Swing state election fraud

YOu are correct...we don't know. Thank God there weren't any pictures of all the mules bringing the fake ballots into election offices to steal the election. All we had on those was the claims of a deranged man who was complaining about rigged and stolen elections even before he was elected the first time around. But I bet you feel that election fraud was and remains rampant. Enough to attack the capitol while carrying the flag of an enemy into our nations capitol and wiping patriot poo on the walls of this hallowed institution.
Remember when giant flamingos invaded Metropolis? Me either. But, there is a photo, so it must have happened.

You clearly don’t have the brain power to think.

It’s a comparison to show what happens when you posses and use Nazi symbols and actions to show the consequences and yet there are no consequences legally for displaying items of the traitorous and seditious enemy, the confederacy.

The World really has flipped upside down when I start to agree with almost everything you’re writing. ✍️ I think I may need to visit a local shrink as I might be going mad?
Here...let me help you

In the Afghanistan, the Taliban was our enemy.
In Vietnam - the Viet Cong was our enemy
In the Korean war North Korea was our enemy
In World war 2, Japan and Germany were our enemy
In the Civil War, the Confederate States of America was our enemy

And yes, the confederacy hasn't existed for a long time. But time can't change that fact that when they DID exist, there were an enemy of the United States of America. And while the confederacy no longer exists, the FLAG of the enemy does. And that flag was in the rotunda of our nations Capitol. No true "patriot" would ever allow that to happen.

Is it making sense to you now?
The Taliban still exist.
North Korea still exist.
The Viet Cong has not existed since 1975.
The Confederate States of America has not existed since 1865.
Japan is a NATO partner and Germany (1955) is a NATO member. Both are considered allies today.

2 current enemies (Taliban and North Korea)
2 groups that no longer exist (Viet Cong and The Confederate States of America)
2 modern day allies (Germany and Japan)

You are all over the place. I don't think you even know what your point is.
The Taliban still exist.
North Korea still exist.
The Viet Cong has not existed since 1975.
The Confederate States of America has not existed since 1865.
Japan is a NATO partner and Germany (1955) is a NATO member. Both are considered allies today.

2 current enemies (Taliban and North Korea)
2 groups that no longer exist (Viet Cong and The Confederate States of America)
2 modern day allies (Germany and Japan)

You are all over the place. I don't think you even know what your point is.

THey lost the war. They were an enemy. That flag is celebrating an enemy of the United States.
THey lost the war. They were an enemy. That flag is celebrating an enemy of the United States.

That flag represents states that wanted to secede from the Federal Union.

Does wanting to go your own way because you value state's rights over Federal collectivism make you an enemy? Apparently in your eyes it does.

Let's be honest, that war broke out because the southern states wanted to leave the collective (for various reasons, not just slavery) and Lincoln was having none of it. To say they were/are enemies of the United States is a misrepresentation of the reality of actual history.

Citizens of California have stated they want to secede from the United States as well. Should we go attack them? By your standards they are enemies, and unlike the confederacy, they are actually in the here and now.


That flag represents states that wanted to secede from the Federal Union.

Does wanting to go your own way because you value state's rights over Federal collectivism make you an enemy? Apparently in your eyes it does.

Let's be honest, that war broke out because the southern states wanted to leave the collective (for various reasons, not just slavery) and Lincoln was having none of it. To say they were/are enemies of the United States is a misrepresentation of the reality of actual history.

Citizens of California have stated they want to secede from the United States as well. Should we go attack them? By your standards they are enemies, and unlike the confederacy, they are actually in the here and now.

Are you that obtuse?

It’s called the CIVIL WAR. War means they are the enemy.

Miss that lesson in History Class?

And the CSA attacked Fort Sumter and started the War.

That flag represents states that wanted to secede from the Federal Union.

Does wanting to go your own way because you value state's rights over Federal collectivism make you an enemy? Apparently in your eyes it does.

Let's be honest, that war broke out because the southern states wanted to leave the collective (for various reasons, not just slavery) and Lincoln was having none of it. To say they were/are enemies of the United States is a misrepresentation of the reality of actual history.

Citizens of California have stated they want to secede from the United States as well. Should we go attack them? By your standards they are enemies, and unlike the confederacy, they are actually in the here and now.

So what was the civil WAR all about? When you kill American soldiers, you are an enemy of the United States. Sorry you can't handle that. The confederacy is no different that the Nazi's, the Japanese, the British, and any other foe we have faced. Heck...when forefathers came here from ENGLAND and rose up against ENGLAND, they became an enemy of ENGLAND...even if their heritage an family came from the same communities of ENGLAND - they were enemies. Were the British our enemy in the Revolutionary war? I say they were. Just like those FORMER American's in the CSA were our enemy. You guys blast liberals for "cancelling" Columbus day. YOu guys blast liberals for rewriting history. Over 350,000 Union soldiers were killed by Confederate soldiers. To say they weren't an enemy is REALLY rewriting history.

That flag represents states that wanted to secede from the Federal Union.

Does wanting to go your own way because you value state's rights over Federal collectivism make you an enemy? Apparently in your eyes it does.

Let's be honest, that war broke out because the southern states wanted to leave the collective (for various reasons, not just slavery) and Lincoln was having none of it. To say they were/are enemies of the United States is a misrepresentation of the reality of actual history.

Citizens of California have stated they want to secede from the United States as well. Should we go attack them? By your standards they are enemies, and unlike the confederacy, they are actually in the here and now.

So if it wasn’t a war why was it called a war and why did the South formally surrender?

“In Appomattox, Virginia, on April 9, 1865, Robert E. Lee surrenders his 28,000 Confederate troops to Union General Ulysses S. Grant, effectively ending the American Civil War. Forced to abandon the Confederate capital of Richmond, blocked from joining the surviving Confederate force in North Carolina, and harassed constantly by Union cavalry, Lee had no other option.”
The Taliban still exist.
North Korea still exist.
The Viet Cong has not existed since 1975.
The Confederate States of America has not existed since 1865.
Japan is a NATO partner and Germany (1955) is a NATO member. Both are considered allies today.

2 current enemies (Taliban and North Korea)
2 groups that no longer exist (Viet Cong and The Confederate States of America)
2 modern day allies (Germany and Japan)

You are all over the place. I don't think you even know what your point is.
The CSA, on the other hand, considered itself a separate nation, and thus declared war against the USA as and when, in the eyes of the Richmond government, federal actions to put down the rebellion met the definition of acts of war.
Radical leftist ARE the enemy of Americans. You know what that socialism sh*t gets you? $1.77 trillion dollars in student debt. You know what leftist ideology gets you? Fanooks beating women down in UFC and boxing matches and violating women's restrooms. Schools indoctrinating our youth. Economic ruin due to mounting and unmaintable debt.

Illegal immigrants ARE enemies of every citizen of this country. The first thing these little bastards do is pop an anchor baby out and go sign up for welfare on the child's behalf. A program they have paid little to nothing into. They increase the cost of maintenance of our infrastructure, they drive up cost of rent and home ownership, they drive down wages, they increase the cost of medical care, they increase the tax burden of education. I could go on and on. One of the biggest crimes these invaders inflict on the citizens is wiring billions of dollars of our wealth outside of the country EVERY SINGLE YEAR!!! Nobody ever talks about that. Meanwhile you have leftist VERMIN pushing agendas to provide these invaders healthcare at citizen expense. Last but not least let's not forget the theft, violence, drugs, and murder they "contribute" to our society.

And the wannabe dictator got us this

“Tax cuts and pandemic relief measures enacted during the Trump administration added $8.4 trillion to the national debt over the 10-year budget window, according to a study released Wednesday by a top budget watchdog group
Are you that obtuse?

It’s called the CIVIL WAR. War means they are the enemy.

Miss that lesson in History Class?

And the CSA attacked Fort Sumter and started the War.

THEY are the enemy.

THEY changes depending on what side you are one.

Also, THEY have not existed since 1865. That was 158 years ago.