Swing state election fraud

You seem to be avoiding the questions about whether or not it is patriotic to carry the flag of an enemy into our nations capitol under the guise of being a "patriot'
That guy who carried that flag into the capital building is an idiot who thinks he is a patriot. Every riot always has a few of these whack jobs.
That guy who carried that flag into the capital building is an idiot who thinks he is a patriot. Every riot always has a few of these whack jobs.
Guess you forgot about this?

What do Jews and Nazi flags have to do with the removal of confederate monuments?

“So why did the demonstrators chant anti-Semitic lines like “Jews will not replace us”?

The demonstration was suffused with anti-black racism, but also with anti-Semitism. Marchers displayed swastikas on banners and shouted slogans like “blood and soil,” a phrase drawn from Nazi ideology. “This city is run by Jewish communists and criminal niggers,” one demonstrator told Vice News’ Elspeth Reeve during their march. As Jews prayed at a local synagogue, Congregation Beth Israel, men dressed in fatigues carrying semi-automatic rifles stood across the street, according to the temple’s president. Nazi websites posted a call to burn their building. As a precautionary measure, congregants had removed their Torah scrolls and exited through the back of the building when they were done praying.”

That guy who carried that flag into the capital building is an idiot who thinks he is a patriot. Every riot always has a few of these whack jobs.
Yes...but a LOT of "Trump Trains" rolling down city streets in 2020 had that flag on their truck. And a Trump flag. I'm not sure if there was actually an American flag on all of them. But the fact that they are being displayed in a movement for a presidential candidate makes me wonder how deep their patriotism runs.
Yes...but a LOT of "Trump Trains" rolling down city streets in 2020 had that flag on their truck. And a Trump flag. I'm not sure if there was actually an American flag on all of them. But the fact that they are being displayed in a movement for a presidential candidate makes me wonder how deep their patriotism runs.
Small sample

Guess the socialism that paid for your unemployment and schooling was ok?

Hypocrite much?

And you do know corporations get more money in “welfare” than people?

And I guess you’ve never used any of these services.

First of all unemployment is not a welfare program. It is an insurance policy, required by law, to be carried on employees. It is EMPLOYER funded. SO maybe before you start bringing up topics you should know what the hell you are talking about.

I would have gone to school regardless of if I got a grant or not. The way I look at it the grant was me getting MY money back that they should not have taken from me in the first place. So no I don't feel hypocritical about it at all.

I think you are trying to conflate the issue. Most of the items you list are not socialist programs they are simply a function of government. You are trying to lump those in with entitlement programs in a strawman argument.

How many items on that list are programs people pay into? Social Security and Medicare are funded throughout people's working lives. Only a dumbocrat would try to lump something someone has paid into their whole working life with entitlement programs. I hardly consider something someone is FORCED to pay into an entitlement program. Those people deserve to see a return on their (FORCED) investment.

There are other issues with items on your list. Some of them are redundant. Some of them are flat out BS. Others are predatory in nature. I mean Federal Student Loans.... seriously? Only a dumbocrat would think burying a bunch of stupid kids in debt, to the tune of $1.77 trillion dollars is beneficial. In case you suck at math that is about $5086.26 for every man, woman, and child in the United States. Many of who have not and never will go to college. Can we both agree that is beyond ridiculous?

Many of those kids don't even get a degree or get a worthless degree. Most of them don't even work in the field they went to college for. How is burying some dumbass kid in 100K of debt for a degree there is no market for beneficial? I have seen 2 MBA's and one PHD come through my department that could not even find jobs that leveraged their degrees.
As bad as BLM and ANTIFA and the DEEP STATE and the pedophile pizza makers are - NONE of them declared war on the US and no soldier has been killed in a battle with them.
That's because the government refused to activate military to regain control. A decision I disagree with. As far as I am concerned they were domestic terrorist and a military response was absolutely justified.

They DID kill law enforcement officers.

Should I be allowed to carry a flag with a swastika in the Capitol? How about the Japanese rising sun? They were also our enemies, but we accept them today. The funny thing is, a lot of "patriots" seem to also like the swastika.
Do they? Or are you taking a fringe subgroup and trying to blanket anyone who does not subscribe to your ideology. I live in a red state and I can honestly say I have NEVER seen anyone display a swastika.

I'm usually the verbose one, but please help me out here. Does the confederate flag represent a "country" (CSA) that went to war with the United States? And here comes the challenge - if it's okay to take the confederate flag....the flag of an enemy that 380,000 American soldiers died fighting against...into our nations Capitol - please explain why and ....here is the hard part...WITHOUT mentioning BLM, ANTIFA, radical leftists or Marxists...why is it acceptable to carry that flag into our nation's Capitol. And I use the word "our" because that Capitol belongs to ALL Americans.
As far as I am concerned the confederate flag represents no country, because the confederacy has not existed for a very, very long time. That war was fought and settled long ago. It's really only a problem if you have legitimate concerns the confederacy will resurface. If you actually believe the confederacy will resurface you are an idiot.
Let him go to Germany and carry the Swastika or do a Sieg Hiel and see what happens to him.

“The German penal code prohibits publicly denying the Holocaust and disseminating Nazi propaganda, both off- and online. This includes sharing images such as swastikas, wearing an SS uniform and making statements in support of Hitler.

It also places strict rules on how social media companies must moderate and report hate speech and threats. These hate-speech laws were tightened last year, after three far-right terror attacks in 2019 and early 2020 prompted German authorities to warn of increasing extremism.”

First off fool why the hell would I even do that? You truly are unhinged. You are creating this fantasy scenario in your mind to convince yourself I am some sort of alt far right Nazi extremist. You really need to get a grip.

Second I do not believe in hate speech laws because they are too vague. Hate speech is whatever the f*ck the government says it is depending on the political climate at the time. I don't understand how ANYONE regardless of political bent could support vague laws that could result in prison time. From what I have observed hate speech laws exist primarily to censor and censure criticism of unpopular government policy. In fact hate speech is being leveraged right now in Europe to silence CITIZENS criticizing Muslim refugees and the government for dumping a bunch of Muslim psychopaths on them.
Small sample

Maybe those are authentic and maybe they are not. I don't know.

I know professional artists who could create any of these images with software in 15 minutes.


I mean we live in a world where dinosaurs run around in the city and people can fly in full motion video.

I have no way of knowing if those photos are authentic, and neither do you, unless you took them yourself. Point is don't believe everything you see.
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Maybe those are authentic and maybe they are not. I don't know.

I know professional artists who could create any of these images with software in 15 minutes.

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I mean we live in a world where dinosaurs run around in the city and people can fly in full motion video.

I have no way of knowing if those photos are authentic, and neither do you, unless you took them yourself. Point is don't believe everything you see.
YOu are correct...we don't know. Thank God there weren't any pictures of all the mules bringing the fake ballots into election offices to steal the election. All we had on those was the claims of a deranged man who was complaining about rigged and stolen elections even before he was elected the first time around. But I bet you feel that election fraud was and remains rampant. Enough to attack the capitol while carrying the flag of an enemy into our nations capitol and wiping patriot poo on the walls of this hallowed institution.
First off fool why the hell would I even do that? You truly are unhinged. You are creating this fantasy scenario in your mind to convince yourself I am some sort of alt far right Nazi extremist. You really need to get a grip.

Second I do not believe in hate speech laws because they are too vague. Hate speech is whatever the f*ck the government says it is depending on the political climate at the time. I don't understand how ANYONE regardless of political bent could support vague laws that could result in prison time. From what I have observed hate speech laws exist primarily to censor and censure criticism of unpopular government policy. In fact hate speech is being leveraged right now in Europe to silence CITIZENS criticizing Muslim refugees and the government for dumping a bunch of Muslim psychopaths on them.
You clearly don’t have the brain power to think.

It’s a comparison to show what happens when you posses and use Nazi symbols and actions to show the consequences and yet there are no consequences legally for displaying items of the traitorous and seditious enemy, the confederacy.
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YOu are correct...we don't know. Thank God there weren't any pictures of all the mules bringing the fake ballots into election offices to steal the election. All we had on those was the claims of a deranged man who was complaining about rigged and stolen elections even before he was elected the first time around. But I bet you feel that election fraud was and remains rampant. Enough to attack the capitol while carrying the flag of an enemy into our nations capitol and wiping patriot poo on the walls of this hallowed institution.
There you go again. When you say enemies I don't know what the f*ck you're talking about. The confederacy has not existed for a LONG time KCFlyer. Live in the now.
You clearly don’t have the brain power to think.

It’s a comparison to show what happens when you posses and use Nazi symbols and actions to show the consequences and yet there are no consequences legally for displaying items of the traitorous and seditious enemy, the confederacy.
No YOU are the one lacking brain power to think.

I will tell you exactly what I told KCFlyer.

THE CONFEDERACY DOES NOT EXIST. It hasn't existed since 1865. Get a grip you lunatic.
There you go again. When you say enemies I don't know what the f*ck you're talking about. The confederacy has not existed for a LONG time KCFlyer. Live in the now.
Here...let me help you

In the Afghanistan, the Taliban was our enemy.
In Vietnam - the Viet Cong was our enemy
In the Korean war North Korea was our enemy
In World war 2, Japan and Germany were our enemy
In the Civil War, the Confederate States of America was our enemy

And yes, the confederacy hasn't existed for a long time. But time can't change that fact that when they DID exist, there were an enemy of the United States of America. And while the confederacy no longer exists, the FLAG of the enemy does. And that flag was in the rotunda of our nations Capitol. No true "patriot" would ever allow that to happen.

Is it making sense to you now?