SWA now getting involved with slot (s) possibilities

I know of a post you started where we could have used that... problem for you is that I and one other person that actually have spoken to the topic and you and members of your alliance are decidedly not them.

Doesn't change that swamt and robbed can post til the cows come home about DL has been left out, but DL never gets shut out of anything good.... and they send the rest of the bar home knowing who really runs the show.

That of course is why AA, US, and WN are trying so hard to keep DL out.

DL wins. They always do.

robbed, thanks for the apology.
It's mighty hard to stay on topic when the post is so hard to read. Every smart phone and tablet has cap keys, commas, and periods. Your ability to communicate your point depends a lot on using the tools you paid good money for.

As for the topic, if you and swamt didn't repeat the same broken record about what the DOJ said, then I probably wouldn't have to say what I say.

The discussion is not what the DOJ said. We all know what they said.

The discussion is about the legal basis the DOJ has to make those statements.

My assertion is and will remain that the DOJ is out of line, just as they are with other issues that have been dealt with by Congress.
WorldTraveler said:
believe me I am not the least bit worried about how DL will wind up... in case you missed it, DL has had no problem kicking butt in all corners of the industry over the past 7 years.
You bet we have.

Once again; you're welcome.

The problem for too many on here is that they (you) try to be experts on subjects about which you don't have the knowledge and won't admit that others do.
Pot, kettle, etc.

where were your comments about the capitalization and punctuation (it's not grammar) when E made an almost identical comment?
Two wrongs make a right now?

You simply can't help but deflect, can you?

If robbed wants to repeatedly disregard basic rules of written communication EN MASSE, then he shouldn't be surprised about being called out for it... and neither should you or anyone else.
Your attempt at stooping to conquer isn't surprising at all...
WorldTraveler said:
believe me I am not the least bit worried about how DL will wind up... in case you missed it, DL has had no problem kicking butt in all corners of the industry over the past 7 years.
You mean after they went bankrupt, right?

You mean after they screwed their shareholders and turned over their pensions over to the taxpayers, right?

You mean after they mismanaged their company so bad that they needed help from the bankruptcy courts, right?

Same Delta, right?
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  • #186
WorldTraveler said:
please post the legal requirements that said that filing a brief with the court was necessary in order to participate in the divestiture process? You can't do it because it didn't happen.

And even if did happen, it would have been ruled illegal.

If it is a bidding process, you can't preselect the winners. That's the way it is done in 3rd world countries.

When the slot deal is finished, let me know. I am still betting that the settlement agreement won't be implemented as it was originally announced. The chances are real high that the number of slots that are open to low fare carriers will drop and that even among the slots that are not earmarked for small/medium sized cities, WN will be competing with other carriers.

The process that the DOJ used and which you so gleefully support doesn't pass the muster of the US legal system. There are procedures in place to challenge the process for two months after it is approved.
please post the legal requirements that said that filing a brief with the court was necessary in order to participate in the divestiture process? You can't do it because it didn't happen.
*  There is no legal requirements.  JB and SWA attorneys knew and saw the opportunity to participate. Obviously, Delta's attorneys did not see the opportunity or brain farted and was left out AND NOW they want to play the "feel sorry for us" card and claim they have the right to.  To my knowledge; most all fortune 500 companies attorneys would have followed this HUGE merger coming to the surface, and would have known what to do.  Again, I strongly believe Delta was asleep at the wheel and completely missed out on a truly positive opportunity for them to grow at NY and Wash. airports.  If I was the CEO of Delta, the internal attorney's group Director would be fired by now... 
And even if did happen, it would have been ruled illegal.---*  Now you provide proof that it would have been illegal as you state.  C'mon WT, you can do it...
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  • #187
robbedagain said:
Swamt bro we read what was given to the news media ur right that B6 and Wn were the only 2 to file friends of the court for the slot divestures again the doj Said Dl and Ua CAN FILE FOR SLOTS BUT IT IS UNLIKELY TO BE GIVEN TO THEM GIVEN THEIR PRESENCE AT DCA AND LGA by the time dl gets done filing if they do file the merger of us and aa will be complete
I know.  Pls tell WT this, as this has been his argument from the beginning.
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  • #188
WorldTraveler said:
I know of a post you started where we could have used that... problem for you is that I and one other person that actually have spoken to the topic and you and members of your alliance are decidedly not them.

Doesn't change that swamt and robbed can post til the cows come home about DL has been left out, but DL never gets shut out of anything good.... and they send the rest of the bar home knowing who really runs the show.

That of course is why AA, US, and WN are trying so hard to keep DL out.

DL wins. They always do.

robbed, thanks for the apology.
It's mighty hard to stay on topic when the post is so hard to read. Every smart phone and tablet has cap keys, commas, and periods. Your ability to communicate your point depends a lot on using the tools you paid good money for.

As for the topic, if you and swamt didn't repeat the same broken record about what the DOJ said, then I probably wouldn't have to say what I say.

The discussion is not what the DOJ said. We all know what they said.

The discussion is about the legal basis the DOJ has to make those statements.

My assertion is and will remain that the DOJ is out of line, just as they are with other issues that have been dealt with by Congress.
Bull Muther Fuking Shite WT.  We have to repeat because you cannot comprehend what we say, and when I have proved you wrong you detract to grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes to try and discredit people.
And your thoughts about the topics are way off, just as you are.  Get a freakin clue man...
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  • #189
Kev3188 said:
You bet we have.

Once again; you're welcome.

Pot, kettle, etc.

Two wrongs make a right now?

You simply can't help but deflect, can you?

Your attempt at stooping to conquer isn't surprising at all...
I rest my case...
if you are calling Kev to make the case on the legality of the deal, you are sunk.  Just hang it up now.
If a brief wasn't necessary to participate in the divestiture process, then the DOJ was legally wrong to make up arbitrary guidelines that exclude entire classes of the industry despite the fact that the defintions aren't even accurate - something about which E and I agree.
There is no basis for saying that AA/US can grow their presence at LGA to 33% of slots via the merger but DL and UA which are combined smaller than that in DCA cannot bid on slots.
There is no legal basis for saying that DL has terminate service at DAL because the DOJ signed a settlement agreement with AA/US.
I doubt if any amount of turkey or not this weekend will help you see the light but the agreement is flawed and will not be implemented as it was originally announced.
It also doesn't change that WN"s entire business plan from the beginning has been built around finding markets that it could dominate.  WN has not done well where it has had to compete directly against other carriers but esp. against DL which is precisely why you make such a production here about trying to keep DL out of the process.
Whether WN mgmt really believes it or not remains to be seen but DL will be a direct competitor to WN in the acquisition of the AA/US divestiture process and if WN can't figure out how to make money alongside an aggressive and successful DL, the American people will win as fares fall along with WN's profits. 
DL will win.  They always do.
WorldTraveler said:
DL will win.  They always do.
They were driven into bankruptcy once already.
You call that a win?

Sounds like they got beaten pretty good that time doesn't it?

What do you call a loss? Total liquidation?
Every network airline has been in BK so what is your point? 
Even in BK, DL managed to reduce FL's presence at ATL and increase DL's presence at JFK, holding back B6. 
Absolutely BK was a failure for every airline but it is in the past.  The real issue is today and on that basis, WN does not compete aggressively in trying to push its way into markets dominated by other carriers, including DL. 
If WN is as good as it is as you seem to think they are, then they should have no problem making money alongside DL.  The chances are real high that DL will end up with gates at DAL where they will be serving markets from DFW and DAL that AA and WN only serve from one airport or the other.  DL has shown at MDW that it ends up as the dominant carrier in the combined MDW/ORD market against AA, UA, and WN.  The difference at DAL is that DL wants to throw in LGA and LAX even though WN was hoping to have DAL-LAX and LGA all to itself. 
Competition is best for consumers.  DL has long embraced the concept of aggressive competition, has succeeded in the most competitive markets better than any other airline, and DL will continue to aggressively seek out opportunities to expand its network in key industry markets. 
América and DL wins. 
WorldTraveler said:
Every network airline has been in BK so what is your point? 
Even in BK, DL managed to reduce FL's presence at ATL and increase DL's presence at JFK, holding back B6. 
Absolutely BK was a failure for every airline but it is in the past.  The real issue is today and on that basis, WN does not compete aggressively in trying to push its way into markets dominated by other carriers, including DL. 
If WN is as good as it is as you seem to think they are, then they should have no problem making money alongside DL.  The chances are real high that DL will end up with gates at DAL where they will be serving markets from DFW and DAL that AA and WN only serve from one airport or the other.  DL has shown at MDW that it ends up as the dominant carrier in the combined MDW/ORD market against AA, UA, and WN.  The difference at DAL is that DL wants to throw in LGA and LAX even though WN was hoping to have DAL-LAX and LGA all to itself. 
Competition is best for consumers.  DL has long embraced the concept of aggressive competition, has succeeded in the most competitive markets better than any other airline, and DL will continue to aggressively seek out opportunities to expand its network in key industry markets. 
América and DL wins. 
My point it is that the old Delta has already lost.

Now we have a new airline in its place. Southern Northwest Airlines.
This new creation was built from two failed airlines.
This new airline was not built by good management, contoling costs and winning through competition.
It was thrown together with what could be salvaged from the two failed companies.

Now they are exploiting artificial advantages that they could only achieve for the bankruptcy process.

Winning? Ridiculous.

Now if you want to debate that they may or may not be the best failed airline, we can talk about that but I think the new AA/US failed pair may want that title.

Come back when the new Southern Northwest Airlines has over 40 years of consecutive profits.
Dl does not win every flippin time... I guess I your mind whats good for dl is good for america I dont think so
As much as you may object to BK, it is a legal process. DL did what it had to do in BK and is succeeding wildly because it rebuilt its business.

You fail to recognize that WN has been free of a lot of legacy responsibilities including defined pension plans that have been a major source of financial difficulty not just for the legacy airlines but also other industries.

Your point about BK is valid but doesn't change that the law doesn't allow the DOJ to show preference to any carrier based on whether they were in BK or not.

WN made the strategic decision to stay out of the crowded and highly competitive NE business markets for years and is now crying the blues about how disadvantaged they are.

WN is not disadvantaged, it is not low cost, and it will not be given a free pass to fix its own strategic failures at the expense of the rest of the industry.

Every other airline managed to acquire other carriers in order to gain increased access to the NE markets. Just because WN waited until FL was the best option and that only gave them less than 5% market share doesn't entitle them to grow to parity overnight.

Just as with the DOJ's gun running operation, the DOJ can fix the settlement agreement or be called to Congress to explain how they justified what they did while Congress itself will fix the problem.

If WN needs to have a preferential place in order to win in the marketplace, they aren't as good as you think they are.

If what DL proposes is better for America than what the DOJ and a small group of airlines has proposed, then DL's intervention will be embraced. If not DL will be sent out empty-handed but it won't change that new AA/US and WN will still have to compete against DL who has a very good track record against all 3 carriers.