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SWA now getting involved with slot (s) possibilities

my post has 266 words in it; swamt's has 317.

Do you measure miles differently over there?

Your smug satisfaction that DL might get shut out of this process will collide very quickly with the market reality that the competitive situation at US' highest margin hub is changing within a few months.

Add in that AA's largest hub at DFW will take yet another hit in October and will have wished that it was DL who added flights to secondary cities with regional jets instead of in AA's top markets.
I foresee a memo from Your Fearless Leader telling you that the merger isn't working out quite like it was expected and AA will not be able to give you the pay raises it promised and will still have to lay off thousands of employees.

Maybe Parker planned to do all of that anyway and the slot divestiture just provides cover for doing so.

It's easier to convince the employees that it was WN's fault instead of DL's.
Wt.. youve always been pro delta regardless of the business decisions other air carriers make I personally dont give a rats arse regardless if say AA added more flight here or there and delta did not you would be sooo quick to defend delta for not going in there but you slam other airlines left n right. I doubt dl will rebuild hub at dfw thats aa fortress u dont see delta adding hub or focus cities in aa ua or wn hubs
WorldTraveler said:
my post has 266 words in it; swamt's has 317.

Do you measure miles differently over there?

Your smug satisfaction that DL might get shut out of this process will collide very quickly with the market reality that the competitive situation at US' highest margin hub is changing within a few months.

Add in that AA's largest hub at DFW will take yet another hit in October and will have wished that it was DL who added flights to secondary cities with regional jets instead of in AA's top markets.
I foresee a memo from Your Fearless Leader telling you that the merger isn't working out quite like it was expected and AA will not be able to give you the pay raises it promised and will still have to lay off thousands of employees.

Maybe Parker planned to do all of that anyway and the slot divestiture just provides cover for doing so.

It's easier to convince the employees that it was WN's fault instead of DL's.
How can an alleged man of god wish people to get laidoff and a company fail?
You are truly a horrible human being.
Just remember Karma.
He counted every word in both posts.

Now that is funny.

Maybe WT used bigger words?

Lets count the letters.

Wow WT, it wasn't even close to being a threat, but you very well took it that way, I wonder why that is WT?  Hmmmm.
And just to educate you a little, Herb did in fact state he would do what I stated in the past, and that is fact not a threat.
Still love it how NON-employee folks can state that they know more, but then again it's WT.  carry on with your Delta pom-poms...
You are welcome. Look for the big announcement Mon morning for all the "NEW" non-stop flights SWA will be adding after W/A is gone.  DMN has already that the announcement is coming and some guesses on some cities that will be announced, and he is right about the cities guessed in his article. 
As far as the gates at the 5 airports left for the divestures, it looks like they are taking it airport by airport.  As far as DL is concerned at Love Field, and as WT has stated, I don't think there is any other airline interested in the 2 gates at LF, except for Delta, but as we have seen from the other airport divestures bidding and winning processes, and knowing how bad SWA needs those 2 gates at LF, I am thinking now that SWA will win the bidding for them.  Like I said before, SWA has a lot more pull in Dallas than Delta can shake a stick at,-and that is FACT.
WN,  Do you think he will count this post as well.  Your right that was funny that he took the time to count, LMAO too.  BTW this whole bidding process so far is just killing WT.  So far it's been by far all in SWA's favor.  And now he is scared about what will happen with the LF gates, but it sure is fun to watch, LOL...
you do realize there are computer programs that instantly count the number of words, don't you? in fact, it is called WORD.
you two do use technology to allow people to do more things and go farther, don't you?

Sidebar: if you haven't seen it, the movie Jobs has a scene in which Steve Jobs chews his Apple team up for their lack of creativity in designing a word processor, only to show them what Microsoft has done with Word. Apple customers may be very loyal and their computers may have some unique features, but Microsoft dominates the market with Office, regardless of the platform it runs on.

Perhaps you can tell us what Herb's point of telling us (which you reported) that he would move WN's offices etc from DAL. If that wasn't a threat that if he didn't get all the gates at the airport, he would take his airline's HDQ elsewhere, then it sure looked that way - even if you later qualified it. If he really thinks that two gates are enough to push him to move his HDQ, then I'm not sure any city really wants to be subject to that kind of continual threat.

The fact that an airline REALLY, REALLY, REALLY needs something such as gates at DAL doesn't at all meant that they are 1. going to get it or 2. that the airport is allowed to give it to them.

DAL is a federally funded airport and there are laws regarding access for other carriers. If no other carrier wants to serve DAL, then WN is lucky enough they can dominate the gates, but that is not the case at least as far as DL is concerned. And it still doesn't say that the laws would allow WN to lay permanent claim to all of the gates even if no other carrier expresses interest now.

I still believe that DL is the one of the few if not the only airline that is willing to take on WN at DAL and as has been noted, DL will be serving DAL based on the schedule that is for sale.

As I have repeatedly said, I am glad that the day is coming for WN to announce its schedule from DAL and I don't think they are planning a few flights. This will be a shock and awe moment for N. Texas and WN will serve all of the top markets that are also served from DFW in the continental US. While WN might not operate at a full enough schedule that they have to start pulling back flights on their existing DAL network to accommodate new flights, but I believe that day will come.

I'm not wishing for anyone to get laid off at any airline... but there were all kinds of people including AA/US mgmt who touted that AA/US would be the world's largest airline etc etc. At the same time, many people including me said that AA/US would have way more employees for similar amounts of revenues, even adjusted for types of networks/work done in house vs outsourced etc. Add in that the divestitures at DCA and the fall of the WA (or modification thereof) would create an unprecedented amount of new competition on AA's network unlike any other carrier has ever faced, and it is absolutely a given that there will be cuts - if even one of those things had occurred. Given that there are just two legacy airline hubs - ATL and DEN, neither of which are AA or US' - that operate side by side with a LCC operation as large as will exist at DCA, and there will be enormous revenue effects to new AA's network.
I'm not wishing for anything. But I'm also not blind to the reality of what will take place as a result of the merger divestitures and the change in air service in N. Texas and it does make me wish for anyone's demise by talking about it.

I still say that those who have celebrated keeping DL out of the process in order to save slots for WN and other LFCs will be in for a very rude awakening about how aggressively WN will work to make these markets succeed and expand their network; the same can be said for every other LCC that is involved. DL would look very tame in comparison.
Bla bla bla

How many words were in your last post.

I am old school, let me get my slide rule.

I have never heard of WORD or Steve Jobs.

I must look like a doofus.
I don't know how anyone else sees you but I surely don't see you as a doofus.

I did a word count of the two posts in less time than it took you to type bla bla bla
I dont think anyone celebrated the fact that dl did not get any slots merely we proved u wrong
Bec u kept telling us dl would get slots or they would file lawsuit.. to date we are waiting to see the frivolous lawsuit as for north tx delta dumped dfw hub so its highly doubtful theyll add x nbr of flights at dal let alone dfw to the point of hub levels
You are correct that he has said DL would do something if DL did not get any gates.  But I am still convinced the divesture agreements include all the gates listed to go to LCC's as the DOJ has originally said.  Since DL is not LCC this would exclude them from the process.  I would still be pleasantly surprised if SWA did get them.  And I too could see Delta trying to sue to get them if they are not awarded them as a last chance resort, but it would be a waste of time and money IMO...
Hey WN,
You don't look like a doofus. 
He's the one that re-responded back to you that he used a program to count the words not himself literally counting the words,  LMAO.   He thinks that by showing you he only used, say 3-5 secs, to count the words, and compare the calculations, as to one of the rare times someone posted a little more than he did,  now everything is ok?   He just doesn't get it that he took the time to count them, who cares how long it took.   Reminds me of;  "I'm taking my ball and going home"  LOL...
Swamt do you knownif VX or B6 might try or even Spirit or Allegiant might bid for dal?
the only doofuses (or is it doofi) are those who worry about the amount of words instead of the message.

I personally appreciate the contribution of all in the discussion. That's why I participate.

If you can find a thread where I said, "If DL doesn't get the slots at DCA, then they WILL sue... " then let me know and I will plead guilty.

I still believe that DL believes the government is not legally justified in carving up access to an airport based on whether a carrier offers low fares by some non-specific definition or not.
They have a little bit ground to stand of if they say they are trying to create the most amount of oppportunity for all carriers in an airport where there will likely be no further significant change in access in the future, other than potential mergers between carriers... however, that might be allowed.

It is even less defensible to argue that access to DAL should be given to an LCC when LUV is getting access to DAL on the basis of being an LCC. To argue that an entire airport should be limited to LCCs is beyond defensible and likely would be challenged if it comes to that.

The reason why you won't find "DL will sue... " statements is because DL might choose to suck it up and take a less confrontational strategy to achieve what it wants... and it could also choose to acquire one of the carriers that possess slots, arguing again why AA was allowed to increase its position at LGA at all given that its position was larger than DL's share at DCA.

And it still doesn't change that the amount of increased competition at DCA will render many of the slots that AA holds worthless because the fares will drop too low to allow them to compete. In which case, there could be many slots come on the market at some point in the future. Economics trump gov't regulation.

BTW, did you guys get the question on LUV's earnings conference call from an analyst asking what it looks like to have DL flying 717s into DAL?
WT just called himself a doofus, how great is that.  Just read his first sentence above, and scroll back and read where he was the VERY first one to bring up the "number of words in a post"  What a doofus...
I, as well as others, really thought VX and Spirit was going to bid on DAL gates.  B6 and Allegiant (to my knowledge) has not put bids in on DAL gates.  The only public pursuer is DL, which is not an LCC.  Not trying to say nobody could be successful at LF against SWA, but pretty sure most are a little scared to give it a shot at an airport that SWA has more than 80% control of.  Again, not saying it couldn't happen, but it would be hard as hell to accomplish, AND would take years to achieve...
swamt said:
Not trying to say nobody could be successful at LF against SWA, but pretty sure most are a little scared to give it a shot at an airport that SWA has more than 80% control of.  Again, not saying it couldn't happen, but it would be hard as hell to accomplish, AND would take years to achieve...
and I believe all of the LFCs serve DFW where they have all succeeded fairly well.

why would they leave or even divide their operations at DFW where they do well against a much higher cost AA to come slug it out with WN in a market where no one really knows what WN will be able to do at DAL?

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