Their "crime" was simply they did not want to be part of the collective anymore. I can't dumb it down for you any more than that. Had the Federal Union said "fine, go do your thing and we will do ours" there never would have been a war.

To label the confederacy an ENEMY simply because they resisted being an unwilling member of the Federal Union is absurd. If anything the Federal Union started the war because they were trying to force membership and policy on unwilling participants. That is not revisionist history. That is a fact.
So if it wasn’t a war why was it called a war and why did the South formally surrender?

“In Appomattox, Virginia, on April 9, 1865, Robert E. Lee surrenders his 28,000 Confederate troops to Union General Ulysses S. Grant, effectively ending the American Civil War. Forced to abandon the Confederate capital of Richmond, blocked from joining the surviving Confederate force in North Carolina, and harassed constantly by Union cavalry, Lee had no other option.”
I never said there was not a war. I said labeling one side an enemy is incorrect. I explain my reasoning in post #122.
The CSA, on the other hand, considered itself a separate nation, and thus declared war against the USA as and when, in the eyes of the Richmond government, federal actions to put down the rebellion met the definition of acts of war.
I agree with that statement with one difference. War was declared against the Federal Union not the United States.

And the wannabe dictator got us this

“Tax cuts and pandemic relief measures enacted during the Trump administration added $8.4 trillion to the national debt over the 10-year budget window, according to a study released Wednesday by a top budget watchdog group
Tax cuts did not lead to national debt, government spending led to national debt. The fact you have to have that explained to you is pretty telling.

There goes that Dumbocrat hypocrisy again. According to you Trump enacting pandemic relief measures makes him a wannabe dictator. Had a Democrat enacted those same measures you would be singing his praises, stating what a compassionate human being he was. This is why the right laughs at your dumb asses. You dumb f*ckers are so absurd.
So why do current Americans celebrate them and carry their flag?
Various reasons. Some of them carry it because they reject large (federal) government. Some of them carry it because they feel betrayed by our current leaders who are selling us off piece by piece and squandering our wealth. Some of them carry it because they are racists. You would have to ask the person carrying it to know what their motivations are.
Various reasons. Some of them carry it because they reject large (federal) government. Some of them carry it because they feel betrayed by our current leaders who are selling us off piece by piece and squandering our wealth. Some of them carry it because they are racists. You would have to ask the person carrying it to know what their motivations are.
NO matter what their reason is, they do NOT belong in the capitol of the United States. Americans DIED fighting soldiers carrying that flag. Hundreds of thousands of them. You bet they had differences with America...they seceded and became their own country. The they shot at Union troops. YOu can call them your friends, but pretty much everybody here would call them the enemy. That "misunderstanding" cost more US lives than any other war we fought. Never thought I'd see someone defend a symbol of a country that we were at war with so strongly.
I never said there was not a war. I said labeling one side an enemy is incorrect. I explain my reasoning in post #122.
You are delusional.

When you are at war the other side is the enemy.

You really need too seek some professional mental help. You are rewriting history and live in your own world.
NO matter what their reason is, they do NOT belong in the capitol of the United States. Americans DIED fighting soldiers carrying that flag. Hundreds of thousands of them. You bet they had differences with America...they seceded and became their own country. The they shot at Union troops. YOu can call them your friends, but pretty much everybody here would call them the enemy. That "misunderstanding" cost more US lives than any other war we fought. Never thought I'd see someone defend a symbol of a country that we were at war with so strongly.
AMERICANS also carried THAT flag. That is the part you don't seem to be getting.

Did they secede OR did they ATTEMPT to secede. Big difference. Given the modern United States I would say they attempted and failed.

I don't call them friends. I don't call them anything. I am not involved with any Jan 6th'er in any way. If they are to be arrested and tried let it be because they broke relevant laws not because they carried an irrelevant flag.

You seem to think I hold the Confederate Flag in some kind of regard. I don't. I simply see it as modernly irrelevant symbology from America's past. At this point you are beating a dead horse.
You are delusional.

When you are at war the other side is the enemy.

You really need too seek some professional mental help. You are rewriting history and live in your own world.
You are the one that is delusional. That war ended 158 years ago. There is literally nobody alive today that was even born during that time period. You act like it ended a month ago.

Of course the other side is the enemy in war. That is a given.
It's relevent to quite a few Trump supporters
Then go tell them of your grievances. Don't tell me because I am not the one that was carrying the flag. Why do you keep preaching to me about a flag I find totally irrelevant. Go use that energy to convince someone else of your viewpoint that actually finds it relevant.
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You are the one that is delusional. That war ended 158 years ago. There is literally nobody alive today that was even born during that time period. You act like it ended a month ago.

Of course the other side is the enemy in war. That is a given.
So then why is the Confederate flag being used?

You keep failing to address this.

Why is an enemy of the U.S. being celebrated?

It’s so clear you are closed minded and have zero clue about the real issue.

Keep up the deflection, it just shows you high level of ignorance.

Wonder if you a white sheet outfit hanging in it closest.